Recommending NTR, netorare, cuckold - resources, discussion, development

5.00 star(s) 4 Votes


Jan 21, 2019
alright, I got another concept for y'all
  • mc is in a club with 2 or 3 female heroines. the club helps other clubs (remember anime SKET Dance)
  • everyday, during club meeting, each fmc is randomized which club they are going to help
  • being random, two or more fmc can help same club on the same day
  • during the meeting, mc will also have a choise which club to help / which fmc to accompany
  • by going to the same club as an fmc, she will get +1♥
  • every meeting, with enough ♥ with all 3 fmc, you can ask them for a harem scene
  • end of the day, with enough ♥ you can ask an fmc on the same club for a vanilla scene
  • the CG will depend on the day's club, e.g. asking her after swim club, she will be in swimsuit
    • (other: track-field=sportswear, gymnastics=leotard, anime club=cosplay)
  • sounds simple so far? good. now enough with the vanilla crap.
NTR Progression
  • each club also has a secret club♥ stat towards each fmc. everytime an fmc goes to the club, +1♥ to it
  • (reminder: clubs they visit are random daily, but main gameplay is the mechanic to stop it)
  • after reaching specific club♥ milestones: 20 40 60 80 100, NTR stage progresses
  • of course, initial stages will not be actual NTR, but only boys approaching the fmc, then gradually intensifies
  • mc♥ being higher than club♥ will block NTR scene. MC 60♥ Club 40♥, the NTR 40 scene will not happen
    • hurrah fmc standing up for herself choosing MC
  • mc going to the same club as an fmc: -3♥ for this club, and blocks NTR for the club today
  • two or more fmc on the same club will also block NTR for the day, but does not deduct club's ♥
  • the club's ♥ for each fmc is not visible in-game, so you have to keep track yourself, and accompany fmcs who you think are in danger
    • you'll have to use other resources to get hinted by the progression, explained later
  • since club♥+ is only possible if mc is not going to same club, mc does not know NTR is happening, until later
  • the goal of NTR events being in clubs is their costume. fmc will wear club's costume during the NTR event
    • same as mentioned in vanilla explanation (swim club=swimsuit, track-field=sportswear, library=uniform, etc)
  • NTR event happening is club♥+5, MC♥-(stage x 4). e.g. Club♥ 80 Event is Stage 4, MC♥-16 (for balancing)
  • not going to the same club for the day MC♥-1 for fmcs that are not accompanied
  • sometimes % chance, someone can distract you and not able to attend pre-meeting, you don't know where each FMC went, and so you have to choose gut feeling that you go to the right club to stop progress
    • possibly, we can have mc ask other students if they've seen fmc, % chance they know or not
Avoiding NTR
  • keep their hidden counters low by accompanying them in the clubs, dont let one progress too far
  • also, there will be "hints" if you fail to keep track of their counters
    • her behavior changes during meetings, or an expression change in stat screen
    • other fmcs noticing it and telling you other girl doesnt look well
    • great hints is that if you see any of the "learning of NTR events" section
Learning of NTR Events
  • Evesdrop classroom rumors, text only.
    • "did you hear fmc1 wore bloomers in track practice yesterday?"
    • "fmc2 didn't look well during practice yesterday, xyz helped her to the infirmary"
    • This should start in the earliest stages: "hey fmc1 and xyz are getting quite close recently"
  • In-game SNS will show anon posts featuring teaser pics
    • Might even start before NTRs. sometimes fmc wearing clothes that even MC hasn't seen (e.g. fmc1 in bloomers)
    • Sometimes posts outside of NTR counters: peek changing clothes, or wardrobe malfunctions during club
