VN - Ren'Py - Pale Carnations [Ch. 4 Up 4 Public] [Mutt & Jeff]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Five stars are too damn few for this game.
    Honey Select graphic is definitively avenged by this game rendering: characters are absolutely stunning graphically, still with a full range of facial expressions.
    And naturally they are all sexy like the seven hells.
    Adore them all, love them all.
    Choose one between them?
    Female characters with attitude, wit, personality, unique charms, even their defects exhale sexiness. (ok, Hana is so well depicted that when i look into her eyes I go into mental overload but rationally I just cannot choose)
    Still this is not even the best feature of this wondrous game.
    Brothel ambient is a stroke of pure genius: instead of grinding step by step toward getting some more from girls, you get the kinkiest possible sex from the very beginning.
    Just it's not something you own, it's not something you have deserved, at the contrary is something you are ashamed , afraid of and feel sick to have.
    You are a tool into a double power game, a mere link in a chain of oppression and abuse. You lust madly for it and in the same time you fall in love for the objects of your own self gratification and want to save them from the hell they are into, from even your own desire.
    Devil Alternative at its finest.

    To summarize: B
    Best game from the time of MONMOSU QUEST.
    Best plot from the time of MONMOSU QUEST.
    Best Villain from the time of MONMOSU QUEST (Katherine, I love to hate you. Please be my Master).
    I mean just look at them, it's cristal clear: Mina is modelled on Tamamo, Laura is nasty as only Alma Elma could be, Rosalind is Erubetie , Veronica has the very same flame of Gramberia and Hana the same fury of The XVIth ...
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Haven't played all the way through yet, but it's got me hooked. The story is one of the best i've played and it gives so many choices that can affect things. I kind of like being able to make choices in VN's and some I've played give you like 2 different possible outcomes. I like that most of your choices have an impact on the story, that paired with the fact that it has an excellent story and great renders make it one of the favorite games I've played. Will definitely play through it again just to see the other parts of the story.

    TL;DR - Great story, renders, and choices matter (but they all seem good) - Will play again.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    High quality in every aspect:
    • hd renders & animations with good angles
    • writing is legit (grammar, prose, pacing, even the vocabulary lol)
    • plot is interesting and never repetitive or dull like most games on this site
    • the characters are well-developed
    • sound is immersive, music is catchy
    • gui is slick
    • its fun to play
    the creators are talented as fuck
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    - Execution was amazing. I was captivated for a few nights reading through this novel. Aside from the amazing art, character design, and writing, the creators also put a ton of effort into the proofreading, appealing UI design, nice fonts, things which all add to the experience. Often overlooked aspects of these kinds of games, imo.

    - May not be everyone's cup of tea, but if you like darker themes, exploitation, you're gonna love this game. Reminds me of Starless.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game does one very important thing exactly right: It's kinky. The devs have a good understanding how sexual fantasies work. Of course, the game's premise is bonkers, but that's exactly what I'm looking for in a lewd game. I'm tired of the "young man with amnesia bangs his sister and his mom" trope. This game here is different. As I'm into BDSM in general, I'm happy I stumbled upon this gem. The game excels at portraying certain kinks, because it exaggerates them in a way only video games can. I understand that people who are not into that kind of stuff might not enjoy the game. For me, it's glorious fun.

    Technically, it's a VN with some choices. Pretty straightforward. Luckily, almost no free roam / open world / sandbox crap, just a decent story with above average writing. The characters are mostly intriguing, the Honey Select graphics are top notch. Well lit scenes, lots of creative ideas. I don't really care about sound in VNs. There's some slurping going on, but that's to be expected in a HS game. As for the MC, he's surprisingly likable. Visually, he's your usual HS creep, but he's kinda smart. I like the different character traits, they add some mild role play elements and are well implemented.

