Let me give you my two cents to the current situation of ORS. As I maybe one of the few that didn’t get into ORS through GGGB (I only had a look into it after I played ORS) and I only fund out about ORS recently (a couple of months). I maybe have a bit a different opinion.
To be honest I have no knowledge about game development or creating a VN, but from my work I have knowledge about IT development. I had lead projects in this area and I had work closely together IT developers, clearly this is not the same as creating a game or a VN.
With GGGB EvaKiss has set the bar very high and with trying to improve the experience she also set the expectations towards ORS very high. Deciding to have two MC and also having a different story approach made this for sure also not easier.
As I remember from one of EvaKiss Q&As she also said that she wants to include some stuff from GGGB in ORS, manly in Lena’s route. As the scenery from ORS is different to GGGB, this is very challenging to implement in a satisfying way. And as we had a lot of discussions to this topic here lately in the community, I’m sure that I’m not the only one seeing this issue. For me the focus of ORS is clearly on relationships, and this doesn’t mean that all relationships have to be romantically or lead to a happy end. But adding stuff to the game only to satisfy some kinky desires is not really helpful, on the contrary it increases an already high complexity and could lead to headache for the DV.
If I could give an advice to EvaKiss, it would be that sometime less is more and try to stay by the idea that you had for this VN, don’t try satisfy every desire something sometime just don’t fit.
Overall, I still think that ORS is a great VN with a lot of potential and as long as we get updates from EvaKiss I don’t see any risks. I’m sure, EvaKiss will soon get back on track.