Late to the party as I got recommended this game by a friend, but I was driven to pledge immediately after completing my first run through. The game has a rough around the edges, especially in the earliest parts... but it's about the only game I have seen that treats this type of relationship in a plausible way. It's serious without being dark, light when it needs to be, and woefully unknown around these parts it seems. Not completely in love with how same-y the hard-ass playthrough feels... but I understand more than anyone the pains in multiple routes.
The drama in the game comes from fairly natural and believable places. The love interests are all unique in personality and show actual depth. Claire is adorable, too.
But what I can't praise enough is the balance in the dramatic scenes in the game. Far too many other titles either embrace the surreal and feel wholly unnatural, or embrace the dramatic to a degree that approaches self-parody. And props also for being possibly the first game that didn't use sexual assault in a casual manner and had the aftermath feel like a conversation actual human beings would have.
Good Job!
Can't wait to see more in the future.