Ren'Py Abandoned On My Own [v0.0.6] [Slonique]

2.40 star(s) 5 Votes


Active Member
Oct 1, 2016
The Twist, YOU (the player) choose it or not, it's not forced on you. DoD, it's again based on player choice. If you don't want to see it reload, choose a different outfit. DmD, it's not even in the game, so don't act like its an example.

For all three of these mentioned, its either optional and can be avoided, or not even in the game. It's not like the Big Brother for example, where the player is forced into it and has no choice other than not play.

So your point again was what?
Wait, i didnt mean to be arrogant or anything :eek: , i even said i agreed with the things you said
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Sep 5, 2016
Aside from Analburk the others are still working on their game rather than giving up, you want to prove you're good? FINISH YOUR DAMN GAMES!! You squalk at me and about these other game makers, forget it, deal with you and yours, acknowledge the fact that you haven't completed anything, accept criticism and finish what your being paid for, as a final note it's the software that does the rendering not you, while that's happening you could be doing other work. In summary finish Abyss the way it's supposed to be, to the best of your ability, show us what you can do without excuses, finish a game for first time in your life, sanctimonious behaviour is the refuge of the coward and hypocrite.

I have to do this, so apologies to everyone else.

Got it?
Former, now currently undecided Slonique admirer.


New Member
Feb 28, 2017
Haters gonna hate:
- Man, your game sucks!!! Nobody likes it!!!
- Ok, I'll try something different.
- NO!!! Finish this one first!!!
- But it sucks and nobody likes it.
Here's my advice to you. You made this game because you have a story you want to tell, right? You have plans for it and a direction you want it to go. Tell your story, finish your story. Learn from telling and finishing your story and move on to the next. Don't quit in the middle because some people don't like where it is going. Tell the story you want in the way that you want and don't compromise. The problem with releasing games this way is that there are critics throughout the whole process and it poisons the final product. It has the potential to turn into a game designed by a committee and that just sucks.

Illegitimi non carborundum


GFX Designer
Respected User
Feb 1, 2017
A friendly advice:
The basics of any good story is the following:
- Create the characters first (a character with substance/personality can be the story itself (main character/s) and/or enhance it (main/side character/s) , i.e.: Sherlock Holmes , Poirot ...)
- Create a setting/s (the place where story take place)
- Create a plot/s and expand it in more paths (actions and consequences) , don't need to do it all at once just start with an idea and remember the story is the characters , the plot is just means to an end and to their evolution through the story.
-Put it all together.

Hope that helps , good luck in your endeavors.
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Sep 30, 2016
Wait, ANOTHER game by this dev... Can he just finish one!
It is starting to annoy me that these devs don't finish their games. It's like they have f**king A.D.D or something! They get bored easily and move on. Maybe they should not start a patreon (or how ever you spell it) page until they have completed 60 - 70 % of a game.

Added: After reading the former posts, the dev started a new game because he lost some pledges? Wants to be back on top? Well your not going to be anything if you can't complete a game, or release decent content. There are reasons why people pull pledges, lack of communication, irregular updates (or very long breaks), or just plan crap story / graphics and undelivered promises.

Dev, take a break. Honestly. Just take a break. Don't even bother doing this title until you have figured out WHAT story you want to tell, and HOW you want to execute it. This jumping from ship to ship is getting on everyone's nerves - that goes to all the devs that keep changing game developments.

If you are going to sit there and complain that people pulled pledges, that is their problem, not yours. You are going to have a hard time trying to please everyone, you know why, because no one can please everyone. There will always be whingers, complainers, disappointment etc etc. Just do the game how you want to do it and that is it, THEN start a new game.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2017
I must agree with you Adoringfan... Because of the great looking renders, I tried to get used to playing Abyss as well but you can't even corrupt her enough to have sex (or watch her have sex)! Maybe I got it wrong but I though t it was a porn game - boy was I mistaken! I tried this one too because of the great looking renders but without any substance, maybe Slonique should start using his skills (& he REALLY has some serious skills!!) to make comics... there's plenty of good 'uns out there too. Just my 2c worth...
I don't agree here: sex scenes for me are a "goal", what's interesting is the way to go for it. Good erotica knows how to create desire and frustration with voyeur, corruption, sexyfication scenes, instead of having sex in the first 5mn or something. That's what makes Big Brother great BTW.
My 2 cents, just to show that not everyone has the same tastes. :)

I agree though that complaining here is pointless, and that finishing the game is better than any argument!


Sep 30, 2016
Milking patreons detected
** Please attach this hose to the end of your wallet *begins milking process* - Oh, this is a fat wallet, might take 2 years to get it thin again! **

This is how Patreon works. Stupidest site to ever be created! It gives the lazy people a way of milking free money! And the site takes a cut too, hence why it still up and running!