    I really hope this game will not get abandoned. It would be a damn shame. By the looks of it, the devs are still active, so there's hope we can someday enjoy the finished product. Please don't rush anything. Keep up the high standards!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Really superb game which shines thanks to its excellent writing. The world it presents is both believable and engaging, but is definitely not for the faint of heart. While most characters are complex and nuanced, there are some truly despicable people portrayed in this game, which brings me to my warning: this game contains some fairly extreme BDSM content that may not be to your liking. I personally found it too much, but I was able to skip through those scenes to where the game picks back up on the more moderate stuff. One other critique I have is that the male character models are pretty low quality - especially the model of the protagonist. The female models look fantastic though, and as they are clearly the visual focus of this game, the limited quality of male models doesn't detract from the experience too heavily.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Pale Carnations was a real treat to read. It's setting seems unbelievable at first, but PC tells a realistic story filled with unique characters that each have their own reason for being there. The fun and depravity of the Carnation Club is shoved in your face with wild events and sexy situations.

    -Beautiful art with sexy babes and environments
    -Superb writing
    -Choices that make you really care
    -Nice and functional UI
    -Catchy tunes

    -The abrupt sex sounds don't fit and take away from the experience at times
    -Kat and her antics make me laugh so much that my sides hurt
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game if you like being bad. Story is a 10, the gameplay is VN so there is not too much in it, but the portions with exploration are quite welcome. The art is pretty good.

    Can't wait to see what new updates brings, I'll do a full review then.
    C3 Update 1.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A nice narrative, different body types, nice models, variety of personas. It is one of the highest quality game I got to play. I can't wait to see what unfolds and I think there will be enough to go for multiple playthrough. AAA game.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    First of all, I must say that my english is horrible. With that behind, I must give an opinion on this game since, in my opinion, it deserves it. So you can see how good the game is so far (beginning of week 2, probably 4-5 weeks in the game in the future) that although I do not like at all the main plot of denigrating the LI into a whore since I am more of vanilla stuff, I still consider this game excellent. The only reason I am not currently giving it five stars is for fear of the future of the plot with characters like Hana or Mina, since so far, they are quite perfect for a player looking for something more vanilla. But I don't know what the developers have planned for them and if making them 'whores' is in their plans or not. I hope that if it is, it is avoidable, since they are the two best LIs in the game for me haha. Apart from that, I love the protagonist and the relationship he has with his friend although I'm practically stealing his girlfriend and maybe his mother in the future haha. More developers should learn to make good friends in games like that and not hateful characters (if it weren't for being a more vanilla gamer, I would share the girls with Killian). The only unpleasant character for me so far or that I don't really care about since I find it absurd is Felicia (Although there could be some redemption for her since the writer left a clue that she could regret getting involved in all this) . Anyway, so far, I consider it an excellent game but afraid of the future plot for being a vanilla player haha. Game aside, I offer my condolences to one of the developers, who sadly lost a family member. My blessings to him and his family.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    As I wrote in the discussion thread, I stumbled over this gem of an eroge by pure chance. I was very postively surprised, because on first look I was not sure if it would fit my taste. But wow, it does with great artwork, meaningful choices and good characters. If you like well-written erotic games and like/can stand some of the kinks shown, it is a Must play!

    -Great artwork, showing what is possible with HS/AiS graphics
    -Main character has a background and you can play him in many styles, good, pragmatic, perverted and in-between.
    -good choice of music pieces, no Wagner or Verdi, but a step above the usual elevator singsang you find in so many erotic (and often normal) games. I find the Tango piece quite nice to listen to
    -best friend of MC is no simple add-on, but has impact on the story in how we treat the bromance
    -the female cast has several very wellmade characters, e.g. Hana, Mina, Kath or Felicia, with traits and motivations outside the standard for many games
    -I am partly disgusted by some of the characters, both male and female, which I find is great writing in action, because you cannot be disgusted by cardboards
    -great, slightly Noir, storyline with choices which have meaningful impact

    -some players might be put off by the things depicted during the game, those looking for instant gratification will not find it here
    -compared to the women, the MC´s avatar is about ok looking, but that is likely a thing because HS is used for art, which has more limited options for the males
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    This game can be more disgusting.
    though I'll finish this game,but the part of punishment...Seriously?
    Sorry I don't buy it,not enjoy one bit of it.
    And from point of view I like Veronica whom has strong willpower & body shape makes me dislike those more.
    I know it's a strong point of view,but it is what it is.

