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Nov 9, 2018
Found a missing image, when you try to talk to Nathan


Also, when unlocking or equipping stuff, if you click on Next and then on Sleep, the screen stays active, so you can go a while with it blocking your view. You have to click Previous first, then when you click Sleep the screen is hidden.


I have played them all.
Game Developer
Sep 19, 2018
Found a missing image, when you try to talk to Nathan

View attachment 2515556

Also, when unlocking or equipping stuff, if you click on Next and then on Sleep, the screen stays active, so you can go a while with it blocking your view. You have to click Previous first, then when you click Sleep the screen is hidden.
Thanks for the report Johor. Both of these issues will be fixed with the next update.
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I have played them all.
Game Developer
Sep 19, 2018
Hey guys, on my patreon are some polls I would love more input on. Currently I'm looking for opinions on the characteristics (Strength, speed, ect) and which of them are the worst/best.


Jun 2, 2017
For 1.3:

Traits "Regeneration" as well as "Over_Killer" Result in an error message, as soon as you hover over them, meaning you can´t learn the skills

All other traits, after unlocking them, ask you to unlock them over and over, instead of allowing you to equip them

This is only the Case for Traits, Magic and Skills both work fine

Gain level Points, as a Test Tool, really should give more like 3 Points per use, make it 20-30, i don´t want to spend Minutes spamming the Button to test stuff, also obviously this should only be usable temporarily for testing and be removed at some point

As for Game Balance, haven´t done to much yet, mostly trying to find early bugs, but i did start the Game with one of the worst combinations possible (1 Strenght/3 Resilience/5 Speed/2 Intellegence/6 Magic) and it´s simply impossible to Win, but this is fine, for one no one should choice this combination to begin with and two if you want to have even the worst combination to be possible to Win, you simply would have to give the Player a few Points for losing to "Easy Amy", with just a few loses and getting points this way, even the worst combination could Level up enough to actually Win

That said, getting Points for losing also is something that could help later on with overall Game balance, just saying ;)

Also Yes Game Balance is difficult, i wouldn´t call myself a Game Designer, but i am working on a project with someone and yes one of the most difficult Parts is to keep everything somewhat balanced :O

Oh and just as a heads-up, you probably want to update the Thread, most will not realize that 1.3 is out

Well that´s all for now, will give more feedback sometime later, when i have played/tested through everything


Jun 2, 2017
Thanks for your report Vanity, I have linked the files below to fix the issues mentioned, and the points button will now give 20.
Great, now with being able to use the Traits, i can talk a bit about the Difficulty:

My Stats are 10 in everything, Traits "Strong-Dodge-Iron Will-Intellegent-Tracker-First Cast Clothing"

With this i easily can beat Amy, Lily from Easy to Hard and Beccy from Easy to Medium for her Hard i need to Level a bit more, but that´s to be expected, i try to keep my Stats low on purpose to test the Balance and so far it looks alright to me

As for Carla, can´t say anything, cause no matter what Difficulty i choice for her, i get an Error, therefor i can´t fight her :O

Oh and i have not used Gain Points whatsoever in this run, the grind was fine for me, even with all the missing Traits, only felt the need for them with Beccy Medium lol
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I have played them all.
Game Developer
Sep 19, 2018
Great, now with being able to use the Traits, i can talk a bit about the Difficulty:

My Stats are 10 in everything, Traits "Strong-Dodge-Iron Will-Intellegent-Tracker-First Cast Clothing"

With this i easily can beat Amy, Lily from Easy to Hard and Beccy from Easy to Medium for her Hard i need to Level a bit more, but that´s to be expected, i try to keep my Stats low on purpose to test the Balance and so far it looks alright to me

As for Carla, can´t say anything, cause no matter what Difficulty i choice for her, i get an Error, therefor i can´t fight her :O

Oh and i have not used Gain Points whatsoever in this run, the grind was fine for me, even with all the missing Traits, only felt the need for them with Beccy Medium lol
Bugfixed and added to previous post, thanks again for the early reports man, appreciate it.
Mar 31, 2019
Am I wrong or this is one of the first projects that combine Renpy code with 100% real porn materials?
Very interesting by the way


Oct 22, 2016
Thanks for your report Vanity, I have linked the files below to fix the issues mentioned, and the points button will now give 20.
Edit: Fixed the carla hunt instant error
can you upload a bugfix with one archive, for example to a mega? attachments from the site are not available unfortunately


I have played them all.
Game Developer
Sep 19, 2018
can you upload a bugfix with one archive, for example to a mega? attachments from the site are not available unfortunately
I have applied the bugfixes to the new game download links, so no need to apply them, i'll update the OP to reflect this.


