
New Member
May 5, 2022
I enjoyed the game a lot and took the time to write a walkthrough. Pardon the formatting, I copied+pasted it from a Word document and it didn't quite transfer over.

Main Quest

Changed Daily life

Go left.
Go into guard shack and pick up/equip the shinai
Get the succ from Misaki Yokomine the school nurse/scientist.

Go outside into the courtyard. There will be 2 girls being attacked. Beat all the zombies.

Fug 1 zombie and take them to prison.
Fug 2 more zombies (for a total of 3) and bring them to prison.
Misaki will create cure, allowing you to turn into a girl.

Misaki gets kidnapped by elite zombies.
Head towards the police station
A cutscene will play where Ami Makihara is attacked by zombies.
Beat all the zombies.
Talk to Ami after beating the zombies. Follow her to the police station back door.
Back door is a safe area. Ami gives you a nightstick.
Go to the detention hall. Rescue Akane Kurahashi from the zombies.
In the police interrogation room next to the stairs, you can find the Officer's Hat.
Head up the stairs to the 1st floor. A cutscene will play where Kumiko Akishima is taken into Police Station Meeting Room. The room will be locked, so head to the Women's restroom in the meanwhile.
Clear out the zombies from the Women's restroom and you'll be given the key to the meeting room.
Head to meeting room, where Ichiko is being raped. Beat up the zombies.
Carry Ichiko to the shelter next to the police station front entrance. You'll have to backtrack through the detention hall and out the back door.
The shelter is unlocked as a safe zone.
In the shelter, head to the sewer entrance. Pickup the crowbar.
Use the crowbar on the wood planks there. In the sewer, you can pickup the "Handcuffs" blueprint.
Bring the blueprint to Ami and she'll give you a restraint for free. You can buy more from her later.
Go to the 2nd flr of the Police Station.
Open the meeting room with the crowbar and beat the boss Aina Tsukimi/elite zombies.
A cutscene will play where the elite zombie is brought back to the lab.

Head outside the lab and the next main quest will be unlocked. You can speak with Akane to go back and forth to the new area.

Looking for a Cure

Upon arriving at Shikabari town, you'll see a girl getting raped by a zombie.
Beat the zombie up and carry the girl to 1st street.
From there, bring her into the Shikabari Residence to unlock a safe zone.
Go to Town Hall next.
Clear the zombies in the first floor.
Clear the zombies in the meeting rooms.
Clear the zombies in the 2nd floor.
Go to the basement. Briefly fight a super zombie and then beat up the elite zombie minions.
Go to the 2nd floor office and have a proper fight with the super zombie.
Once you've cleared Shibakari Town Hall, return to Oniga town and pick up nurse.
Shibakari Town Hall may now be used as a jail cell for capturing zombies.
Head to Shibakari 1st and you'll see team Oniarashi skulking about. Follow their masked leader into the Town Hall building.
Beat them all up and you'll have a new safe zone. You can buy items here.
Head to Shibakari 2nd street and to the right to fight against the superzombie Kyota.
*After beating him, you'll have to have sex with him in female form in order to capture him and continue the story.
Return back to Shibakari 2nd street and enter the blue house closest to the entrance after the cutscene.
Beat up the Team Oniarashi members on the second floor to obtain the bomb.
Use the bomb on the West Entrance of Shibakari Tower and enter.
Go up the stairs to the West 3F.
Enter the 3F hall and rescue Mayumi Hasegawa from Team Oniarashi.
Go back down to the 1F and enter Tower West Underground.
Follow Mayumi into the Power Office and defeat all enemies.
Talk to the couple having sex and you'll get medical gauze and can pick up the Nurse Hat.
The gates in the Underground are down, but the elevator has no power. Speak with Mayumi and she'll tell you power is controlled in the East Tower.
Go up to the West 3F and go through the Meeting Room.
Descend down the Meeting Room and exit. It'll lead to a vestibule on 2F West where members of Team Oniarashi are being assaulted by zombies.
Beat them all up to get the key to the passageway.
Use the key on the Passageway door and make your way to Tower East 2F
From Tower East 2F, enter the 3F Hall door and obtain the rope.
Optional: enter the Meeting Room from Tower East 2F and defeat the zombies to get the Kabeshiri Blueprint.
Go up to East 4F for a cutscene with the female super zombie Kyoko Suyama.
Go down to East 3F and use the rope you got earlier on the elevator shaft.
Descend the elevator shaft until you reach Tower East Underground.
Speak with Chika Hayashi and enter the Elevator Control room.
The door will be locked, but some elite zombies will burst through the wall. Defeat them and enter the Control Rm.
Clear the zombies from the Control Rm and activate the control switch.
Return to Tower West Underground (you can use the elevator in Tower East Underground to go to 1F East and go through the front door for convenience).
Take the elevator up to 3F West and grab the keycard.
Take the elevator back down to West Underground Power Office and give the keycard to Mayumi to unlock all doors.
Optional: you can now backtrack to Tower East Underground Control Rm and and pick up the Oniarashi Uniform.
Finally you can now confront the super zombie at Tower East 4F Executive Office.
Once you defeat her, capture her in futa form and bring her to Yokomine Sensei to complete the quest.
For a shortcut: there's an exit on the 4F to the roof of the Tower