  • A user in the school forums sell more pics of the NTR progress
  • A user in the school forums sometimes has video of NTR progress (dialog scenes)
Endings? None
  • there is no actual ending. up to player to stop playing, either they got the scenes they want (harem, fmc vanilla)
  • or if they keep playing, eventually they will encounter both fmc1 and fmc2 are in diff clubs, and in danger
    • they might have to choose a girl, but one will get NTR'd for sure coz you can only accompany one
    • you can stop playing if this happens lol
  • tbh even I don't know all possible scenarios like this you might encounter, its really based on how you played it
Concept Update 1
  • Difficulty modes
    • Easy - the original explanation
    • Average - game will not explicitly tell you which clubs they go to, but have hints like which uniform they're wearing during the pre-meeting (but this is not indicative, as sportswear can be track or basketball for example), and you can stop one fmc at the end and ask her where she's going
    • Hard - no way to know where they're going each day
  • Special Event: Summer Vacation Club Trip
    • On this event, all 3 fmc will go to different clubs to help with during the summer vacation, all going to diff trips
    • You will have to choose ONE club to go to, only one fmc to accompany during the trip
      • +♥15 to the one chosen, -♥5 to those not chosen
    • During the trip, all NTR counter requirements lowered by 20 to advance the stage
    • So you have to make sure all 3 fmc are low enough before this trip if you dont want anything to happen
      • This is determined after the -♥5 to those not chosen, so make sure they're really low
    • (fmc1 to the mountains-onsen NTR event, fmc2 to the beach-swimsuit NTR event, fmc3 to a village-public NTR)
    • Again only happens to fmcs you don't accompany during trip. You'll only know IF it did happen after you get back and check sources
  • Character development
    • All 3 fmc go different ways after club activities. You have to choose one to go home with.
    • mc♥+2 to the one you accompany, mc♥-1 to those not accompanied.
    • Possible after-school events to the one you went home with. Dates depending on mc♥ with the fmc
    • You can choose one fmc to be your classmate.
      • She is immune to -♥ even if you dont accompany her for the day.
      • During class, she'll be the one to hint you if other girls don't look well, that something might be happening
      • She'll be more open/honest to you if it's herself in trouble, "i dont like going to xyz club"
  • Endings
    • I just thought we can have ending. Confession is allowed starting ♥100 with fmc, with 50% chance at the start, but increases chance as it moves to ♥200 which is 100% chance. so if it's a bar, ♥100 is a full pink bar, and moving after it starts an overlapping red bar, like second life in fighting games or koikatsu friendship meters.
      • This way there can be an actual ending one will be satisfied to end game with, without opting to stop only because NTR is next
    • Harem ending appears if you have all fmc at ♥200. this is not chance like single confession. you NEED to have all at ♥200.
  • Note: my concern currently is that we need 2 or 3 heroines for this to work. I feel like individual parts of a harem being NTR'd is not a tried and tested trope? Most NTRs are like, 1 fmc stolen no? at least, the effect for me is not that hard because sure I still have 2 other girls with me.
    • But if you think about it, all vanilla VNs with heroine routes are NTRs. Choosing one girl, after the ending eventually the others will find their own love in that route. This game is just a representation of this. Choosing one and ignoring others, you will experience this after-story NTR you don't see on vanilla games.
Last edited:


