RPGM Completed NPC Sex! Welcome to Parallel World! [v1.0] [Kunka Kunka Empire]

2.80 star(s) 5 Votes


May 19, 2017
You two do know this is basically the same argument as "If you didn't like [blank] then why don't you do it yourself?" I know you don't like people complaining bout MTLs but your "solutions" are patronizing because you know the people probably can't do it themselves. Give a real solution if you actually want to say something like "Pay a translator" or something, because you are being just as unhelpful as the guys your replying to.
I'll read a shit story as long as I can enjoy it or shit on it. Plus I'd rather know what's being said in an erotic game than not, after all situational eroticism is known to enhance the experience, and dialogue can bring that out even in a shit game.
No special skills are required to read broken english text and turn it into not broken english text.

The JSONs can be edited with any text editor.

The only qualifications needed are a computer and patience.


Aug 13, 2017
I was speaking of translating for one, for another even if it can be done not everyone CAN do it. Also if it's so easy you would think the people who post MTLs would do it themselves instead of the downloaders having to do it. It's almost like MTLs don't have to be a blind bag of quality if people put in work.
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May 19, 2017
I was speaking of translating for one, for another even if it can be done not everyone CAN do it. Also if it's so easy you would think the people who post MTLs would do it themselves instead of the downloaders having to do it. It's almost like MTLs don't have to be a blind bag of quality if people put in work.
I know at least one person other than you who has told me they're doing this one. So basically it's gonna happen.

I would argue that nearly anyone with a good grasp of the English language and enough patience to learn how to properly format a string in javascript could do it.

As for how to format a string, you can type basically whatever you want in there, but can't add any extra " or \ characters on their own because they will break the syntax. If you need a plaintext quotation mark use: \" -- that's basically all you need to know.

If you have the RPGmaker editor it's even easier.

Other than that, you back up the files, you make some edits, you check your edits in game to make sure you didn't break anything. Repeat this process until all dialogue is fixed.


Also, I don't know why anyone would expect the uploader to fix the MTL. Unless it's a paid position. Presumably someone paid for this game (I guess the uploader) so that we could have it for free. People basically have 3 choices:

  • Play it as is.
  • Help make it better.
  • Piss off.
Standing around complaining about a pirated game that you received for free is ridiculous. Trying to foist responsibility for editing the existing translation onto the person who presumably already paid for it and machine translated it for you is especially ridiculous. AFAIK the uploader doesn't have a Patreon and isn't getting compensated in any way, and may in fact be out money by having bought the fuggin game for you.
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Jul 29, 2017
People shouldn't really be complaining about MTL on a game that has a shit story lol.

What, you want to be reading MC's lines that's just mostly about them commenting on the woman? And majority of the time its just the same thing lol. Heck, MTL in this case is enough to get the gist of what they're saying since all you get is MC saying how big their tits are or how they want to impregnate them etc.

Translators shouldn't waste their time on pieces where story isn't even important. Especially very short games like this. MLT is practically enough. Sure sometimes they add stuff like small puzzles or hints that you need to understand to proceed. But in this case, you just talk to every npc you can and you'll eventually find what you're looking for
i mean how can i know if its a shit story if the story is MTL lol.

But nah i get what you're saying but then we can argue that if thats the case, then why MTL in the first place? since like you said most hentai/porn scenes in every HRPG are just "MC's lines that's just mostly about them commenting on the woman?" or something along the same variety right? Like i totally agree with story being a big part of what makes a game good but it goes hand in hand with the dialogue. Imagine the best film/book you've seen/read with the best storyline/plot but the conversations between the people are MTL. kinda takes away from the story no? infact you could even say that the quality in the story is lowered because of it.

I agree, Translators shouldn't waste their time on pieces where story isn't even important. But does that simply mean such a piece deserves the MTL treatment? I dont think so, as mentioned before it lowers the quality of the piece even if its "short" or if the "story isn't even important" (which is subjective). Im sure the creator of the game wouldnt appreciate a half-assed (realistically an eighth-assed) translation by some random human using a machine to translate their work poorly.

TL;DR: dialogue is important to coom. quality of the story is subjective. MTL makes good games bad and average games worse. I hate MTL. dont MTL. i respect ur onion.
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Aug 13, 2017
So are you saying it's okay to give out a lazy product just because you weren't paid for it? I might be using this site, but that doesn't mean I don't pay for games, or that I use it with paid products because these often have translations when the actual circle can't or won't make them. That ain't the point though, even if I never paid for anything, I'd rather no one translate it than it be half-assed. I mean if you go through the starting effort as long as there's no detriment to you, why not finish the thing right?