Put Down the Riot

Head to the prison by talking to to Akane.
Upon arrival, you'll be accosted by two prisoners. Defeat them with Akane's help.
Enter the Prison Office and defeat the prisoners assaulting Kahori Nakano to unlock it as a safehouse.

Enter the Prison itself and help prison guard Chiyu Inoda beat the prisoners.
In futa form, interrogate the prisoner with your dick and she'll say she hid the key in one of the lockers.
Go down to Prison B1F and talk to Chiyu to unlock 3 jail cells for your use.
The key is in a locker in the Prison 2F, Room 2.
Obtain the key and take the 2F exit.

Jump to the West Watchtower and defeat the prisoners inside. Activate the control module.
Repeat for the East Watchtower.
Once both Watchtowers have been cleared, you can speak with Chiyu to obtain a sword.

Head to the Staff Waiting Area and rescue Himeko Machida.
She'll give the password to the safe in the Prison Office (password is 222)
Open the safe, but you'll be stopped by Kahori. Capture a male prisoner and bring them to her to obtain the jail cell keycard.
Go to the Prison Ward B2 and use the keycard on the Control Module to unlock the holding area.
Optional: enter the Underground Hall and you'll see a bunch of girls locked in pillories. Have sex with all of them to unlock the gate to the Pillory blueprint.
Enter the Power Office and defeat Hanako Yanase.
Once beaten, you can obtain the Prisoner outfit and have sex with Hanako if you are in futa form (repeatable).
Go to the Prison Ward Cells and enter Cell A-3.
Defeat the prisoners with the help of the guards.
Continue through the hole and defeat Michika Sugiwara, the prison riot ringleader.
Bring Michika to the Police Annex to complete the quest and unlock 3 additional jail cells for your use.

The Cure for Zombies

Return to Oniga Town and speak Misaki on the roof of the school.
Go to the lab and enter the jail cell on the far left. Speak with the super zombie.
You're ambushed as you leave the cell. Defeat the Team Oniarashi members.
Carry the super zombie onto the roof and speak with Misaki.
Head to Shibakari Town and head towards City Hall.
Defeat the Team Oniarashi members.
Return to Oniga Town again and head to the rooftop of the school.
Defeat the Team Oniarashi members with the help of Kyota.
Talk to Chiyu to head to the Oni village.
Enter the Abandoned Lab 1F and defeat the enemies.
The annex is unlocked where you can buy healing items from the Oni-Girl Pharmacy.
Go to the 2F for a multi-stage boss fight. I recommend stocking up on items beforehand, since if you lose on any stage, you'll have to start over from the beginning.
After the fight, you'l be teleported to the School Rooftop. Activate the vaccine diffuser for the ending.

Enter the Vaccine Diffuser room to see the super zombie siblings keeping it in the family.

Pickup the key there to unlock the Pink Cafe Art office building on Oniga 1st Street.
You can also talk to Misaki to get the key.
In the Pink Cafe Art Office, you can reset the protagonist's appearance as well as reset the subquests for replaying.

Subquest 01 Let's Get Back to Business

Speak with Manami Fujimiya in the Sister Mart on Oniga Town 2nd Street to begin the quest.

Go to the Man's House on Oniga Town 1st Street.
Speak with the Man and he will begin to head to Sister Mart.
In the park, the Man will be distracted by zombie puss. Knock some sense into him.
Head to Sister Mart and speaking with the Man.
The Sister Mart Office is now open. Speak to Manami.
You can get a Work Outfit from the locker farthest from the entrance.
Beat up the zombies that burst in to complete the quest.
After the quest, you can interact with Manami in Odango Apartment 101. If you encourage her feelings for Senpai, she'll go to the Man's House. Enter the Man's House, speak with them, and exit/re-enter to trigger a sex scene between the Man and Manami.