Active Member
Sep 12, 2018
For me, ntr scenes shouldn't happen as a punishment (fail a battle/a quest...). IMO, they're boring and one dimensional.
I enjoy ntr element as a option, and I very much like heroines who have a mind on their own, like Lena from Our Red Strings, Alexia in Seeds of Chaos, or the Priestess in The Hero party must fall: the heroes love them and do things that get their respective relationship closer? Yes. But the girl in their gameplay section get choices to get it on with other guys as well, and for some reasons they do just that.

I can't list more games like that atm, but to sum it up, my point is: To go with choices that are obviously bad decisions (from MC's perspective) as well as NTR scenes happening because of player inputs ONLY, are unpalatable and lower the enjoyment.

Just wanna voice my thoughts, sorry if I can't elaborate it in a more comprehensible way or if my grammar is a incoherent mess.
Well, In at least two of the games you mentioned, Seeds of chaos and Our red string, the girl is the second main character.
Basically, you make the decision for them whether they want to be faithful or not. Hero party must fall on the other hand leave priestess with not much of a choice. She can't have sex with Erin because the goddess forbid it, and the only other male party member is Mars.

I do like the idea that the girl have their own agenda and not just stupid walking fuck hole, who only pretend to defend themselves against the bad guys, but they don't do it very actively. But how to make it work in a game without making her another playable character, it's quite the task for the developer.

Basically, I can enjoy any game, as long as the characters are well written and their motivations aren't too forced. But then again, if you go back to the part where you really want to protect the girl, that's where A Promise Best Left Unkept comes to mind for me. Until the second part, where the girl lost all her trucks and became despicable for me, how twisted she really was deep inside. Still, I can't say I enjoyed the game all the way through, as it's more of a kinetic novel, plus we have to play as a complete idiot. But the sex scenes are very well written and even before the animations came, they looked outstanding. So until the second part of the game, I really liked the Laura character and how sex scenes were presented. She really wanted to do this for the sake of her beloved, and I sympathize with her motivation. Despite that it was somewhat painful to watch, it was also arousing (Especially if you put yourself in the role of the observer of the story). Moreover, it was more erotic because dev came up with such a great idea as "the rules" during their intimate relations. Here I really regretted that this was not a game in the full sense, with this idea it was possible to come up with a lot of things. Here INsight of you come to mind, where the MC controlling his female boss and setting up various rules or tasks for her to follow. And it is a sandbox game with stats and various paths. So I think that another way to approach NTR development is to create mechanics that prevent the player from achieving happiness with his heroine, but at the same time they can be sexualised and enjoyable, rather than punishing the player who didn't really want to protect the girl.