I have played them all.
Game Developer
Sep 19, 2018
Am I wrong or this is one of the first projects that combine Renpy code with 100% real porn materials?
Very interesting by the way
This is definitely not one of the first as some of the inspirations for this game use ren'py, Hero's corruption and WTM academy, are both real porn and ren'py games.
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Jun 2, 2017
More Bugs:

Charged_Bolt -> usually you use it, nothing happenes, next time you use it, it deals dmg, that´s great and all, but one time i used it, it dealt 50k dmg straight away, no clue what happened there

Multi_Attack-> Says it does x Damage 3 Times, in reality it doesn´t, for example let´s say it´s supposed to do 6 dmg three times, it should do 18 dmg, but it actually does only 6 dmg

Balance Stuff:


i really only used Health Brew and now with it Healing for 5 it´s trash, you need to get all your item slots filled with them and use all of them at once, to have them be remotly helpful


Majority is fine

First_cast_clothing on it´s own is fine

Regeneration is basically useless

Basically you get healed, while First_cast_clothing is active, but as long as this is active, you really don´t need the heal, by the time you actually need the heal, first_cast_clothing is most likely removed, meaning the healing from Regeneration isn´t active anymore, in short using this combo means you add a more then likely dead skill into your skills, cause regeneration almost never will be active at the time you actually want it to be


Majority is fine

Vine_Grip don´t really see any benefit in having the slow yet

Teleport right now getting out of a stance is super easy, no need to use it yet

Heal with 10 Magic, you get a Heal of 5, while every Enemy does 20+ dmg on Orgasm, it´s trash


All seem to have there use


Strenght, Resilience, Intellegence are mostly needed to progress

Speed, aside from unlocking skills. it can be ignored, all it does is shorten hunt progress

Intellegence + Intellegent_Tracker also shortens the hunt, while Intellegence gives you some benfits on top

Magic well not bad, but it feels like an endgame skill, you have to get a specific amount of Strenght, Resilience and Intellegence before you even can think of putting points in it and by the time you do, it´s questionable if the Damage is worth it, the utility as in Heal/Slow/Teleporting out of stance isn´t worth it, cause either the skills aren´t needed yet or in case of heal are simply to weak to even care


Amy as long as you don´t mess up your Stat Selection in the Intro she will be fine

Lilly can and will make other fights harder, mostly noticable on fighting Amy after unlocking Lilly

Beccy is real challenge, depending on how your hunt progress goes, you might already be fucked by the time you reach her

Carla the first Boss, her Unique trait makes her interesting, but also makes her a DPS Race

Difficulty wise after unlocking all of them i would Rank this 4 like this:

From Easiest to Hardest:

1. Lilly
2. Amy
3. Carla
4. Beccy

This whole Testing/Feedback comes from using a rather low Stat Build (10-12 Points max in everything), with higher Stats and giving all encounters the same Health in mind, Carla and Lilly would be the easiest, cause the both need a drawn out fight, while Amy, Beccy would be harder, cause they are both ready to go right away

Now as a sidenote, i do like the majority of changes, they make all of them feel more unique, but the Struggle System needs some work, Stats for Struggle progress seem to be the same that you majorly have to invest to, resulting in an easy escape all the time

Also i read something about the Boss and 100+ of Picture being resized to be to much work, you do know that you don´t have to do this manually right? There are hundred of programs that could do that for you

Stuff i forgot earlier:

Being Naked as well as Orgasm giving them benefits is great, but in most cases it´s not noticable

As for Naked, by the time they get there, you usually won already
Possible fixes:

