
Engaged Member
Oct 29, 2017
The MC is certainly unique and the eventual power struggle of both keeping us in check and also the potential to possible join villainy is there. Question is though is who exactly are we as a whole. Why is there a target on our back when seemingly we were just a regular dude. Questions aplenty.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2023
Still though, again.. If the MC wasn't really offended even on his birthday dinner, then I don't really see the problem. I think instead of worrying about what is normal in society or what is acceptable to <Insert F95 poster>, I think it's better to consider what is normal in Parker and MC's relationship and within her household. And it's obviously a very sexually open household. That's reinforced several times through the VN already.

Besides, real world societal norms really don't apply to porn games. Otherwise, people would be losing their shit over all the moms getting plowed by her son in 90% of these porn games. Parker's a cougar, she saw a cute waiter and clam-chowed-her was on the menu. Simple as that.
That's a much more reasoned and rational perspective to champion.

And honestly I'm split. Part of me is okay slip streaming behind the MC and trying to RP as him, part of me thinks that I should have more autonomy if I'm supposed to get invested in this character I'm playing as. I've said before, none of this is a deal breaker for me.

The game is good. I personally don't think the birthday dinner should be considered in a positive light, and it's not (totally) the sex part. I've had evenings when I was supposed to hang out with someone in particular, and then they split off to do something/someone else. It's shitty. It's not just indulging their impulses, it's showing that the person they came to the party with is really far down on the list of their priorities. May they have reasons for it? Probably. But are they good enough reasons to excuse the hurt they cause others? In my mind, probably not. If it isn't urgent or important, it ends up being inconsiderate and selfish. We can forgive selfish people, especially if they aren't that all the time. But denying it is selfish seems like gaslighting or something.

Have you noticed that most complaints about Parker are about the restaurant, but not about the guys she's brought home throughout the backstory? Does that not imply its the context of the action, not the action itself that is the issue for folk? There may be a tiny majority saying Parker can never have any fun, but that's not my position. Let her have all the fun. But the dev chose to highlight a scene at the MC's very subdued BD party where she stepped out to do a thing, and the MC had an option to go all voyeur about it. And that says things. Not end of the world things, but still. Anywho, I'm likely losing the point at this junction, so I'll just stop.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2023
The MC is certainly unique and the eventual power struggle of both keeping us in check and also the potential to possible join villainy is there. Question is though is who exactly are we as a whole. Why is there a target on our back when seemingly we were just a regular dude. Questions aplenty.
SERIOUSLY! The only reason it doesn't get brought up more, imo, is that there's no new evidence. But it is so sus that Tiger guy calls out the MC by name before trying to murderate him. Everyone else seems way too chill about this (on the surface at least, though they may be doing that to try and lower the chances MC is going to freak out and run off somewhere where they can't protect him). The obvious answer is it's something to do with his 'dead' parents legacy. If he's a nobody as an individual, then him being a target has to be linked to something else, likely something inherent to who he is, or what he may be able to do.

Now that people might be able to find out about his powers, all bets are off. Honestly, as the Principal pointed out (dickishly), the MC could turn into a nightmare with his ability to collect powers. Lots of motives to stop him now. But before he manifested? That's the good mystery shit right there.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2023
Save yourself the trouble and put them on ignore. They use that word as means to pretty much say, 'fuck you' simply because they don't like a different opinion or world view on any matter. Speaking from past run ins with the shmuck.

Point aside, I just wanna lay pipe in Ruth while Eve experience it in her dream world or whatever.
One of the best parts of ch. 4 is that the chances of MC and Ruth having some fun times isn't crazy ridiculous, but just probably a bit unlikely (in world, which makes it almost certain from the meta). I look forward to Eve cheerleading/wing-womaning the MC as events come to pass.


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2022
Still though, again.. If the MC wasn't really offended even on his birthday dinner, then I don't really see the problem. I think instead of worrying about what is normal in society or what is acceptable to <Insert F95 poster>, I think it's better to consider what is normal in Parker and MC's relationship and within her household. And it's obviously a very sexually open household. That's reinforced several times through the VN already.

