Discord, Itchio, and an account hereHas EK any kind of social media account apart from Patreon?
There is something to this statement. Even if Ian stays out of Cindy trouble (something my Ians always do, Cindy is just optics), she is heading away from Wade, loyalty near zero. While he is not all innocent on this development, Cindy stays only with Wade if you as the Ian player make lots of "overtime".Wade is just a dude who albeit unmotivated, is actually a nice guy, and let's be real Cindy is not entirely supportive of him pursuing his passion either.
I have to disagree here. Among Ian´s friends and aquaintances Perry is in a league of his own, neither Stan, Wade or Axel can reach that type of navel gazing and social bank edge shooting.But Wade is just a more handsome and taller Perry, it's just sad.
Ask you dad for money. Don't lose it needlessly - losing billard, bribing Marcel, no real need to buy Cindy drinks unless you want to dance with her, don't pay for Alisons dinner, don't provoke Bad JessHello, how to get more money with Ian? with lana it is very easy but with ian it is poorer
Have to agree here, you do not need as much money as Lena does. So save some for special events you want to fire, but you should be good normally with what Ian can get out of story. As mentioned, just do not throw it out.Ian doesn't have many expenses, so it almost never matter.
Basic version:I give up. Can anyone tell me the steps/choices required to make it happen? Or just point me to the page if it's been posted already.
Huh what???? There is new game in menueI need to ask:
How can I begin the game??
There¿s no a Start choice in the Menu, when I open the game.
Yeah for me the choices are between Mark which is another cheater or Wade. Robert I don't trust wouldn't surprise me if he tries to blackmail Lena at one point. Tho I do kinda of like Stan over Wade even if he is a incel but yeah not a good match for Lena.To be fair, if Ian and Lena don't have anything, Wade is probably the best option in the male dating pool for her. Think about it: Jeremy isn't a bad person but he's a playboy, Axel is cheating/manipulative/etc, Robert is a loser, Stan is an incel. Wade is just a dude who albeit unmotivated, is actually a nice guy, and let's be real Cindy is not entirely supportive of him pursuing his passion either.
Never saw that in my life were did you download that vesion? Is this pc or android,mac? And what hardware?I click in the Main Menu opcion, buy nothing happens. It stays in this screen.
Oyher ckoices open, but no Main Menu
View attachment 3923362
Basic version:
Have Ian and Lena become a couple. For Lena, do these. Keep both Ian and Lena faithful to each other and move on from their respective exes (delete pictures etc) When Holly tells Ian about kissing Lena in Ch.12 be accepting. In the evening of second day at the beach house you should get option to ask Holly to stay with Lena/Ian.
There's a loading screen prior to that, he is probably stuck there which means the game is not loading. I can't help him there.Huh what???? There is new game in menue
Alison's romance path is pretty wholesome, it's the desperate bimbo baby trapping path which annoys me. Take the loss and move on, girl.Idk about you guys but Ive been a fan of Alison for literal years and will continue to do so.
Hmmm?Yeah for me the choices are between Mark which is another cheate