Just finished the update (was on a holiday for about 2 weeks and just got back yesterday, and in fact, this is the first zone game that I jumped into when I got back).
And while I liked the previous updates slightly more (I personally prefer it when the game focuses more on the Sisterhood, heh), I still think this was a really good update with development for characters like Lucia and Evelyn.
Some feedback and possibly questions (though probably ain't that many compared to before lol) for
1) The opening scene with MC & Midnight and the therapist scene as well as the tickle scene, I loved it (it's something I was hoping to see when Midnight first manifested).
Not sure how many of these MC & Midnight talks/therapist sessions will occur throughout the game, but I'd really like it if this becomes an ongoing thing to help MC wade through his dilemmas and inner troubles.
2) Moonsong revealing the further backstory of Ruth/Lady Steel was quite nice.
I feel that all these little things add quite a lot of meat on the bones of a sturdy base of the character (if that makes sense lol).
I hope every other Sisterhood member is given the same treatment in terms of each of their characterization department.
3) Lucia's powers have one major detraction; in which she continues to age while she pauses time.
MC warns Lucia about it frequently which she brushes it off (though I suspect that this aging consequence will inevitably catch up with her sooner or later).
So my question is regarding this power and MC; since this seems to be the path Lucia arc is going for with that being one of the main goals MC has with her route (with the pills now available).
Given how double edged sword kind of ability Lucia's power is, how can even MC properly train with that time stopping power?
Generally, the way to improve on MC's mimicry power would be to practice the power by using it more either through training or real life situations.
With that comes the dilemma given this detraction makes Lucia's power unconventional.
Personally, I doubt aging dampener (to counteract aging during MC's time pause state) is something even Moonsong can create, so is the only option for MC to not train on that power at all, and only use it on emergency situations?
What could possibly be the solution here?
4) Analbel/Annabel from Lucia's trio; her ability is.......She's Blue.
Will there be further explanation on her powers on whether there's more to her powers than that?
Cause based solely on what's written in her codex entry, it feels like a pretty useless power (almost equivalent to a normie imo), and I'm surprised that Lucia with how being a narcissistic bitch she is, lets Analbel in her "popular" group at all.
Given her and Courtney at this point just seem to be background characters to strengthen Lucia's characterization, while it may not be too important for grand scheme of things, it still got me curious.
5) Moonsong's Wolf summon, Tanya/Emerald's Emerald energy & Evelyn's Precognitive Censory Scrying, the mimicry of the partner's power came right away.
But with Cat/Catherine, MC's mimicry of her Multiplication ability didn't come until a day later when MC was having his second sex with Evelyn.
I'm guessing this delay in mimicry ability was due to MC fucking Cat's copy and not the original (even though both has metagenes)?
Will there be other instances where there might be delay in MC obtaining the powers after the sex like Cat's case, but due to different reasons?
For example, perhaps the prostitute that MC has sex with, or even MC himself is high with drugs etc which slows down the mimicry process.
6) Ruth/Lady Steel and Evelyn are both fantastic wingwomen/girl.
But will there be some girls (from main LIs) where MC can get just based on his own charms without the help?
I mean not that I don't appreciate the efforts of Ruth & Evelyn, but if it just becomes the too familiar pattern of MC getting LIs due to his wingwomen all the time, it's gonna get tiring quickly.
I'd say it would be good to be some changes at times at least.
7) Couple of grammar or word mistakes were noticeable in this update, but I think for me, it was particularly this one;
But regardless, I enjoyed this update Jacquesdor.
So, looking forward to the next update.