Besides, real world societal norms really don't always apply to porn games. Otherwise, people would be losing their shit over all the moms getting plowed by her son in 90% of them. Parker's a cougar, she saw a cute waiter and clam-chowed-her was on the menu. Simple as that. She was written to be a sexual creature with a high sex drive, and she's definitely very much that.
Yeah i dunno, thats not really as it works imo.

Im not a self insert player but at the same time i still dont just "accept" the thoughts and feelings of the mc's, i usually try to ignore them. Its one of my very few critics of this avn that we are shown way too many of the thoughts of the mc, he would be a better character without it as its usually just obsessive perving over asses, tits and any women. I dont really mind it and usually just more or less overread/ignore inner monologue of mc's but yeah, im not able to copy the mindset of a sex-obsessed freak :ROFLMAO:

I never considered Parker, not into milfs in general, as a LI and i really dont care about her having a sexlife, i thought it was somewhat comedic, the sex obsessed (smart) bimbo milf :LOL:

But i think its still completly understandable to not like behavior like that from a potential romantic partner for the guys who were into her and got disappointed about it. Its like realising the girl your crushing on isnt the person you thought/imagined/fantasized she is.

And i dunno if "judging" behavior like that is just about her being a women, the mc can obviously always fuck everything and everyone in avns without any judgement :LOL: but i think a "uncle" or "dad" character getting a blowjob from a waitress on the mc's birthday would be considered a sleazebag at best

Whatever, i think the scene gives her character but its not the character i would be looking for in a LI :HideThePain:
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Oct 17, 2022
I returned to this thread and I can see this whole Parker/Evelyn (mostly Parker) debate goes on for a 3rd day already (even after Mods nuked few pages).
I stayed out it from the very 1st update (not a single complaint), but now I see that some people here started twisting facts (both sides)...

So, I want also to share how I see this Parker&Evelyn situations.

Also I had a rough night, so I might be a bit gross, try not to take personally, thank you.

1) I will be quick with Evelyn, this topic was discussed sooo many times.
Even before all these discussions I never considered Evelyn using her powers as cheating, common.
But for those who still are struggling - here is another Jericho85's post that might help you to understand how her powers work.

And for those who still thinks that she is cheating on you or those who were upset that she masturbated before having sex with MC (yeah, this particular complaint still doesn't let me go, sorry) - go outside and touch the grass.

Personally I think Evelyn is a great GF, loving and caring. And she is an ideal GF for a harem game, well, you know, all this cuck quinn stuff.

2) Case with Parker is a bit complicated.
I read both sides (also I want to clarify - I don't consider "oh no - it's a cuck content" comments as a side, this is bulshit).

First of all, I noticed that some players here started twisting this restaurant scene into their favour, using arguments like "misogyny", "what if it was a man..." and jada jada.
Some dude even compared Parker's quicky/munching with taking a pee)))
Man, honestly I think you are just having fun with Parker haters, buuut, if you are really serious about it... hmm... well, whatever you are taking - I want it:KEK:

Now seriously. I don't have children yet, but I have a nephew and a niece, also two younger sisters. I guess, I was never the best uncle or a brother. But despite everything - I can can tell you what I would never do. I wouldn't take my sister or nephew or niece to the restaurant on their birthday and ditch them for a quicky in a bath. Not happening sir, despite how horny I am.
We all have been horny, we all have been there, fuck, there were some situations where I thought I am gonna fuck a fucking tree))))) And you know what? - I restrained myself. Why? - Because I am not an animal, I can control my urges and actions.

Next example might be a bit gross, but I ll try to make it funny at least.

So, I think everybody who has ever had a dog is familiar with this situation:

You're having a great day, the sun is shining, birds are singing, and then... suddenly, your dog starts fucking your leg.
"Oh noooooo, why is it happening?" - you think. Well, it's simple, the dog is horny and wants to fuck smth, he/she can't control it, it's an instinct. Soo, why not your leg?)))
And as a good owner (as I hope you are) - you don't hit her or scold her badly, you just push the dog away with smth like "bad dog, stop it"))) You got used to it, so no hards feelings.