    Love the Character design/the music and storyline(somewhat)
    but just can't bear some low level plot.

    People who hesitate to try this one?
    I'll say see for yourself,whether some may enjoy or dislike,
    it's all part of process until discover by oneself.
    HAVE FUN! :)
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the greats on this site. It is both depraved and full of kinks of all sorts. But at the same time it has layers of story that unlike other games build on one another. That the main character is more than a blank slate is a great plus. There is also parallels in that both you and the girls are roped in the same way, even though he hasn't really seen it yet. Writing is great, both storywise and grammatically, something not always present even in good games. The only small negative I could nitpick is the artstyle, mc looks like generic Japan 3d male no 1. But that's a small concern in this great game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I expected to find a tale only about depravation and sex when I opened this game for the first time, instead I found a tale about kinks, struggles with desires and most importantly characters.
    You know when a game is good when even the male characters are incredible.
    From Killian the best friend of the MC who starts the story to all the other patrons.
    The main character is phenomenal, he struggles between being sadistic or normal, he isn't your standard boring mc pervert, he has actual motivations, internal problems and doubt.
    Sex scenes are great, there all things you could expect to the weirdest kinks to the simple one.
    Also female characters take the cake, they are not sex dolls, some of them even feel real.
    The writing is amazing and so are the choiches, evey move you make feels natural and genuine, with lots of variations, and even when you decline sex, it doesn't feel like you avoided a sex scene, it feels natural, like another possible path.
    I am looking forward for the updates, this game is a marvel, and I highly recommend it.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    When I first started playing this I was put off by the character models (especially the males) as the style wasn't something I was used to. However, once I got used to them I realized how great of a game this was. Pale Carnations has refreshingly different art from most Ren'Py games and offers the player a wide variety of choices/character backgrounds which actually have a big impact on the game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I would say that this is the most immersive game I have played on this site and it makes my heart warm with some of the interactions between MC and the girls. The writing, renders and animations are of top quality that cannot be matched easily by other wonderful games F95 provided.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Pale Carnations is a real gem. You are an aspiring medical student, and your best friend recommends you for a job at the night club where he works. During the interview you find out it really is a high end brothel. However, after a few days on the job, you see that its more than your typical sex club, whose beautiful middle-aged owner, Kathleen, specializes in finding down on their luck women, in order to entice them to humiliate themselves with progressively more degrading treatment, in the hopes of winning a prize that will solve a major problem in their lives.

    This is quite the setup, but it really works here. You get to know several of the sexy women candidates, and then participate in their degradation. Are you helping them navigate their difficult situation, so that they come out on top, with a well-deserved reward? Or do you slowly become corrupted yourself, and become a willing participant in the degradation and humiliation of the women in the club?

    The dialog in Pale Carnations is really very good. You slowly start to see more and more depth to the characters as this game progresses. I love how each character does not fit into the little box that they would inhabit in most games here. The MC himself starts out as the blank-slate "good-guy" that I see in many games here, but with time, you can see how he can subtly change based on his choices throughout the game.

    Every other character starts out seeming like one thing, but expands from that simple definition more and more as the game continues. Rosalind starts out as the "mother type", but is showing more and more signs of inner power, which you can see flashes of in some scenes. It is still early, but I can tell that we will see more and more of her true motivations with time. Felicia, the "easy" character, starts out looking like the spurned wife, but despite her vivacious nature, there is a fierce intelligence behind her eyes.

