Unreal Engine Overtopia 3D [v0.9.94] [SilverGogs]

4.40 star(s) 5 Votes


Active Member
Oct 27, 2017
I played the game many times from the beginning and i must say i never bothered with the combat. I just do the seducing when there is a new character i don't own so i can get a prisoner (if she's female) or getting my character pregnant (if he's male). Put your experience points in Energy first, so you can move around maps/escape fights without having to return to your base too much, then in Charisma and Luck to seduce enemies faster and get pregnant easily.
Yah, energy boost was my first choice (followed by char and luck).
But even so, i found impossible to do anything at all, since it was all escape-escape-escape.
In the end, I edited the save and gave myself 5k energy, so ta least I can run around freely.
But it really bothers me to cheat so blatantly.

If you have to do a boss fight (like Mami), try to capture/get pregnant from the other enemies at her side, cause they're usually of a very high level (their level randomly changes if you leave the fight and try again). When you have your little army, fight her and seduce the most problematic enemy with your main char.
Ginli wasn't much trouble actually, I finished his fight first.
But the 240 level minotaur on Mami's battle it's absurd. Basically he 1-shots anyone, and Mami has an AoE. Even with my MC constly seducing (as well the other females), he has a long seduce energy, and had to keep him stunned turn after turn, and yet he killed everyone except the Abbadon, who barely survived. Absurd difficulty.

...or you could approach it in a more rpg style and equip all your team with armors/weapons when you can afford them and buy new skills from the Sorcerer's Tower...
I stopped using the aggressive approach when i realized i have like 15% chance of hitting enemies while being underleveled most of the time, so i either run away or breed and so far it worked.
Nah, I tried that, is not worth it. The gear you get at first is pathetic (what's +20 to life, if opponents hit by 50-90 damage?)
You're right, the "trick" is to seduce/breed/run. Which means lose constantly. Terrible idea, on a good game *sigh*

exp does nothing unless you spend it on stats
check out the dude at the fountain

you can also click the fountain to adjust the game difficulty.

once the MC has maxed out stats, you need to breed with your monsters to up their stats too.
Yah, used the 9k exp to raise stats, got that.
But I only see an option to throw a coin and raise the amount of battles, not to handle difficulty.

Ah, good tip about breeding!
I didn't knew how to raise my monster's level, thanks!

It's not either, it's both.
You build up your army by mating with higher-leveled foes. To get started, Get a full party of consanguine weaklings, then find yourself a lone Mino or something. Seduce-win the fight, you'll either capture the high-level female (for breeding at home/prison) or hopefully get yourself or one of your female pregnant, with a better unit.

Focus on Slimes early on, with high MP as a focus. Other hybrids which have the 'clock' skill (not the actual name) also work.
Combat is a long RNG pain, until you can breed some meteor-throwing Liches. The 'clock' skill lets you get up to that point, only relying on combat breeding and basic attacks.
And how do you know which enemies to chose (to attack)?
It's random, and never found a single-enemy battle. At best, I found a pair of fungus (male and female), and that was the only battle I could won (barely). And they're useless.

Anyways, thanks for the tips, guys!

how to finish trainer quest? both variant already tried
Same here.
I went with the poor option at first, and now the quest is locked into "pay the tariner for services", but there's no other option.


Active Member
May 7, 2019
Also don't forget to use the tower to unlock spells for the player and special monsters.
Right. These unlock as you unlock new species.
And unlocking new species (making hybrids and expanding the encyclopedia) will give you colossal experience for MC, as compared to the early enemies.
Also, new generals (Panda will probably be the 1st) usually start off at MC's level, so it's a good idea to boost MC's level as much as possible before getting a new one.

TL,DR: this is a breeding game, much more than a RPG. Balance would be awful for a RPG.


Active Member
Oct 27, 2017
Also, new generals (Panda will probably be the 1st) usually start off at MC's level, so it's a good idea to boost MC's level as much as possible before getting a new one.

TL,DR: this is a breeding game, much more than a RPG. Balance would be awful for a RPG.
Wait, what?
The friggin Panda is a general?
I won the battle by having him fuck me, but never joined or anything. And he dissapeared from the map after winning.