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 20, 2016
I've done some games dev work in my time. I never tried to ask money for it because I didn't want to have to deal with this sort of problem.

Basically, there's going to come a crisis point in any Patreon project. You start out with a clean slate and make fast process. Then over time the complexity of the program grows. Adding stuff gets harder and testing it takes longer. Eventually you get to a point where the code is a mess and you need to refactor a ton of stuff if you're going to take it any further.

So what do you do then? You can't make a pure "under the hood" release because people are paying and want to see progress. You could try adding a very small scene and a lot of engine improvements, but the people are going to (not unreasonably) complain that you're trying to fob them off with a trivial update. Or you can add in some sexy bits, ignore the increasing mess that the code is becoming and kick the problem down the line for another month. Eventually the weight of all that cruft gets too much and you have to abandon the project. It's not like you were going to hit any deadlines at that point anyway.

That's not to say that some Patreon devs don't milk the system for all it's worth. But having been on that side of the fence, I have a lot of sympathy for folks in Slonique's position.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2017
** Please attach this hose to the end of your wallet *begins milking process* - Oh, this is a fat wallet, might take 2 years to get it thin again! **

This is how Patreon works. Stupidest site to ever be created! It gives the lazy people a way of milking free money! And the site takes a cut too, hence why it still up and running!
Man, why the hate, it's not like you are forced to give them your money, isn't it?
Because yes, they are some people trying to scam others in this, but on the other hand, one of the reasons of the recent development of western porn games is actually Patreon money. Nothing is black and white, and in this case the pros of patreon system easily outshine any con IMO.


Active Member
May 3, 2017
Oh, I see. Seems you prefer quantity over quality. In 10 days you can't make anything good, just a huge pile of crap. It's ok if you like it, but I don't want to be yet another shitlord. If a game has many bugs, it doesn't mean that author works hard. It means he doesn't even care to test it. If a 3D picture looks good, it means author spent hours setting up the lights and this is the work, not making 100 ugly pictures in short terms.
Seems I should have created another patreon and put current in "breading season" mode, promising a lot and doing nothing.
dude just pick a game and finish it!!! we like alpha male storylines and there is a shortage but maybe get a writer to help you out with the story or get a better translator...
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Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2016
I've done some games dev work in my time. I never tried to ask money for it because I didn't want to have to deal with this sort of problem.

Basically, there's going to come a crisis point in any Patreon project. You start out with a clean slate and make fast process. Then over time the complexity of the program grows. Adding stuff gets harder and testing it takes longer. Eventually you get to a point where the code is a mess and you need to refactor a ton of stuff if you're going to take it any further.

So what do you do then? You can't make a pure "under the hood" release because people are paying and want to see progress. You could try adding a very small scene and a lot of engine improvements, but the people are going to (not unreasonably) complain that you're trying to fob them off with a trivial update. Or you can add in some sexy bits, ignore the increasing mess that the code is becoming and kick the problem down the line for another month. Eventually the weight of all that cruft gets too much and you have to abandon the project. It's not like you were going to hit any deadlines at that point anyway.

That's not to say that some Patreon devs don't milk the system for all it's worth. But having been on that side of the fence, I have a lot of sympathy for folks in Slonique's position.
How do you fix this? Well, you start with a story flow chart and then build your code in such a way so that you ANTICIPATE changes. If you expect character relationships to change through the game then you add in the code beforehand with checks on what their response it based on the current status for example.

I've not used RPGMaker or Ren'PY but I have done coding professionally and the #1 issue I see with people making these on an amateur level is that they never look more than a day ahead, they code what they need now and put zero thought into what they may need in the future. Most of this mentality is not having a solid logic flow and status checks built into the storyline (it would help if most of them used flowcharts I suspect), and then not optimizing so the same code can be reused without having to be copied wholesale, something really old-fashioned like a logic check/loop.

Then again, maybe any sort of 'structured' coding is impossible in RPG maker and Ren'PY, but simply having a rough outline and logic branch ahead of time would save so many of these 'crisis points' that people seem to hit because they really had no idea beyond the initial premise of where the story would go.

Writing a game is no different than writing any other 'story' based art form; you have a beginning, a middle and an end. Enough backstory to set the stage, some conflict to stir the emotions and set up something for the characters to deal with, and a conclusion (happy, sad, bad, or anywhere in between) and you're done.
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Game Developer
Aug 20, 2016
How do you fix this? Well, you start with a story flow chart and then build your code in such a way so that you ANTICIPATE changes. If you expect character relationships to change through the game then you add in the code beforehand with checks on what their response it based on the current status for example.
Easy to say. I've been writing software professionally for three decades now, and cruft always builds up in a code base. Even agile methodologies that anticipate code from the get-go all assume that code will need to be refactored and that time will be made available for the refactoring. That's harder to do when your backers are expecting a certain increment of tit and ass with every release.

