Went ahead and played it, and it was about what I expected. Id say a 5/10 for me. Its not bad and drawn out like Nebal, but the whole story premise is just not what I care for. One girl gets hypnotized and the other a curse mark that makes her have sex every 2 days or she dies. That's just a lazy setup to start the corruption.
Even with them not needing the hypnosis and curse in the later part of the game, its still the only reason they are slut which just kills it for me.
There are a lot of areas in town to explore, but no reason to explore them, even the few times we get side events with npcs its at most 2 sprites slammin into each other like a kid makin dolls kiss. Proper sprite animation would have bumped my score 2 maybe 3 points. Add in the slight setup with some npc stories, like the loving couple, then after the mass hypnosis event she is think that her guy is bad in bed, but that it. You never find her cheating with a guard or anything.
As combat goes its definitely the rpgm combat I like for the most part (walk into a mob and it just died, you may lose some hp, ect), but I wish bosses were just cutscene events instead of normal rpgm turned based fights.
Overall its what I expected so im not disappointed, i figured it was goin to be run of the mill with the mind control crap I dont like, and it was. The cg animation and art was good though, but the girls where not my type.
Took me 7.5hrs to complete.