-Have them if not naked, priorities getting naked
-Have them always undress more then one piece
-Have all of them have a skill like Lilly does that tempts you to undress them

As for Orgasm, it´s the opposite by the time they get to use it, you lost already

Possible fixes:

-Orgasm do less Health Damage

Honestly that´s all i can think of, every other Idea would need to either rework Carla, to use her skill instead of Orgasm to trigger the effect, meaning everyone would need to be able to do it or rework all existing Orgasm Abilities to something that´s much more noticable
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I have played them all.
Game Developer
Sep 19, 2018
More Bugs:

Charged_Bolt -> usually you use it, nothing happenes, next time you use it, it deals dmg, that´s great and all, but one time i used it, it dealt 50k dmg straight away, no clue what happened there

Multi_Attack-> Says it does x Damage 3 Times, in reality it doesn´t, for example let´s say it´s supposed to do 6 dmg three times, it should do 18 dmg, but it actually does only 6 dmg

Balance Stuff:


i really only used Health Brew and now with it Healing for 5 it´s trash, you need to get all your item slots filled with them and use all of them at once, to have them be remotly helpful


Majority is fine

First_cast_clothing on it´s own is fine

Regeneration is basically useless

Basically you get healed, while First_cast_clothing is active, but as long as this is active, you really don´t need the heal, by the time you actually need the heal, first_cast_clothing is most likely removed, meaning the healing from Regeneration isn´t active anymore, in short using this combo means you add a more then likely dead skill into your skills, cause regeneration almost never will be active at the time you actually want it to be


Majority is fine

Vine_Grip don´t really see any benefit in having the slow yet

Teleport right now getting out of a stance is super easy, no need to use it yet

Heal with 10 Magic, you get a Heal of 5, while every Enemy does 20+ dmg on Orgasm, it´s trash


All seem to have there use


Strenght, Resilience, Intellegence are mostly needed to progress

Speed, aside from unlocking skills. it can be ignored, all it does is shorten hunt progress

Intellegence + Intellegent_Tracker also shortens the hunt, while Intellegence gives you some benfits on top

Magic well not bad, but it feels like an endgame skill, you have to get a specific amount of Strenght, Resilience and Intellegence before you even can think of putting points in it and by the time you do, it´s questionable if the Damage is worth it, the utility as in Heal/Slow/Teleporting out of stance isn´t worth it, cause either the skills aren´t needed yet or in case of heal are simply to weak to even care


Amy as long as you don´t mess up your Stat Selection in the Intro she will be fine

Lilly can and will make other fights harder, mostly noticable on fighting Amy after unlocking Lilly

Beccy is real challenge, depending on how your hunt progress goes, you might already be fucked by the time you reach her

Carla the first Boss, her Unique trait makes her interesting, but also makes her a DPS Race

Difficulty wise after unlocking all of them i would Rank this 4 like this:

From Easiest to Hardest:

1. Lilly
2. Amy
3. Carla
4. Beccy

This whole Testing/Feedback comes from using a rather low Stat Build (10-12 Points max in everything), with higher Stats and giving all encounters the same Health in mind, Carla and Lilly would be the easiest, cause the both need a drawn out fight, while Amy, Beccy would be harder, cause they are both ready to go right away

Now as a sidenote, i do like the majority of changes, they make all of them feel more unique, but the Struggle System needs some work, Stats for Struggle progress seem to be the same that you majorly have to invest to, resulting in an easy escape all the time

Also i read something about the Boss and 100+ of Picture being resized to be to much work, you do know that you don´t have to do this manually right? There are hundred of programs that could do that for you

Stuff i forgot earlier:

Being Naked as well as Orgasm giving them benefits is great, but in most cases it´s not noticable

As for Naked, by the time they get there, you usually won already
Possible fixes:

-Have them if not naked, priorities getting naked
-Have them always undress more then one piece
-Have all of them have a skill like Lilly does that tempts you to undress them

As for Orgasm, it´s the opposite by the time they get to use it, you lost already

Possible fixes:

-Orgasm do less Health Damage

Honestly that´s all i can think of, every other Idea would need to either rework Carla, to use her skill instead of Orgasm to trigger the effect, meaning everyone would need to be able to do it or rework all existing Orgasm Abilities to something that´s much more noticable
Once again, can't thank you enough for your detailed notes. It's super helpful and I appreciate it.
Bugs: Charged blast uses a variable that increases every turn, forgot to add a function that returns that to nill after each hunt.
Multi attack, when I changed a bunch of damage stuff I forgot to add in a step to do multiple damage, whoops.

