Game is lightweight, I believe an office laptop can still run it well.Hi everyone, can anyone tell me the minimum specifications for this game?
don't think so, just ask for save data insteadgallery unlock mod ?
Knight6797,帖子:14724302,会员:5150632 said:嗯,我不知道这会怎么样,但我祈祷上帝和上天保佑一切都好,我喜欢 netori 游戏。
Windows ~ C:\Users\<User Name>\AppData\LocalLow\DefaultCompany\NTR_LessonWhere to extract the 100% save files?
If I remember correctly party is invite Sakura to home at weekend where Yui and Kaede is home too. and fall of fighter is lost fight with Yanki behind storeuhm how to unlock the weekend party and the faint of the fighter in the DLC gallery guys?
Weekend Party. At Saturday hit midnight to turn to Sunday. Find Sakura standing outside the store and bring her back to Hiroshi's House. When the XXX begins finish a round and there should be an option about feeling someone's presence. Click on that option and there you go. Faint of the Fighter needs you to fail the mini-game instead of beating up the thug.uhm how to unlock the weekend party and the faint of the fighter in the DLC gallery guys?