Anyways, this is how I see restaurant scene, Parker sees the opportunity and just goes for it.
The only difference is that she is not a dog, if she really wanted to - she could restrain herself, but for whatever reason she didn't, maybe she didn't care enough, or maybe she thought: "MC's got used to it, he will be fine..."

BTW, yeah, somebody mentioned that MC is used to it and is fine with it, hmmm, ok, and? Does it make Parker a nicer person? In my opinion - no. Does it make this whole situation better - no.
This only means that this is not the first time she does this stuff, maybe she did it on his previous birthday as well, maybe she uses MC's birthdays for finding new young/juicy lovers:p
Nevertheless, all this gestalt makes Parker look as a not very nice person in my eyes. But hey, that's only me and my "misogyny":D

But... do I hate her? - nope. We all have flaws, we are not saints, sooo, as a character I don't hate Parker nor I like her - I tolerate her. As of right now - I am not into her romantically, maybe she will grow on me during the game, maybe she won't.
The truth is that it's totally normal - not liking some LIs in a game, I can't remember any single game where I was into all the LIs, there were always somebody I didn't like because of the look, or her personality in general, or her introduction, actually that's why I am not a great fan of harems (1 of the reasons), especially kinetic ones where all LIs are forced on you.
There were a few games where LIs I didn't like were forced on me - I just dropped those games without a single complaint.

So, where I am going with this?
For those who keeps complaining about her - if you don't like Parker - ok, fine, just DO NOT TAKE HER PATH when ooportunity arrives, but if even her very existence in a game as a character bothers you that much - then don't play the game.
And for those people who keep playing the game anyways and keep complaining about it over and over again after every fucking update - I can suggest you the same as with Evelyn - go outside and touch some grass. It gets really annoying.

Phew, well, that's all. Have a good day all;)
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Jul 7, 2024
So, where I am going with this?
For those who keeps complaining about her - if you don't like Parker - ok, fine, just DO NOT TAKE HER PATH when ooportunity arrives, but if even her very existence in a game as a character bothers you that much - then don't play the game.
And for those people who keep playing the game anyways and keep complaining about it over and over again after every fucking update - I can suggest you the same as with Evelyn - go outside and touch some grass. It gets really annoying.

Phew, well, that's all. Have a good day all;)
Exactly, so many other games, go complain somewhere else, if you don't like this game. I think we got the option to take her path or not, that should be enough.

Same if some girl starts to grow a penis, if it's an optional thing, nobody can and should complain.

I personally don't see the problem with Parker, but then, if there is enough build up, to make them a real person, I think it's fine. And I think this game is delivering that, enough background, to not make every girl just a fuck, without knowing their names or backgrounds...


Engaged Member
Oct 29, 2017
I'm more into wanting to lay pipe in our stepish sis of sort than the mom really. Mainly because mommy dearest is certainly sus as hell. Really don't care about her being a literal man eater.
Sep 26, 2023
I returned to this thread and Шcan see this whole Parker/Evelyn (mostly Parker) debate goes on for a 3rd day already (even after Mods nuked few pages).
I stayed out it from the very 1st update (not a single complaint), but now I see that some people here started twisting facts (both sides)...

So, I want also to share how I see this Parker&Evelyn situations.

Also I had a rough night, so I might be a bit gross, try not to take personally, thank you.

1) I will be quick with Evelyn, this topic was discussed sooo many times.
Even before all these discussions I never considered Evelyn using her powers as cheating, common.
But for those who still are struggling - here is another Jericho85's post that might help you to understand how her powers work.

And for those who still thinks that she is cheating on you or those who were upset that she masturbated before having sex with MC (yeah, this particular complaint still doesn't let me go, sorry) - go outside and touch the grass.

