
Engaged Member
Jun 3, 2017
LenaXNo(t yet)AffairNoNo? open?NoY Robert tells
HollyNo(t yet)XNoNoY (Affair?)Y (Affair?)No
EmmaNo? Open?Y (Affair?)Open?NoXOpen?Open
CherryNoY (Affair?)Open?NoOpen?XOpen
MinervaY Robert tellsNoOpen?AffairOpenOpenX

The latest chapters ended several relationships if Ian dated multiple girls, so was going through a few combinations to sort and guess future developments. No Ivy and Jessica for now, they haven't even started dating Ian.

Lena: Trinity is on the work, Catfight with Cindy will be epic (especially with Axel), Alison can work if Lena and Ian swing, but Alison backs down if Ian is serious. Emma backs down as well, though she doesn't with a swinging Lena I recall? Cherry backs down. A pure affair can work, but if Ian pursues Minerva romantically, then Lena will likely hear it, specifically from Robert. There is also that chapter 2 "Lena making fun of Minerva" flag.

Holly: Trinity, no Cindy, Alison backs down if Ian doesn't dismiss Holly after they slept with each other. Minerva backs off to spare Holly pain. Emma and Cherry are currently open. Open Holly and Chad Ian may entangle with them, but pure romantic Holly may be cheated with Emma and Cherry. However, Emma is too nice to cuck Holly long term, she ought to adress this issue with Ian.

Cindy: Since the premise is an affair, Ian can be with everyone except Holly. Outing themselves to their friends is a gamechanger, regardless, so much drama is to be expected.

Alison: Chad Ian can have her aside other girls, but a romantically inclined Ian can't have feelings for other girls, or she quits. Only Cindy and Minerva are fair game, but only because she doesn't know about these two in particular.

Emma: Free spirited and FwB currently, she only backs down if he is serious with Lena and is only unavailable if Ian wants to have Alison stay. She needs to adress this with Ian if he dates other girls long-term.

Cherry: Doesn't work with Lena and Alison to avoid drama, but doesn't know about the other girls. Needs to properly date Ian in the first place, being seen with Axel bodes ill as well.

Minerva: Similar to Cindy, since their relationship is an affair to begin with. Holly is off the table and Lena may interfer long-term. Ambiguous relationship (do they keep cheating until forever? Would their leave their respective partners?)
You are wrong. You can have an affair with cherry while dating Lena. I have that in my playthrough, just do not have Ian select any love option, while playing lena you can select love options.
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Active Member
Feb 18, 2018
Hol up, Ian dating Holly is still fucking Alison in my playthrough, so I'm not sure where you get that from.
Alison doesn't break up with Ian during their trip because, as in Alisons words, "he is with the writer girl"?
If Ian fucks Holly but doesn' choose the love option afterwards ("It doesn't have to be a one-time-thing") he stays with Alison.

You are wrong. You can have an affair with cherry while dating Lena. I have that in my playthrough, just do not have Ian select any love option, while playing lena you can select love options.
When Cherry asks him in chapter 9 about Lena, Ian's answer doesn't end in a break-up?

I'm aware that a non-romantical Ian has a bit more leeway with the girls, so I'm just asking for comfirmation, rather than talking back.


Engaged Member
Jun 3, 2017
Alison doesn't break up with Ian during their trip because, as in Alisons words, "he is with the writer girl"?
If Ian fucks Holly but doesn' choose the love option afterwards ("It doesn't have to be a one-time-thing") he stays with Alison.

When Cherry asks him in chapter 9 about Lena, Ian's answer doesn't end in a break-up?
No, thats why you have to have Ian not use love choices with Lena, and when Jeremy ask Ian about Lena, say she is just fuck buddy. Ian can still choose to date Lena as long as Lena chooses love option with Ian, the choice will appear. Ian will tell cherry Lena is just a friend and she will go home with him. In my game I have both Cherry and Lena in love relationship with Ian and he often comments on it,
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Samuel Hidayat

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
Alison doesn't break up with Ian during their trip because, as in Alisons words, "he is with the writer girl"?
If Ian fucks Holly but doesn' choose the love option afterwards ("It doesn't have to be a one-time-thing") he stays with Alison.
No, you said this:
Alison backs down if Ian doesn't dismiss Holly after they slept with each other.
This implies that Ian goes for Holly's love option, then Alison backs down afterwards. Yet, Ian can still meet & fuck Alison even while dating Holly in my playthrough.

Also, Alison is never the one initiates the break up; it's always Ian. She's content being Ian's sidechick to the point she teases him for being a playboy, though we don't know if she'll act that way if she finds out Ian is seriously dating someone. It is a bit weird she asks about Lena instead of Holly during their lunch on IanxHolly route.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2017
Weekly Status Report Chapter 11 (5)
This week I've been dividing work between several tasks:
Revising and polishing Ian's part of the script. I still haven't play-tested it thoroughly since some art still has to be finished, so I also focused on that. I'm trying to include more animations in lew scenes, and Ian's part has 13 of them.
I've been editing and finishing colored art, as well as drawing line-art and sketching and preparing the scenes for Lena's part of the script. I also commissioned 2 new scenarios, and will probably comission 2 more for this chapter.
I've been working on the final structure for Lena's part of the script, and also started writing some scenes. I've known what scenes I want to include, but sometimes it takes time to flesh out the general idea and concept I have on my mind until I develop a good structure for the scene and how and where to implement it in the script. At this point in the story I'm trying to avoid generic lewd scenes and make them somewhat original, so that they advance the plot and serve to develop character relationships (as well as being hot and sexy).
We've been also working on something related to Lena's song writing, and I'll share it with you in a couple of days. Other than that, I'll keep moving forward with the tasks I mentioned before during this week, and I'll keep you posted!


Active Member
Jan 29, 2020

This week I've been dividing work between several tasks:
Revising and polishing Ian's part of the script. I still haven't play-tested it thoroughly since some art still has to be finished, so I also focused on that. I'm trying to include more animations in lew scenes, and Ian's part has 13 of them.
I've been editing and finishing colored art, as well as drawing line-art and sketching and preparing the scenes for Lena's part of the script. I also commissioned 2 new scenarios, and will probably comission 2 more for this chapter.

I've been working on the final structure for Lena's part of the script, and also started writing some scenes. I've known what scenes I want to include, but sometimes it takes time to flesh out the general idea and concept I have on my mind until I develop a good structure for the scene and how and where to implement it in the script. At this point in the story I'm trying to avoid generic lewd scenes and make them somewhat original, so that they advance the plot and serve to develop character relationships (as well as being hot and sexy).

We've been also working on something related to Lena's song writing, and I'll share it with you in a couple of days. Other than that, I'll keep moving forward with the tasks I mentioned before during this week, and I'll keep you posted!

Oliver Wendell Homely

Active Member
May 9, 2020
Now I'm not here to shame anyone, but have you gotten things looked at? Not getting a bread boner? That's unusual.
I agree, this is concerning. Oliver Wendell Homely how about this?

View attachment 2503575

Any reaction at all?
As much as I love tan lines, my only reaction was laughter. Oh, and I guess it's making me feel slightly hungry. No boner, though, or any stirring below at all. I guess I should fee relieved, or walking into a Subway or bakery could be dangerous.


Active Member
Feb 18, 2018
Who is Kent? I've obviously missed something
Kent is a photographer and friend of Dannys. He makes a photoshoot with Lena in chapter 10 if she refused to work with Seymour.

Ian's colleague at Hierofant.
Almost. His new colleague is Clark. He and Kent are new NPCs and easy to mistake for each other, due to the obvious Superman reference.
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