Note: if you are in female form and sleep in the bed while the Man is there (during or after the quest), he will rape you.
Note: if you speak with the Man in the house while naked, you have the option of having sex. The scene will play regardless of whether you are in futa or female form.

Subquest 02 Get Relief Supplies

Yumiko Jingu in the Central Bank to begin the quest.
Head towards the Hospital and you'll see the nurse Mirei Ogawa being attacked.
There are 2 ways to enter the Hospital:
From the top floor of Odango Apartments, jump onto the hospital roof and rescue Mirei.
Carry her to the Central Bank to receive the Hospital Key Card and enter through the Hospital roof.
Alternatively, from the basement floor of Odango Apartments, go through the Underground Passage to enter the Hospital Basement.

Either way, you'll reach the Central Hospital Staff Room. Clear the zombies out to unlock the Doctor's Office for the Nurse's Uniform.
Head through any of the examination rooms and out into the 1st Floor from there.
You can unlock through front doors to the Hospital by going through them here.
Gto the 2nd floor and rescue Izumi Hasegawa from the zombies.
Izumi will open up the 2nd Floor Hospital Room as another Safe Area and give you the Relief Supplies.

Head back to Central Bank and give the relief supplies to Yumiko to complete the quest.

There's a repeatable sex scene if you're a futa. Speak to Rena Shiraishi after completing the quest and she'll take you to the Central Bank Reception Room.

Subquest 03 Reclaim the Police Station

After you defeat super zombie Aina, you can speak with Kumiko in the Shelter to begin the subquest.
Kumiko will tell you to open the front door. if you've already done this step, you can talk to her again.
Clear the zombies on the first floor.
Head into the meeting room and you'll see 2 male police officers with 2 female zombies. Beat them all up.
Clear the zombies in the detention room hallway.
Clear the zombies on the second floor hallway.
Head into the 2nd floor Office and speak with Kumiko to complete the quest.
Speak with Kumiko and she will unlock 3 additional jail cells that you can use.
Note: if you are a futa, you can get a repeatable sex scene with Kumiko by using the bed in the Police Detention Room.
After the quest is complete, you can buy Tranceivers from Ami that lets you summon police officers as backup.

Subquest 04 Help the Director

Enter the maid cafe and defeat the zombies.
Defeat the horny squad afterwords.
Go up the second floor and enter the studio.
In order to proceed further, you will have to have sex with the riot squad member next to the door as a female.
Speak with Potato Saito the director to officially begin the quest.
Capture 2 human women and bring them to the studio.
Potato will run to the 2nd floor and is ambushed by zombies.
Rescue him and carry him to the basement of the Town Hall (where the super zombie made a hole in the wall).
Capture 5 human men and bring them to Potato to complete the quest.

You can speak with Potato afterwords to trigger an orgy scene.

Subquest 05 Esthetics and Salons

Enter the salon on Shibakari 2nd Street to begin the quest.
Rescue the salon owners.
Bring them a human female with the palest skin tone.
Repeat with a human female with the darkest skin tone to complete the quest.

Reward: you can use the salon to change skintone. Also can have sex with salon owners if you are a futa (repeatable).

Subquest 06 Missing Prison Officers
After saving Himeko, re-enter the Staff Waiting Area and speak with Maki Aida to begin the quest.
Head to the Large Public Bath (left entrance) and speak with Miyuki Ota, one of the missing officers.
Pick up the radio on the shelf to the left to discover it's broken. Head back to the Staff Waiting Area to pick up a spare radio.
Return the Large Public Bath and you'll trigger a scene between the inmates.
If you're in futa form, you can also have sex with Miyuki (repeatable).
If you're in female form, you'll be forced to have a sex scene with a man. There's also a repeatable blowjob scene in female form.

You'll find the other missing officer Tomoyo Nonaka in the Prison Ward 2F, Room 3.
Capture a male prisoner and bring them to Tomoyo. Have sex with the prisoner.

Report to Maki to complete the quest.
Note: you can trigger a repeatable sex scene by speaking with Maki after the quest as a futa.