Jun 1, 2018
alright, I got another concept for y'all
  • mc is in a club with 2 or 3 female heroines. the club helps other clubs (remember anime SKET Dance)
  • everyday, during club meeting, each fmc is randomized which club they are going to help
  • being random, two or more fmc can help same club on the same day
  • during the meeting, mc will also have a choise which club to help / which fmc to accompany
  • by going to the same club as an fmc, she will get +1♥
  • every meeting, with enough ♥ with all 3 fmc, you can ask them for a harem scene
  • end of the day, with enough ♥ you can ask an fmc on the same club for a vanilla scene
  • the CG will depend on the day's club, e.g. asking her after swim club, she will be in swimsuit
    • (other: track-field=sportswear, gymnastics=leotard, anime club=cosplay)
  • sounds simple so far? good. now enough with the vanilla crap.
NTR Progression
  • each club also has a secret club♥ stat towards each fmc. everytime an fmc goes to the club, +1♥ to it
  • (reminder: clubs they visit are random daily, but main gameplay is the mechanic to stop it)
  • after reaching specific club♥ milestones: 20 40 60 80 100, NTR stage progresses
  • of course, initial stages will not be actual NTR, but only boys approaching the fmc, then gradually intensifies
  • mc♥ being higher than club♥ will block NTR scene. MC 60♥ Club 40♥, the NTR 40 scene will not happen
    • hurrah fmc standing up for herself choosing MC
  • mc going to the same club as an fmc: -3♥ for this club, and blocks NTR for the club today
  • two or more fmc on the same club will also block NTR for the day, but does not deduct club's ♥
  • the club's ♥ for each fmc is not visible in-game, so you have to keep track yourself, and accompany fmcs who you think are in danger
    • you'll have to use other resources to get hinted by the progression, explained later
  • since club♥+ is only possible if mc is not going to same club, mc does not know NTR is happening, until later
  • the goal of NTR events being in clubs is their costume. fmc will wear club's costume during the NTR event
    • same as mentioned in vanilla explanation (swim club=swimsuit, track-field=sportswear, library=uniform, etc)
  • NTR event happening is club♥+5, MC♥-(stage x 4). e.g. Club♥ 80 Event is Stage 4, MC♥-16 (for balancing)
  • not going to the same club for the day MC♥-1 for fmcs that are not accompanied
  • sometimes % chance, someone can distract you and not able to attend pre-meeting, you don't know where each FMC went, and so you have to choose gut feeling that you go to the right club to stop progress
    • possibly, we can have mc ask other students if they've seen fmc, % chance they know or not
Avoiding NTR
  • keep their hidden counters low by accompanying them in the clubs, dont let one progress too far
  • also, there will be "hints" if you fail to keep track of their counters
    • her behavior changes during meetings, or an expression change in stat screen
    • other fmcs noticing it and telling you other girl doesnt look well
    • great hints is that if you see any of the "learning of NTR events" section
Learning of NTR Events
  • Evesdrop classroom rumors, text only.
    • "did you hear fmc1 wore bloomers in track practice yesterday?"
    • "fmc2 didn't look well during practice yesterday, xyz helped her to the infirmary"
    • This should start in the earliest stages: "hey fmc1 and xyz are getting quite close recently"
  • In-game SNS will show anon posts featuring teaser pics
    • Might even start before NTRs. sometimes fmc wearing clothes that even MC hasn't seen (e.g. fmc1 in bloomers)
    • Sometimes posts outside of NTR counters: peek changing clothes, or wardrobe malfunctions during club
  • A user in the school forums sell more pics of the NTR progress
  • A user in the school forums sometimes has video of NTR progress (dialog scenes)
Endings? None
  • there is no actual ending. up to player to stop playing, either they got the scenes they want (harem, fmc vanilla)
  • or if they keep playing, eventually they will encounter both fmc1 and fmc2 are in diff clubs, and in danger
    • they might have to choose a girl, but one will get NTR'd for sure coz you can only accompany one
    • you can stop playing if this happens lol
  • tbh even I don't know all possible scenarios like this you might encounter, its really based on how you played it
  • Haha
Reactions: Soulesssone
Sep 8, 2021
I think your problem is playing crappy NTR games, because unfortunately most of them are going to have a super generic and convenient story for the MC to be dumb enough to be betrayed for whatever futile reason and keep getting betrayed. The solution for this market is not to make games with avoidable NTR, as this would transform the market that is already heavily criticized for this fetish into a place that would serve even more those who complain about them. Knowing this, the best way to resolve the situation is if developers were more capable not only of resources but of mentality, so we would have very good games in terms of technical quality and script. Despite this, you must take into account the types of netorare, if you like complex stories you will have to look for quality games on the market, in addition to simpler stories. A good example of a somewhat complex NTR game is the Girlfriend tapes, where the story is very good, the MC is not stupid and is actually very suspicious that he might be a cuckold, however his girlfriend is very sneaky in the meantime, making with the NTR extending even if the MC isn't dumb and generic to let that happen.
Few things,

1. I don't disagree with your point. There are a lot of crappy (usually jrpg) ntr games out there, and I also happen to play them. My opinion may also be biased off the fact I'm not a fan of hard cucking, like the mc knowing his girl is cheating and loving it. I much prefer him not knowing/slowly finding out. I also much prefer having a say in the ntr side of the story. I don't think most ntr games would benefit from a non-ntr route, but I still think a lot would.

2. Thanks for the game mention. I tried it, and GF tapes was fun.

3. I have to disagree on your point on GF tapes. In fact, I think it sort of proves my point in a way. From what I see, the game rn has three routes. Cuck route, confront route, best friend route. Confront route is essentially the anti-ntr route, (even though you still get ntr'd), and I think the game would've much worse if they didn't have it. My entire point is it's kinda annoying when easily avoidable/noticable ntr is happening beneath an mcs nose, and you as a player can't do anything about it. That's not the case in GF tapes, they let you confront and evolve. I think if your mc is intellgent, and isn't just some massive cuck, he should eventually gain the option to do something about the ntr.


