nice start but not enough to be hooked up....
story wise is nice not to cringe and fun at times
renders looks good and models too,but [this is entirely my taste]i wish can have more variation on body model's i only see plain tits,hand tits,nice tits,and melon tits,but i dont see any peach ass,in any model,even riley and parker form behind[in the bikinishot]they look plain too plain not curves,so yeah im an ass man myself not titts can change that,...
about the freeroam part,is ok if we have some shit to do but when isnt any particular thing ,completely ruin inmersion,
the same for point and click,the flashbacks are "ok" but how can you know if you are seeing all of them?
if i need to give a score will be 3,5 points of 5 so not so bad and like many other newly games time and space for improvement ,so it is a good start