That's genuinely good to know. While he was active (and trust me folks, he was very active and engaging before the sudden point of vanishing) I greatly enjoyed the many interactions.
I think the basic point stands - that being that people shouldn't get so wrapped up in their own small and selfish viewpoints, or think that their desire for a particular story to continue is more important in any way than all of the myriad reasons a dev might justifiably and entirely reasonably, want, or need, to stop. There's absolutely no excuse at all for wild, venomous accusations.
Maybe as a writer and creator of stories myself I just see a lot more possibilities than some others, but even now knowing he's not dead (and happy at that), he could be dealing with an serious illness, or have suddenly needed to become the full-time carer for another. There are almost infinite
possible ways in which his life situation might change, suddenly and severely, that might cause someone to put the development and support for a game on hold, but not be willing to completely give up on it. After all, the way copyrights and other intellectual property work, this will eventually come into the public domain when the rights expire (rights tend to last around 70 years, based on the Biblical lifespan of "3-score years and ten" for most original works).
I also remember all too well the Dev and author of "Lexi" - a much loved Dev who did actually die, leaving a widow behind. Some of the others involved with the project sought to continue it, and such was fair enough given they were to whatever extent co-creators. Naturally, as is usually the case, this did not work out at all well. Even aside from the other troubles, a change of author will always change the tone, the feel of the work. It is a different author, so really, a different game by just some of the same team. Even the greatest literary talents struggle immensely, and rarely succeed, in truly emulating another writer. One doesn't have to look at too many adult games and AVNs to know that there are very, very few genuine literary talents around.