Sep 5, 2022
I have to disagree on your point on GF tapes. In fact, I think it sort of proves my point in a way. From what I see, the game rn has three routes. Cuck route, confront route, best friend route. Confront route is essentially the anti-ntr route, (even though you still get ntr'd), and I think the game would've much worse if they didn't have it. My entire point is it's kinda annoying when easily avoidable/noticable ntr is happening beneath an mcs nose, and you as a player can't do anything about it. That's not the case in GF tapes, they let you confront and evolve. I think if your mc is intellgent, and isn't just some massive cuck, he should eventually gain the option to do something about the ntr.
Yes. And I agree with your point about MC should have a say in the situation.

If the MC doesn't wanna improve the relationship with the heroine then the game is netorase imo.

In low-quality NTR games with crappy game design, the only options to see ntr scenes are always intentionally neglecting the heroin/don't give her x amount of gifts/don't spend time with her,... at that point, I myself can't see the point of NTR anymore, shouldn't it's fine if the heroin can just start a relationship with "bad" guy(s) and cast aside the "good" guy that doesn't give her love anymore?


Active Member
Sep 12, 2018
Yes. And I agree with your point about MC should have a say in the situation.

If the MC doesn't wanna improve the relationship with the heroine then the game is netorase imo.

In low-quality NTR games with crappy game design, the only options to see ntr scenes are always intentionally neglecting the heroin/don't give her x amount of gifts/don't spend time with her,... at that point, I myself can't see the point of NTR anymore, shouldn't it's fine if the heroin can just start a relationship with "bad" guy(s) and cast aside the "good" guy that doesn't give her love anymore?
Agree. To be honest, such games remind me of those female protagonist games, where you have to lose a fight on purpose to see the sex content. Well, those who really love rape are probably fine with it, but let's say I have a gamer mentality. So when I play a game, I want to win it and be rewarded for it. So I would prefer to get the pleasure in the process. That said, this does not at all contradict the very idea that it is possible to have this very pleasure while playing. I've seen at least a few games where sex during combat was done well without you having to intentionally give in and lose. Succubus Connect, Magical Girl Celesphonia are good ones (They are not NTR). And the last NTR game SAO trap of breath, but here it only applies to the combat mechanics, the game itself doesn't give you a choice. And overall, I didn't like this game too much, it just has good sexy mechanics and good graphic.

I think it's more than possible to make a game where both parties can be happy with. Exceptions are probably the hardcore fans of vanilla or NTR, who just want the pure thing without shades.
Apr 5, 2022
Few things,

1. I don't disagree with your point. There are a lot of crappy (usually jrpg) ntr games out there, and I also happen to play them. My opinion may also be biased off the fact I'm not a fan of hard cucking, like the mc knowing his girl is cheating and loving it. I much prefer him not knowing/slowly finding out. I also much prefer having a say in the ntr side of the story. I don't think most ntr games would benefit from a non-ntr route, but I still think a lot would.