Nov 26, 2019
Ent - its a general? i found another general - centaur for her

Ananel - just doing quest (speak)

upd: it provide sex in tavern but no breed. hmm
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Nov 26, 2019
How to dispose general? already got 2 mosquitto queen and 10/10 and nothing to do with it

and now i'm stuck with no quest.

6 maps open, Sky, desert and sea with no map. and spider is only npc left.
Dastreya breeadble, but produce only stupid common demons.
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May 27, 2019
Wait, what?
The friggin Panda is a general?
I won the battle by having him fuck me, but never joined or anything. And he dissapeared from the map after winning.
If you fail to get a general, you won't be able to get it anymore and you'll have to restart the game if you want it. I learned this the hard way. :rolleyes:
Put some experience points in Luck so you get pregnant from the fight, but yeah... too late now unless you saved before that fight.


Active Member
Oct 27, 2017
If you fail to get a general, you won't be able to get it anymore and you'll have to restart the game if you want it. I learned this the hard way. :rolleyes:
Put some experience points in Luck so you get pregnant from the fight, but yeah... too late now unless you saved before that fight.
Yeah, figured that.
Learned a lot with all the tips and advice thanks!

Now I get the idea and strategy, it's pretty simple, though not the usual (or logic lol) way.

I did got preggers from the Panda, and got the female panda general (so I guess I can breed her, and get the male Panda, with good stats)
In any case, using the cheat addarmy gives you one of each creature, so I got it anyways (unfortunately, some creatures are spawned at 1 on each stat). Doing that let me experiment and learned the whole breeding-critters system.
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Nov 26, 2019
omg i accidentially filled generals room with them and cant dispose

hmm. for now vamp+mosquitto provided vamp or mosquitto
same with existing two mosquitto queen
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Nov 26, 2019
looks like i try to run 2 time and both Dantalian do not appear anywhere, even after defeat abbadon

also stuck on tavern lvl1 (talk to luise while thing going..)

first time run i found key for artefact but second dont remember where (upd: spider lady again)
where is snow white?
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Aug 29, 2017
Who is "noname" that people have referenced for the cabaret? What is the seventh map?
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Aug 29, 2017
looks like i try to run 2 time and both Dantalian do not appear anywhere, even after defeat abbadon

also stuck on tavern lvl1 (talk to luise while thing going..)

first time run i found key for artefact but second dont remember where (upd: spider lady again)
where is snow white?
Snow White is in the mountains by where you fight the dwarf king. Up the path that says "in progress" and to the left. On that note, how do I activate her? She's just sleeping all the time. Is that all the farther her story goes right now?


Nov 26, 2019
Snow White is in the mountains by where you fight the dwarf king. Up the path that says "in progress" and to the left. On that note, how do I activate her? She's just sleeping all the time. Is that all the farther her story goes right now?
i can't get through there. may be some quest to open path?

also, after something happens multiple breeding in combat allowed (i dont understand all or last one in result)
may be after bugfix command.

ps hybrid list to be updated at least with heron
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Nov 26, 2019
1,2,3: freezes while loading
4: fontain coin working while application launched. (if working at all) reset with next start (not set from save). because new day/night almost always new run, its useless at all and you stuck at lvl 0 and ~500-550lvl enemies
5: Dantalian and may be some other breed loss if you doing something after breeding same day.
if authors want to make way for story just make it clear. say "some day passed" and let playing. or block all except sleep button.
6: blacksmith quest. any workaround?
7: stuck with tavern lvl 1. what i doing wrong?
8: i can't get through to snowwhite. what i doing wrong?
may be console command "recheck all quests"?
9: rebreeding females already pregnant?
10: agro skill does not last forever

- may be some more quest at start to breed for people better understand mechanics and gameplay
- no use for millions of money after finishing village
game is really good and can be played long after that
may be some progressive endgame builds ?
no reason for use generals at all except breeding.

how to get map 7,(8)?
i not sure its in chests.
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Active Member
Oct 27, 2017
I'm starting to have the "black screen" problem lately, dunno why.
The game simply doesn't starts.

But I noticed my PC wasn't absolutely anything, it's like start game just stop the command there and waits.
So I tried a different way: started another Unreal game (Lifeplay in my case, which is quite heavy and makes the PC run his hard disks). Waited till the game was loaded and running, and quitted.
Then, back to Overtopia, and now the game runs perfectly (the hard disk starts to move).
4.40 star(s) 5 Votes