Items: I expected them to be less useful after I changed them to be weaker, but I think I might have forgotten to mention on the release of the update that I added a new feature, the brewery, to Enhance their effects. I will change the threads changelog and the patreon update changelog to let people know about it and how to get it (Beating any girl on hard after doing Francis's' questions event.).

Traits: I'm a bit confused as to how these traits have anything to do with one another? First cast clothing just puts clothes on the enemy at the start of combat once and regeneration heals you whenever you take health damage, I don't see how they relate. Regeneration will always be active, the only thing it needs to trigger is health damage.

Magic: I want magic to be the tool box that you might need, full of misc skills and some damage stuff. Every characteristic will have a skill for it but all magic needs the magic characteristic, meaning that a magic-less build will only have access to 5 active abilities while magic users can have up to 10. Your right, reducing enemy speed right now is quite pointless during combat, might make a sort of passive/active magic for that ability, where when you have it equipped it slows the opponent during the hunt, reducing its length.

Skills: Glad they're all okay, good to know I'm doing some things right.

Characteristics: Glad intelligence has made its way up, although it's probably just for the pleasure health. Will talk more about possible fixes below.
I'm hoping for a balance between the hunt and the battle, where excellent hunters and excellent fighters all find their place, if speed can be ignored perhaps the hunt can eat up a little of the fights difficulties.

Hunts: Glad to know Amy isn't much of a challenge, she isn't supposed to be.
Lilly is doing her job, being a weak head to head gal while still debilitating you in other ways.
Beccy is more of a fighter, I might make her hunts slightly easier.
Carla's' DPS race is a feature and I'm hope it's not a bad one.

Struggling: I will probably revamp this feature in the next update, giving each girl a different stat needed to struggle out of so that strength/resilience aren't always king of the hill.

Programs and squaring images: I don't always want images squared directly in the center, some of them need to be manually directed towards the action and the last thing I want is for the images to cut half the action out.

Naked: I have taken some steps towards what your suggesting as Amy strips off more clothes sometimes, but also every girl has a original number of clothes, as Amy and Lilly start with 5 while Beccy starts with 3. Will look into it more.

Instead of doing less damage I want to give the player more health because at the moment gaining health is slow and expensive. I was thinking of doing something like monster girl dreams where you could spend points to increase just your health's', but I passed on that and started working on Alistar's' kitchen, where you could spend gold to permanently increase your health's', passed on that because that would make saving gold for items/future buildings not worth it. Still work shopping a fix.

Thanks for your support and bug testing my good man, have a wonderful day.
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Jun 2, 2017
Traits: I'm a bit confused as to how these traits have anything to do with one another? First cast clothing just puts clothes on the enemy at the start of combat once and regeneration heals you whenever you take health damage, I don't see how they relate. Regeneration will always be active, the only thing it needs to trigger is health damage.
First_Cast_Clothes: At the beginning of combat puts 1 Piece of clothes for every 4 magic

Regeneration: While First_cast_clothes is active, you heal if you take damage

This are the Descriptions in-game and going by them Regeneration does nothing, unless First_cast_clothes is active, that´s where my comment comes from


I have played them all.
Game Developer
Sep 19, 2018
First_Cast_Clothes: At the beginning of combat puts 1 Piece of clothes for every 4 magic

Regeneration: While First_cast_clothes is active, you heal if you take damage

This are the Descriptions in-game and going by them Regeneration does nothing, unless First_cast_clothes is active, that´s where my comment comes from
Wowsa, it sure is. Typing error, whoopsie. It's supposed to say 'while Regeneration is active', not first cast clothing. Sorry for the confusion, has been added to the bugfixes.
3.00 star(s) 1 Vote