Personally I think Evelyn is a great GF, loving and caring. And she is an ideal GF for a harem game, well, you know, all this cuck quinn stuff.

2) Case with Parker is a bit complicated.
I read both sides (also I want to clarify - I don't consider "oh no - it's a cuck content" comments as a side, this is bulshit).

First of all, I noticed that some players here started twisting this restaurant scene into their favour, using arguments like "misogyny", "what if it was a man..." and jada jada.
Some dude even compared Parker's quicky/munching with taking a pee)))
Man, honestly I think you are just having fun with Parker haters, buuut, if you are really serious about it... hmm... well, whatever you are taking - I want it:KEK:

Now seriously. I don't have children yet, but I have a nephew and a niece, also two younger sisters. I guess, I was never the best uncle or a brother. But despite everything - I can can tell you what I would never do. I wouldn't take my sister or nephew or niece to the restaurant on their birthday and ditch them for a quicky in a bath. Not happening sir, despite how horny I am.
We all have been horny, we all have been there, fuck, there were some situations where I thought I am gonna fuck a fucking tree))))) And you know what? - I restrained myself. Why? - Because I am not an animal, I can control my urges and actions.

Next example might be a bit gross, but I ll try to make it funny at least.

So, I think everybody who has ever had a dog is familiar with this situation:

You're having a great day, the sun is shining, birds are singing, and then... suddenly, your dog starts fucking your leg.
"Oh noooooo, why is it happening?" - you think. Well, it's simple, the dog is horny and wants to fuck smth, he/she can't control it, it's an instinct. Soo, why not your leg?)))
And as a good owner (as I hope you are) - you don't hit her or scold her badly, you just push the dog away with smth like "bad dog, stop it"))) You got used to it, so no hards feelings.

Anyways, this is how I see restaurant scene, Parker sees the opportunity and just goes for it.
The only difference is that she is not a dog, if she really wanted to - she could restrain herself, but for whatever reason she didn't, maybe she didn't care enough, or maybe she thought: "MC's got used to it, he will be fine..."

BTW, yeah, somebody mentioned that MC is used to it and is fine with it, hmmm, ok, and? Does it make Parker a nicer person? In my opinion - no. Does it make this whole situation better - no.
This only means that this is not the first time she does this stuff, maybe she did it on his previous birthday as well, maybe she uses MC's birthdays for finding new young/juicy lovers:p
Nevertheless, all this gestalt makes Parker look as a not very nice person in my eyes. But hey, that's only me and my "misogyny":D

But... do I hate her? - nope. We all have flaws, we are not saints, sooo, as a character I don't hate Parker nor I like her - I tolerate her. As of right now - I am not into her romantically, maybe she will grow on me during the game, maybe she won't.
The truth is that it's totally normal - not liking some LIs in a game, I can't remember any single game where I was into all the LIs, there were always somebody I didn't like because of the look, or her personality in general, or her introduction, actually that's why I am not a great fan of harems, especially kinetic ones where all LIs are forced on you.
There were a few games where LIs I didn't like were forced on me - I just dropped those games without a single complaint.

So, where I am going with this?
For those who keeps complaining about her - if you don't like Parker - ok, fine, just DO NOT TAKE HER PATH when ooportunity arrives, but if even her very existence in a game as a character bothers you that much - then don't play the game.
And for those people who keep playing the game anyways and keep complaining about it over and over again after every fucking update - I can suggest you the same as with Evelyn - go outside and touch some grass. It gets really annoying., or that they are a product of Public schooling

Phew, well, that's all. Have a good day all;)
Hey it's not my fault that some of there individuals have a myopic look on life, or that they are a product of Public Education.


Game Developer
Mar 22, 2020
Thanks as always JJJ84

Here we go...

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Feb 18, 2020
Look at that! Another entirely reasonable and logical NTR debate I'm not gonna read. Aaaanyway does anyone know if there is gonna be a bugfix, or is this release good to go?


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2019
Oh come on after that ending of course we will be able to help Amber, would be pointless to have written what happened and then have her be sent off to France.
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