I found it the other way myself - she wouldn't do any netorase events unless her love was high. So if I, for nstance, tried to make her give Rick a blowjob and her love score was too low she would just refuse to do it. This meant I had to grind her love up another 5-10+ points before she would grungingly accept and give Rick the blowjob.
I think the Dev should consider rebalancing the whole love point needs. I find it peculiar that your wife will give herself to others before she'll do so for her own husband. I found ironically she would have sex with Rick at a lower love point than she would with me... she grumbled when asked to have sex with Rick and said she only wanted to do it with me, but when I try and have sex with her at the same level I get rejected and "not enough love points". So she only wants to do it with her husband, but hubby needs more love than others?