Subquest 07 Save the Innocent Friend

Speak with Haruka Hirai in the Private House on Saru Kiji Street to begin the quest.
Head to Prison 3F and interact with the discplinary room to speak with Hidemi.
Defeat the 3 male prisoners that come out. They have the key, but drop it and it's stolen.
Follow the female zombie thief to the second floor and knock her out to obtain the key.
Note: the zombie won't spawn on the 2nd flr if you haven't unlocked the Prison Ward yet. I found the outside the Prison close to Saru Kiji street entrance.
The zombie may also enter different rooms while running away.

Unlock the Disciplinary Room and carry Hidemi back to Haruka to complete the quest.
Re-enter the house and speak with Haruka or Hidemi to trigger a repeatable sex scene.
If you're futa, Hidemi will fuck Haruka.
If you're female, Hidemi will fuck you (while the scene is technically rape, you can still control it).

Subquest 08 Beware of Suspicious Person

Head to the 2nd Floor of Odango Apartments and you'll see a futa named Kazue Miyazaki raping a zombie.
Follow her into Apartment 201 where she's about to rape Shizuka Fujita. Your presence scares Kazue off and officially begins the subquest.
Kazue is next seen at the blue house on 2nd Street. After the sex scene, beat her up. She escapes.

She strikes next at the Rose Girls School. Follow her into Class Room A and beat her up. Once again, she escapes.
Go to Class Room C on the second floor and repeat.

Finally you corner her in the Office on Oniga 1st Street (next to the Man's House).
After the sex scene, beat her up one last time.

You'll be teleported to Odango Apartment 203. You can pick up the Chair Strapping Blueprint here.
Give Kazue an antiviral drug in order to complete the quest (if you have 1 in your inventory, this will happen automatically).

Note: There's a repeatable sex scene with the female Kazue if you speak with her as a futa.
Note: If you have the futa drug and speak with the female Kazue while you are a female, she'll take the futa drug, rape you, and escape. The quest will then repeat itself starting from the blue house.

Unmarked quests

Regular Insurance Policy
In the Hospital Treatment Room, unlock the PC nearest to the door (open the front door) to release the girls OR unlock the PC closest to the girls (open the back door) to release the zombies for a gangbang. Saving the girls nets you a "Regular Insurance Policy" that limits the money you lose to 1/3 when you run out of health.

Special Insurance Policy
Enter Odango Apartment 102 and rescue the girl there from zombies. She'll give you the policy that reduces the amount you have to pay to 1/5.

Best Insurance Policy
In Prison Ward Cell A4, the prisoners want some female security guards. Bring them 2 female security guards and they'll give you the best policy. You won't lose any money when you run out of health and fall down.

Maid Outfit
In Prison Ward Cell B4, a prisoner wants a maid.
Play along and give him a blowjob and he'll give you the Maid Outfit.
Note: you can still obtain the Maid Outfit as a futa even though you won't get the subsequent sex scene.

Office Uniform
You can prostitute yourself to a man in Central Bank in order to teleport to the previously inaccessible Central Bank.
This will still work if you are in futa form and will skip the sex scene.
In the Central Bank Office, you can pick up the Office Suit.

Head back down the stairs and you can unlock the door and go back to the main Central Bank area.

Shibakuri Unmarked Quest
If you go to the house at the end of Shibakari 1st Street, Saori Ozawa is being attacked.
Rescue her and she'll state that her mom went missing.
You'll find the mom Yoshimi Ozawa in the Women's bathroom.

Save her and bring her back home and she'll mention a zombie stole the Town Hall key.

Go to the Men's Restroom and open the stalls to spawn the zombie. Defeat it and you'll get the key.
Go to Town Hall and use the key on the Control Switch, unlocking 3 additional cells to use.

Band Girl Succ
If you talk to a Band Girl NPC in the overworld as a futa, yo ucan pay her 1000 yen to get a blowjob.
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New Member
May 5, 2022
And for futa lovers who want a ghetto futa conversion mod, you can overwrite all the files in PC OnigaTownOfTheDead 1.3.0 uncen\Resources\chara\sd\boy folder with the ones in the girl folder. This will change all the male overworld models to girls.

This won't affect the sex scene male models though. Haven't quite figured that one out yet.


Apr 19, 2022
And for futa lovers who want a ghetto futa conversion mod, you can overwrite all the files in PC OnigaTownOfTheDead 1.3.0 uncen\Resources\chara\sd\boy folder with the ones in the girl folder. This will change all the male overworld models to girls.