I mean I bet you'd have something to say if someone wrote a story that was a masterpiece in the first half and dogshit in the second, and then when you ask what happened, they said "I'm not getting paid, so what's the point" You weren't getting paid in the first place so why even start by that logic. Fuck by that logic why are you commenting, why did they post it here, why do I have to keep seeing the argument that there's no point to effort without compensation if we all aren't getting paid for it. I'm not saying give 110% but at least give enough that I can at least say "there was an effort made."

You just said the thing was easy so why foist it onto someone else when the person who took upon the responsibility to translate it could have easily done it and saved everyone some time? Because they aren't getting paid. That's the kind of argument that grinds me, because it is just a justification for laziness.


May 19, 2017
So are you saying it's okay to give out a lazy product just because you weren't paid for it? I might be using this site, but that doesn't mean I don't pay for games, or that I use it with paid products because these often have translations when the actual circle can't or won't make them. That ain't the point though, even if I never paid for anything, I'd rather no one translate it than it be half-assed. I mean if you go through the starting effort as long as there's no detriment to you, why not finish the thing right?

I mean I bet you'd have something to say if someone wrote a story that was a masterpiece in the first half and dogshit in the second, and then when you ask what happened, they said "I'm not getting paid, so what's the point" You weren't getting paid in the first place so why even start by that logic. Fuck by that logic why are you commenting, why did they post it here, why do I have to keep seeing the argument that there's no point to effort without compensation if we all aren't getting paid for it. I'm not saying give 110% but at least give enough that I can at least say "there was an effort made."

You just said the thing was easy so why foist it onto someone else when the person who took upon the responsibility to translate it could have easily done it and saved everyone some time? Because they aren't getting paid. That's the kind of argument that grinds me, because it is just a justification for laziness.

Please don't talk about anyone else justifying laziness in this context. You are literally here complaining about a free (bad) translation for a free game that someone else has bought for you. Especially when there are people literally already re-translating it for you right now. Jesus Christ. Entitlement much?

And in case I need to remind you, the reason that they are free to retranslate it for you now is because it was posted here.

This is what you are not getting: There is no 'lazy product' here.
There is no product. Nobody has sold anyone anything. Nobody has any obligations here, contractual, fiduciary, or otherwise.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2018
By far the greatest NPC game IMO (though NPC Sex - Free to fuck all for me has the best art still) I like how the more you f the npc, the more you can influence almost all of them... unlocked 2 out of 3? Endings? (How many endings are there? Not having a gallery is a Meh) But for now, Imma sleep and then afterwards try filling up the demon gauge xD

P.S. Bunny girl at the bar shows up after 2 (or was it 3?) times you go in and out of it... (She would spawn near the robed guy with the ticket to the castle)

Also tried the Virgin route but you can’t enter the Demon Castle with less than 23 Devil Points and the ending without getting it to 25 with f the demon queen twice.

Edit: Seems like there are really only 2 endings, if there are more lemme know xD
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Aug 13, 2017
You do know product doesn't just mean something sold, right? It can also mean the result of work, natural or mechanical. So yes there is a product, and you are still wrong. Oh and also you don't fucking get to call me entitled for pointing out faults just because you don't agree with them. Criticizing work isn't entitlement; I am not saying I'm owed anything, nor that I should get special treatment, I am saying that doing work half finished is just as bad as not doing it at all. I get that there's no obligation, that don't make shit taste like rainbows.

That was my argument, you can disagree with it, but don't try to shift it by saying "but that work could be done by you" because that wasn't the point. Finally, who cares that someone's translating it, that's also some shit that has nothing to do with my argument, my original point was that the two comments I quoted were just as bad as the comments they were calling out.
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Sep 25, 2017
You do know product doesn't just mean something sold, right? It can also mean the result of work, natural or mechanical. So yes there is a product, and you are still wrong. Oh and also you don't fucking get to call me entitled for pointing out faults just because you don't agree with them. Criticizing work isn't entitlement; I am not saying I'm owed anything, nor that I should get special treatment, I am saying that doing work half finished is just as bad as not doing it at all. I get that there's no obligation, that don't make shit taste like rainbows.

That was my argument, you can disagree with it, but don't try to shift it by saying "but that work could be done by you" because that wasn't the point. Finally, who cares that someone's translating it, that's also some shit that has nothing to do with my argument, my original point was that the two comments I quoted were just as bad as the comments they were calling out.

With how much you wrote arguing about it you could've re-written a good chunk of it by now. Get to it. Be the change you want to see in the world.


May 19, 2017
You do know product doesn't just mean something sold, right? It can also mean the result of work, natural or mechanical. So yes there is a product, and you are still wrong. Oh and also you don't fucking get to call me entitled for pointing out faults just because you don't agree with them. Criticizing work isn't entitlement; I am not saying I'm owed anything, nor that I should get special treatment, I am saying that doing work half finished is just as bad as not doing it at all. I get that there's no obligation, that don't make shit taste like rainbows.

