
Aug 15, 2021
Hey, thanks for the food for thought!

Normally, I try not to explain my reasoning for things, since writing should speak for itself and I believe any unaligned interpretation of events is usually the fault of the text, but I guess I'm feeling frisky the past couple of days. :p

What I said in your quoted post does make it seem matter-of-fact, but I wouldn't say he's characterized as blindly following his base nature. There, I was speaking specifically to why he seems to be able to dive into the sex scenes so easily, despite his misgivings.

He refuses the initial offer, but accepts chuck's second one for a simple and practical reason: he adds the condition that he'll pay for Edwin's tuition. He doesn't immediately jump at it, sure. He first jumps through the hoop Chuck dangles to visit the club, maybe in hopes of finding a less self-serving reason, but he later explicitly states that "Truth be told, in my heart, I had decided to take the job the moment he offered to pay for my tuition."

I'm 100%, absolutely sure there are plenty of other gaps in logic in the prologue, but for this particular cited detail: believe it or not, people do study physics as their undergrad degree before entering into med school. It overlaps with a lot of the pre-requisites you need to hit to apply, and Edwin has a particular love for the field, opted to do it as something he enjoyed.

Asking her out was the push she needed to try and seduce Edwin. She takes him turning her down as kindness / apologizing as weakness, and seeing Edwin take a further active interest, decides to swing for the fences.

Admittingly, having two points where you can jump off a heroine's route early in the story is probably a questionable design choice, but there is an underlying logic to that particular set of events.

Well, that's true. Edwin IS very much intentionally out-of-tune.

The game does have a(n extremely) heightened sense of porn-reality, but I think people hypocritically acting against what they believe is right, is realistic. In this case, perhaps it's done in a too extreme, heavy-handed way for Edwin to be relatable or likable to the reader.


My specific nit-picky answers aside, I do sort of agree with you about the prologue. It's got a different sense of pace than the rest of the game. Probably a by-product of wanting to just get the project off the ground when GIL and I was unsure if it would even fly.

Again, thanks for helping me introspect.
Hey TD, thanks for your reply, I really appreciate it. You have give me insight into your line of thinking and I'm thankful for it, and for taking your valuable time to even reply to my comment. Don't want to repeat my previous comment and some points expressed within just want to say sorry if it has done some unintentional "damage" to the story.

Thanks again for your effort to bring this game to life, can hardly wait for future updates.


Dec 29, 2017
It might have seemed like nitpicky, but it is an important story detail. MC studies physics, therefore comes in contact with Chuck.
Yes, this is an important detail you sadly got wrong. Edwin came into contact with Chuck long before he started studying physics, infact he (Kohler) was mentoring the physics club at his (Edwins) High School, they havent had contact for a few years now, until Kohler reaches out again to Edwin with his job offer. His love for physics made Edwin join the Physics club, meeting Chuck at a quite young age and probably even introduced him to his mother in some way (!).
Surely the only reason such a renowned, hardworking and busy physicist such as Dr Charles Kohler, who owns a thriving company, working with kids at a school in his free time, is just to spark their interest in physics and feed their young brains with the amazing wonders the world of physic provides...

As far as Physics is a viable choice for upcoming Med Schoolers, TD1900 already got into this in their reply-post to you.
people do study physics as their undergrad degree before entering into med school. It overlaps with a lot of the pre-requisites you need to hit to apply, and Edwin has a particular love for the field
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Aug 15, 2021
You will remember this, i came to this exact conclusion, when i was trying to trace the timeline of the events, and i was too afraid to reveal to this audience, because if it were true it would be one of the biggest spoiler in the game.
Please keep our fellow players blissfull ignorant about this.
Thanks for suggestion, I have edited my comment. :)
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Aug 15, 2021
Yes, this is an important detail you sadly got wrong. Edwin came into contact with Chuck long before he started studying physics, infact he (Kohler) was mentoring the physics club at his (Edwins) High School, they havent had contact for a few years now, until Kohler reaches out again to Edwin with his job offer. His love for physics made Edwin join the Physics club, meeting Chuck at a quite young age and probably even introduced him to his mother in some way (!).
Surely the only reason such a renowned, hardworking and busy physicist such as Dr Charles Kohler, who owns a thriving company, is working with kids at a school in his free time, is just to spark their interest in physics and feed their young brains with the amazing wonders the world of physic provides...

As far as Physics is a viable choice for upcoming Med Schoolers, TD1900 already got into this in their reply-post to you.
I stand corrected, it was in fact in high school physics club and now, after your and TD's comments, physics makes lot more sense to me. Even mothers reservation to Chuck, when MC mentioned him, now makes more sense. Thank you for clarifying this. :)
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Active Member
Jan 25, 2022
This game straight up exemplifies the lifestyle of ruling elites that throughout history cared little for human life. Not sure if i should aroused or disgusted. Gotta remender they used to saw people in half for their pleasure. Eww.

This coming from someone who watches degrading porn lol.
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Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
Nobody knows for sure, but end-April to mid-May is not an unreasonable estimation.
According to a post by TD1900, we can expect the update somewhere in May, towards the end probably. This is because TD and Gil are still working on the main events. The update will be seriously massive, at the end of March it already was at nearly 1400 renders and 3 dozen animations just for the starting evens!

Mr. Muscles

Mar 30, 2021
Man, I fought a huge battle to pick Rose or Felicia when answering who the MC had the most fun with. But since Felicia (the goat) already won the first round, I thought of helping Rose with the second one. Also, Mina grow on me, if Hana or she were the potential "gfs" I wouldn't know who to pick atm, probably Hana still.

RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
According to a post by TD1900, we can expect the update somewhere in May, towards the end probably. This is because TD and Gil are still working on the main events. The update will be seriously massive, at the end of March it already was at nearly 1400 renders and 3 dozen animations just for the starting evens!
Yeah a meaty update. full of Veronica. :love: :p
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