Man, I'm happy he's back - but it's what everyone thought. He had way too many ideas and tried to put too much into his first game. I don't judge it, honestly - it's clearly something he's passionate about and he wanted to make Black Rune as perfect as possible but maybe he should have toned down a bit on the characters and content. There's so much original shit in the game (from sound design to shadow stuff, sprite work, systems, scenes, animations etc) that it's hard to imagine him being able to keep up the quality or meet deadlines - since BR will work as a chapter-based game - but mostly because he kept adding new features. The dev is a perfeccionist and that's what he needs to be aware of the most.
I'll play the demos of the other games/trials he posted and see what they're about - but again, it's kinda sad he was starting these projects in the dark, not even sure if he would finish them... Oof.