That was my argument, you can disagree with it, but don't try to shift it by saying "but that work could be done by you" because that wasn't the point. Finally, who cares that someone's translating it, that's also some shit that has nothing to do with my argument, my original point was that the two comments I quoted were just as bad as the comments they were calling out.
Well, you can be dissatisfied at the quality of the "product", but it does make you an idiot. You seem to want immediate satisfaction. It seems like you want a complete stranger to basically take on a full time job buying adult videogames with their own money and translating them line by line for you for no pay.

And, woe is you, they only did *half* of that. The nerve!

So, yes, you are acting entitled.

Meanwhile the person who posted this here probably spent their own money on it, went through the effort of running it through a translator, posted it here so that people could play it for free, and what they get out of the deal is a bunch of spoiled perverts complaining at them. So who's getting a raw deal?

The translation will likely get rewritten. If it's not up to your standards before then, tough shit.


Sep 28, 2018
You two do know this is basically the same argument as "If you didn't like [blank] then why don't you do it yourself?" I know you don't like people complaining bout MTLs but your "solutions" are patronizing because you know the people probably can't do it themselves. Give a real solution if you actually want to say something like "Pay a translator" or something, because you are being just as unhelpful as the guys your replying to.
If you care about it, you investigate or like you said, you pay someone else. I'm not giving a solution, I'm just saying that the other dude is a lazy fk that complains about something that someone did for other people to enjoy (I don't think that someone is making a living of these MTL).

It's not the same saying that "the translation is bad" (a valid point, but it doesn't has anything to do with the real game) to "ohh, another MTL, that shit shouldn't exist and people should make good translations of this" (pure BS).

Bashing the only available way of playing a game that wouldn't be available is plain stupid.


Sep 8, 2018
Ah all this defense for lazy MTL "translations". Last time I saw this many posts in favor of it was when the MTL straight up broke the game because the idiot who did it couldn't be bothered to test if it works. Credit to the "translator" for not breaking this game but if you keep defending things like that, broken games might become a norm here, can't wait
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2020
Hmmm... 450mb? o_O
Prev 2 games have only 150-200mg...
Interesing... It means this game have 2x more content?


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2018
Hmmmm... why not just ignore MTLs if you don’t like it then? I mean MTLs are indeed bad but they can sometimes give you atleast and idea what the games is about and such... this game for example doesn’t need to have an in-depth translation to be understood but it was still even slightly better than plain Japanese to be honest. Even doing an MTL needs enough effort to do and unless you are a professional translator that can easily translate this, then just do so.
I mean, who knows, maybe someone out there “translates” games by “proof-reading” MTL-d games because they somehow liked those games because of the MTLs somehow giving them the idea of the game’s story (which in some cases aren’t really given justice by short summary of the game) and wanted it to be more understandable.
(I tried doing this but it was hard work, just planning out how you should do things already gave me a huge headed and gave up xD).

Well, about the game breaking because of MTL-ing, even those with “proper” translation can and suffer from this, saying only MTLs does is kinda biased... I mean most game devs really don’t mind having their games in this site coz people can try the game out for themselves and spots errors and such which would be a great help to them since EVEN ORIGINAL GAME CREATORS AREN’T 100% SURE THAT THEIR GAMES ARE 100% ERROR-PROOF.

In short, unless they charge you for their MTLs, then just take this for free will ya, even just MTL-ing something needs a huge amount of effort so atleast give them an F for effort and not just say they shouldn’t even try.


May 14, 2020
The girls look cute, and I like the Idea.

The MTL thing sounds a bit headache inducing though lol


New Member
Jan 29, 2018
MTL is just fine for a game like this. Not like there is any real story involved. It's just a silly distraction to play through for the giggles. You can get the gist of what's happening as is, and not like stuff like this is meant to be replayed either. Don't see what the fuss is all about, and don't really see any reason for anyone to waste time doing a proper translation. This is not a masterpiece of storytelling, it's just some random fun to waste a half an hour or so on.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2017
I agree with...both sides. lol?

But, let me say (again), you can more times than not (imho), get the same level of satisfaction -or more- when doing the TL texthooking on-the-fly for yourself with Textractor/VNR/ITHVNR/TA/blabla for showel-RPGMaker games, than with a zero-effort (i.e. "I clicked thrice in Translator++, I'm done; yaaaay!") MTL.
Also, yes, those can't break the game.

In my ideal world, all MTLs would be touched up (at least a little bit) before upload, no matter how basic/showel the game (or the dialogue, or the scripts of the game). But I think we all know our world is not necessarily...ideal.

I highly doubt that someone pays for the(se) minimum-effort MTLs, though. If they do...
Well, I guess it's their choice.
2.80 star(s) 5 Votes