This won't affect the sex scene male models though. Haven't quite figured that one out yet.
As you wish (only need this file, this file is setting all charater's detail)
change all "sex": "BOY" to "sex": "FUTA_GIRL"
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New Member
May 5, 2022
As you wish (only need this file, this file is setting all charater's detail)
change all "sex": "BOY" to "sex": "FUTA_GIRL"
Thank you very much!

It seems to break some triggers that specify you capture a man (such as when Kahori or one of the missing police officers wants a man ) and some events (like the Potato gangbang or the general male enemy pouncing when naked), but it gets the job done for normal play.
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Apr 19, 2022
Thank you very much!

It seems to break some triggers that specify you capture a man (such as when Kahori or one of the missing police officers wants a man ) and some events (like the Potato gangbang or the general male enemy pouncing when naked), but it gets the job done for normal play.
because it changed NPC's sexual to another, if want to change all that event need NPC kind, it's need edit data_scenario.dat(too juicy)
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New Member
Dec 11, 2017
Dont imprison any Oni girls before that event. For some reason that seems to prevent the other girl from spawning (theres supposed to be two of them in that fight).
Does anyone has a save before this event? I am stuck here as I captured Onis and only 1 girl spawns here for me.
May 10, 2020
because it changed NPC's sexual to another, if want to change all that event need NPC kind, it's need edit data_scenario.dat(too juicy)
So in the scenario.dat file, which or which lines need to be changed for the quests to continued as needed? and is it the "trueLabel": "futa/female/male" lines?

*UPDATE* NVM, I figured it out
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New Member
May 5, 2022
So in the scenario.dat file, which or which lines need to be changed for the quests to continued as needed? and is it the "trueLabel": "futa/female/male" lines?

*UPDATE* NVM, I figured it out
Me too.

I edited it so that all the questlines that require you bring a male to someone to proceed now work with the futa girls. The only thing I haven't figured out is how to get the futa girls to do the heart eyes pouncing sex scene transition (that the generic human males do when you approach them with naked female Miyako).


Dec 15, 2018
The only thing I haven't figured out is how to get the futa girls to do the heart eyes pouncing sex scene transition (that the generic human males do when you approach them with naked female Miyako).
I would recommend to look at the male-specific scripts. The heart eyes seem to happen only for males, and only when they see a naked/knocked down/etc woman. Alternatively, you could look at the Love Wand (the cheat item that makes women jump on you with heart eyes) and see what it does - it also has a gender limitation, and works only on women.

And since we're talking about modding the game, anyone knows what files I should remove to just straight up delete pubic hair from the game? And, is the encoder actually a virus? The virustotal link does seem to say it has a trojan in it.


Apr 19, 2022
And since we're talking about modding the game, anyone knows what files I should remove to just straight up delete pubic hair from the game? And, is the encoder actually a virus? The virustotal link does seem to say it has a trojan in it.
find that character's data, if you wound change all character, you need edit all character.
"underHair": [
"rnd": 1,
"value": 0
"rnd": 3.0,
"value": "1"
"rnd": 2.0,
"value": "2"
I have not try 0-2's mean, it may be none=0,thin=1,thick=2
about virustotal:
it's false positive...
original file have this problem already, so dev said turn off virus check or white list(even if honey village have this problem too)
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Feb 11, 2020
So, quick question (because I really loved the first game and want to give the second a fair try, despite what people say about it):

Is there any way to turn off becoming Futa until it's required for the story? I loathe Futa and want to avoid it as much as possible. Turning into a futa after like 2 hits from a zombie is BS, because it basically rails you into being a futa because you then have to waste time capturing 3 separate zombie girls and then blend them into your vaccine smoothie to become normal again for all of 3 seconds until you get gently nudged by another zombie.