Then again, maybe any sort of 'structured' coding is impossible in RPG maker and Ren'PY, but simply having a rough outline and logic branch ahead of time would save so many of these 'crisis points' that people seem to hit because they really had no idea beyond the initial premise of where the story would go.
Actually, RPG Maker XP had most of its code written in pure Ruby. You could build object hierarchies and employ test driven development and it all worked. I gather they locked it down into a subset in later releases so I don't know how true that is these days, but you shouldn't underestimate the degree of software engineering you could bring to bear using RMXP.

But a lot of these people don't have the depth of experience or training to usefully apply those techniques. And even when you do, it's still possible to paint yourself into a corner.

Writing a game is no different than writing any other 'story' based art form; you have a beginning, a middle and an end. Enough backstory to set the stage, some conflict to stir the emotions and set up something for the characters to deal with, and a conclusion (happy, sad, bad, or anywhere in between) and you're done.
There are differences. You never get three quarters of the way through writing a book and realise that because of the naive chapter structure you chose, the final novel isn't going to be able to render at more than one character a second making it effectively unreadable. Yes, you need to be able to tell a story, but you also need to deliver it in software, and that's more complicated than simply writing the words.


Active Member
Aug 22, 2016
Get a good graphics card, preferably NVIDIA. Download DAZ3D or similar software. Download a couple assets (ARRRRR Matey). Pose them and render them.
You're welcome.

You need a fairly good machine to do this, if only for the fact that rendering in quality like this takes time. For the most part, it's lighting and rendering settings, it's something you'd be able to do yourself, but unless you have a good computer it'll take a while to render each scene.
I already know about software and hardware. I'm talking about art, like painting this 10 meter wide piece
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Don't tell me you just need some paint and a brush.

I already installed DAZ3D and tried to play around with it, but it's like other 3D software, I can only manage to do very simple stuff like 3 cylinders and a sphere stuck together, and I'm amazed by the guys who can design human beings and animals and shit
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Engaged Member
Dec 17, 2016
Your autism isn't high enough, you need to level that up some and then take some adderall for that extra edge


The Angry Person
Former Staff
Aug 18, 2016
I already know about software and hardware. I'm talking about art, like painting this 10 meter wide piece
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Don't tell me you just need some paint and a brush.

I already installed DAZ3D and tried to play around with it, but it's like other 3D software, I can only manage to do very simple stuff like 3 cylinders and a sphere stuck together, and I'm amazed by the guys who can design human beings and animals and shit
You download paid assets like everyone, none of the Patreon games here use original content (maybe one or two in thousands), they just play with pre-fabricated dolls, objects, location... You can get them from DAZ online store or pirate sites (hence my ARRRRR).

For actual 3D modeling i recommend Blender, Maya and 3ds Max not DAZ3D. And you need to have curiosity, you need to read about, fiddle around with it, learn 3d modeling and do it on a daily basis. Probably for several months if not years before you can do something decent. It's not something you learn overnight.

Again, here's a nice metaphor for you. Most game you see are built from a Lego set. They can only do with it what the Legos allow, unless they actually take the time to learn to make their own Lego.

If you actually mean how to add the picture to DAZ3D, just add it has background or texture. You need to learn before asking simple things. Read, be curious.
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Active Member
Aug 22, 2016
For actual 3D modeling i recommend Blender, Maya and 3ds Max not DAZ3D.
I know about them, I started using 3d software 10 years ago when I was in school and we had a videogame project. The main character ended up being a model someone else made, and the game world was made of cubes and flat planes (that was before minecraft) plus 2 models we got from the internet : a 3d star (the goal was to get all the stars in the game) and a 3d sphere with spikes (the monsters you had to avoid, with super-AI : randomly move in +X axis, then randomly move in -Y axis, etc.)

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I know about all the tools, what I don't have is the art talent. The most complicated 3D model I did was a 4 legged animal with 4 cylinders for legs, a cylinder for the body, a cylinder for the neck and a cylinder for the head. After several hours I managed to get it to have basic animation for the legs


The Angry Person
Former Staff
Aug 18, 2016
I know about all the tools, what I don't have is the art talent.
Pretty much none of them do, they just download the pre-made assets and pose them for rendering and set the lighting with the odd animation here and there. It's a miracle to see characters who were even morphed, they just use the stock ones in most cases.
2.40 star(s) 5 Votes