    Veronica, a hard bodied fitness club owner, while I didn't like her character much at first, grows on you. She seemed one-dimensional at the start, and I am not usually into muscular, overly dominant women, but she slowly starts to open up, and you can see that she is struggling with her inner nature, which isn't just a need for dominance, and it is fun to see. And Kathleen, the club owner and manager, what a well written character. You start off thinking of her as a business woman, then you see her sadism start to show, but I still get the sense that there is more behind her character than we are seeing. I hope that we can see a little more of her background, to understand her better, and see that there is more depth to her motivations, and that she can show other qualities as well. I am not clear yet, for example, if the MC can help her grow as a character, past her sadistic and selfish tendencies, but I would love to see this. Her character has great potential. Even the relationship with Killian, your best friend, is great. Usually all male characters in these games are sidelined immediately, but I can tell that there is real affection between the MC and Killian, and he is a good foil to play against, good-naturedly. Plus, he is a pretty great wingman at times.

    I could go on and on (too late, haha), but my overall point is that the writing is excellent, and the complexity of most of the characters is far above what I typically see in other VNs here, even ones that I like that I consider top-tier. Great job to the devs for turning what could have been a straightforward story, with cliched stock characters, into something much more interesting, where each character reveals more and more depth and growth as the game progresses.

    The graphics are surprisingly great. Don't get turned off by the Honey Select graphics. Normally, I mostly stick with DAZ games because of the better graphics and realism, but there are a few HS games I enjoy a lot due to the story. I thought another popular HS-based game had the gold medal for pushing the HS graphics quality as far as possible but the Pale Carnations devs have have done an amazing job making the graphics stand out here. This game has the best HS-based graphics I've seen. I really don't know how they do it. Clearly with lots of mods, but I am very surprised by the high graphics quality they were able to achieve with HS graphics. They have also done a great job with character design, making each character look unique and outside the typical HS mold.

    Finally I have to mention the sex scenes. I usually play these games for the story, with the sex scenes as a fun bonus, and something to look forward to eventually, but the dialog, story, and character growth is what drives me to play these games and holds the most sway for me in how much I enjoy the game. So for me, character comes first, then dialog is a close second, then story, and then finally the sex scenes. Some of my favorite games don't have the best sex scene mechanics, or visuals, but with Pale Carnations, the sex scenes here are very good. The combination of choices of the MC, the women's budding personalities showing through, and the situation itself, make the sex scenes very hot.

    All in all, Pale Carnations was a very pleasant surprise, and I enjoyed playing it immensely. The devs have really made something special, and I very much look forward to seeing how things progress with each of the characters, and how the MC guides his character, based on the choices and directions he goes in the game.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is really well done! Easily one of the best games I've played here.
    The constant sexual tension throughout this game is just nuts.

    The excellent build up is rewarded by equally satisfying h scenes. You usually only get one or the other - or none of it - in other games.

    A big thank you to the dev team!
    This will be one of my all time favorites.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This guy definitely studies Literature, or at least he's quite the poet. Using plosives, fricatives, imagery, synaesthesia and even other underrated literary devices, he delivers the lines perfectly.

    Looking forward to seeing how this story ends. I've gone to from touching my dick to savoring each line. Amazing.


    - Graphics are unique, and facial expressions as well as body language are micro-managed and specifically detailed to the letter
    - Game actually has fitting music
    - Characters have depth, and each with their own lives that can feel realistic (despite the bizarre setting)
    - Good English, did I mention how grateful I am for this?
    - Meaningful choices and not the false sense of choice most games out there give


    - If you're not into NTR/Swinging, I wouldn't recommend this, the problem with this game is that the characters are all mature, and the setting of the entire game is set in this extremely dystopian world divorced from your average wholesome and rose-tinted world - ironically, this makes it more realistic than ever, especially given our current depraved society. However, because the characters are so well fleshed out, and the graphics and events are so well crafted, I can't help but fall in love with them, despite the fact that there is that itching feeling of disgust at the back of my head for some of these characters. I don't know, it's a strange feeling. I would usually avoid any kind of game that has to do with sharing/training the characters to serve other men, but for some reason, I don't mind doing so in this game. Paradoxically, I try my best to not get too attached to any of them, at the same time, I can't help but be so. Anyway, play at your own risk.

    - Incomplete. A lot of good games get abandoned, but we'll see.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent game with the right blend of sex and story that keeps things moving along at a good pace yet still good for an isolated wank. I look forward to each release. Devs are doing a bang up job.