2. Thanks for the game mention. I tried it, and GF tapes was fun.

3. I have to disagree on your point on GF tapes. In fact, I think it sort of proves my point in a way. From what I see, the game rn has three routes. Cuck route, confront route, best friend route. Confront route is essentially the anti-ntr route, (even though you still get ntr'd), and I think the game would've much worse if they didn't have it. My entire point is it's kinda annoying when easily avoidable/noticable ntr is happening beneath an mcs nose, and you as a player can't do anything about it. That's not the case in GF tapes, they let you confront and evolve. I think if your mc is intellgent, and isn't just some massive cuck, he should eventually gain the option to do something about the ntr.
we could point out that there is a standard for the perfect NTR, but even so, this would be relative in the view of other people since it depends on personal taste, that is, there are NTR in which it can be much more pleasant to play knowing that the MC looks a bit idiot to what is right in front of you and this entails the fact that the author will make the NTR and especially the sex scenes to be prolonged in the game, this would be the kind of light NTR to play because it does not have a complex story and is oriented more for the pleasure side of the player (take into account that despite this not necessarily the MC needs to be an idiot, but the situation can seem idiotic), a light NTR game but extremely good is SAO NTR and games from the same developer. On the other hand, let's have people who will prefer NTR more serious and with a heavier feel to the story, where the MC can probably look like an idiot in this kind of story too, which you might think and that taking the MC as an idiot would being a standard recipe for an NTR story, as if the person who is betrayed is necessarily naive enough to be betrayed and it doesn't change even in a heavy NTR or a light one. In the same way that we won't have 100 releases of 100% quality in any genre, we won't see the same in NTR content (actually it's more negative), that is, you really have to dig a lot to find an NTR that is really good or relatively good adhering to your ideas for that genre or not.
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Reactions: phantomz
Apr 5, 2022
we could point out that there is a standard for the perfect NTR, but even so, this would be relative in the view of other people since it depends on personal taste, that is, there are NTR in which it can be much more pleasant to play knowing that the MC looks a bit idiot to what is right in front of you and this entails the fact that the author will make the NTR and especially the sex scenes to be prolonged in the game, this would be the kind of light NTR to play because it does not have a complex story and is oriented more for the pleasure side of the player (take into account that despite this not necessarily the MC needs to be an idiot, but the situation can seem idiotic), a light NTR game but extremely good is SAO NTR and games from the same developer. On the other hand, let's have people who will prefer NTR more serious and with a heavier feel to the story, where the MC can probably look like an idiot in this kind of story too, which you might think and that taking the MC as an idiot would being a standard recipe for an NTR story, as if the person who is betrayed is necessarily naive enough to be betrayed and it doesn't change even in a heavy NTR or a light one. In the same way that we won't have 100 releases of 100% quality in any genre, we won't see the same in NTR content (actually it's more negative), that is, you really have to dig a lot to find an NTR that is really good or relatively good adhering to your ideas for that genre or not.
and still dealing with this idea, the MC being naive really seems like a prerequisite to be an MC of an NTR story, because people in general can see the cuckold as that individual who was naively betrayed/cheated, slovenly enough to being deceived by your partner and this must be the thought of the authors of NTR. Also, don't misunderstand the term naive MC in NTR as it doesn't mean he is a small penis loser like we see in most NTR, there are NTR games that the MC can be a great successful warrior and have a penis normal, but still this naivety will be present in him so that he can be conducive to being cuckolded by some factor. It's hard for you to buy the idea that a strong, beautiful and not naive MC can be the MC of an NTR story, because usually these guys are the Netori in the story, what you might end up seeing is an MC like that in a story with NTR avoidable, but this avoidable NTR gives a sense of NETORASE either by the MC or by the player himself, I've seen it in that game "Deliverance" in which the detective who is an incredible guy can be a cuckold in the game, but by his own will.
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Reactions: phantomz


Active Member
Dec 19, 2017
we could point out that there is a standard for the perfect NTR, but even so, this would be relative in the view of other people since it depends on personal taste, that is, there are NTR in which it can be much more pleasant to play knowing that the MC looks a bit idiot to what is right in front of you and this entails the fact that the author will make the NTR and especially the sex scenes to be prolonged in the game, this would be the kind of light NTR to play because it does not have a complex story and is oriented more for the pleasure side of the player (take into account that despite this not necessarily the MC needs to be an idiot, but the situation can seem idiotic), a light NTR game but extremely good is SAO NTR and games from the same developer. On the other hand, let's have people who will prefer NTR more serious and with a heavier feel to the story, where the MC can probably look like an idiot in this kind of story too, which you might think and that taking the MC as an idiot would being a standard recipe for an NTR story, as if the person who is betrayed is necessarily naive enough to be betrayed and it doesn't change even in a heavy NTR or a light one. In the same way that we won't have 100 releases of 100% quality in any genre, we won't see the same in NTR content (actually it's more negative), that is, you really have to dig a lot to find an NTR that is really good or relatively good adhering to your ideas for that genre or not.
Wow dude, the way you structure your sentences reminds me a text generated by AI more than any ChatGPT response I've ever seen. Kudos for that. Very hard to understand what you mean though, makes me feel stupid when I reread it multiple times and still am lost D:
5.00 star(s) 4 Votes