Apr 19, 2022
So, quick question (because I really loved the first game and want to give the second a fair try, despite what people say about it):

Is there any way to turn off becoming Futa until it's required for the story? I loathe Futa and want to avoid it as much as possible. Turning into a futa after like 2 hits from a zombie is BS, because it basically rails you into being a futa because you then have to waste time capturing 3 separate zombie girls and then blend them into your vaccine smoothie to become normal again for all of 3 seconds until you get gently nudged by another zombie.
make a mod:
edit data_common.dat
"levelDetails": [
"atk": 0,
"atk_diff": 0,
"exp": 0,
"hp": 15,
"hp_diff": 0,
"level": 1,
"sp": 2,
"spSpeed": 30,
"spSpeed_diff": 0,
"sp_diff": 0,
"total_exp": 0,
"zombie": 9,
"zombieSpeed": 15

edit all level's zombie or zombieSpeed
zombie is how much will become futa, zombieSpeed is one hit up value...
if zombiespeed set to 0, never become futa by hit...(level up will use new level setting)
and for upgrade to special($10) ver's way:
menu>super armor(it will make all enemy can't hit you)
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Reactions: tomwilliams9911
Feb 11, 2020
make a mod:
edit data_common.dat
"levelDetails": [
"atk": 0,
"atk_diff": 0,
"exp": 0,
"hp": 15,
"hp_diff": 0,
"level": 1,
"sp": 2,
"spSpeed": 30,
"spSpeed_diff": 0,
"sp_diff": 0,
"total_exp": 0,
"zombie": 9,
"zombieSpeed": 15

edit all level's zombie or zombieSpeed
zombie is how much will become futa, zombieSpeed is one hit up value...
if zombiespeed set to 0, never become futa by hit...(level up will use new level setting)
and for upgrade to special($10) ver's way:
menu>super armor(it will make all enemy can't hit you)
Thank you very much! I'll give it a go


Active Member
Sep 23, 2017
make a mod:
edit data_common.dat
"levelDetails": [
"atk": 0,
"atk_diff": 0,
"exp": 0,
"hp": 15,
"hp_diff": 0,
"level": 1,
"sp": 2,
"spSpeed": 30,
"spSpeed_diff": 0,
"sp_diff": 0,
"total_exp": 0,
"zombie": 9,
"zombieSpeed": 15

edit all level's zombie or zombieSpeed
zombie is how much will become futa, zombieSpeed is one hit up value...
if zombiespeed set to 0, never become futa by hit...(level up will use new level setting)
and for upgrade to special($10) ver's way:
menu>super armor(it will make all enemy can't hit you)
i got a request for a mod also:
is there are some value inside these .dat files you are so some tricky stuff like:
native rotate or flip sex positions????
expecially this position....
it's a waste upside/down.... so i how i can make it flipped?
it is possible to do that by just adding/changing some line of codes????
or i need to manually edits all the assets????

also this one just need a 90° rotation......

if no available/possible....
dunno there are other options other than flip the entire screen???

thanks for everything as usual!!!!!
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Dec 15, 2018
So, quick question (because I really loved the first game and want to give the second a fair try, despite what people say about it):

Is there any way to turn off becoming Futa until it's required for the story? I loathe Futa and want to avoid it as much as possible. Turning into a futa after like 2 hits from a zombie is BS, because it basically rails you into being a futa because you then have to waste time capturing 3 separate zombie girls and then blend them into your vaccine smoothie to become normal again for all of 3 seconds until you get gently nudged by another zombie.
There's a cheat item called Futa Switch. It does exactly what you need - turns you into a futa/girl and disables 'virus' progression. To obtain cheat items you have to download that patch thingy, check the modder thread. After downloading the patch you should be able to see a special vendor NPC in the area where you unlock your first three cells (the one in the school, forgot how its called)
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Feb 11, 2020
There's a cheat item called Futa Switch. It does exactly what you need - turns you into a futa/girl and disables 'virus' progression. To obtain cheat items you have to download that patch thingy, check the modder thread. After downloading the patch you should be able to see a special vendor NPC in the area where you unlock your first three cells (the one in the school, forgot how its called)
Got it, thank you so much!


New Member
Oct 4, 2018
To compare an obscure porn game to a triple A release seems a bit weird.

Originally there wasn't any dlsite or ichio versions planned. Two horns was a drm riddled patreon funded project (then it was banned and switched to subscribestar) and you had to be subscribed to get updates. That version also includes Oniga town of the Dead and is uncensored.

The drm free, one time purchase, Dlsite and Itchio versions were "seemingly" a direct response to the complaints about drm and pricing.

But nobody pays for censored, offline, drm free porn games, unless they specifically want to support the dev, the game's development, or want to reward the removal of the drm.
So why would it be weird to put a pricetag on a big update?

Normal consumers aren't paying, they are here.
Yakuza games are not triple A. They're double A at best (though I'm not sure about Gaiden, 8 and Lost Judgement)
3.20 star(s) 6 Votes