I've made that comment because i don't remember seeing Edwin getting criticized in this thread in such manner. Certainly not so repeatedly as it's brought up for Victoria. If you do see similarity, then we're in agreement.Why do you assume that just because I think Victoria's not considering the consenquences of her actions stupid I wouldn't think that Edwin's choice of working at the Club without considering future consequences is stupid as well? My answer to both is yes, btw.
Although you keep talking about Victoria "not considering the consequences of her actions" as if you still can't accept the possibility that someone could've considered those consequence and yet made the decision to go ahead. So on this part i guess we'll have to agree to disagree, if you choose to reject the point i was making as viable alternative.
And you base that number on... what, exactly? I mean, we both know it's pulled out of ass and the game itself basically contradicts this claim (because with such odds everyone would indeed know at this point... and yet they don't) but still, it's such hyperbolic exaggeration it really makes it hard to take all the ranting about it seriously.No, it's the opposite, 99.99% chance people finding out, the only question was WHEN.
It's a good question; maybe the game will answer it at some point.If these videos were such rare then how the fuck out of all people her own son discovered it?
I just want to remind that simply stumbling across the video is only part of the whole process. That person would also need to be familiar enough with Victoria to make a connection between her movie appearance with the actual person. And also be a dipshit who had nothing better to do than spread this knowledge around so both she and her son would be harassed over it.
I really doubt the Venn diagram of "people who know Victoria", "people who saw a porn movie with Victoria" and "people who would see this as something that needs to be spread around" is anywhere near a single circle.
This is extremely stupid argument. The most obvious answer would be: because they talk to each other. It'd only require one of them (be it either Chuck or August) to be already in the know, or recognize the name when Edwin was getting vetted as potential employee. And then tell the others. What makes you believe that Chuck (or August) wouldn't tell such thing their own business partners, when they're talking whether to hire her son?If they were so rare how come all the PC owners of the club know about it?
"The circulation" would still be limited to where it could be seen by people who are interested in "artistic" porn, because that's what Donovan's studio is selling. I doubt this means posters on every public corner.Let me remind you that the town they live in isn't that big so going for the only "professional" porn studio in town was either utterly stupid or selfish. Porn studios like Don's don't make videos that only a handful of perverts would see, the circulation must have been high enough that it would pay for those posters, secretaries and a huge office and allow him to make another movie.
And srsly, going with this claim you make here how impossible something like this is to hide, if this was anywhere near accurate then basically every kid of every porn actress in RL should be getting bullied their entire life in school, because there's apparently no way that this information could ever not leak out and be maliciously acted upon, at the very least in the city where the movie was made. And/or where the actress happens to live.
Do you know this to be, in fact, the case? Are children of all porn actresses out there widely known and getting bullied by their classmates? Or maybe girls who make porn flicks all travel to the other side of the country, if not the world, in order to protect their families from getting forever smeared with public scorn, and that's why the reality doesn't match this vision..?
I mean, considering how many porn movies get made, that's a lot of children. Won't someone think of them, please.
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