This entire argument about how likely it is that people in Edwin's school would recognize Victoria from porn is, in my opinion, really dumb.
We know that PC is set in more or less our current time frame, right? For the sake of argument, let's call it 2019. And I can't remember if Edwin's age is ever specifically mentioned and frankly don't care enough to go find receipts for something this silly. But we know Edwin is studying medicine, which puts him most likely in his late teens or early twenties. I tend to assume early twenties, since med school generally comes after an undergraduate degree.
And we're mostly talking about Edwin's peers in middle school, right? So that's a solid 10-15 years before the events of the game.
How many pornstars can you remember from the early to mid 2000s? Half a dozen? Maybe a dozen or so if you were a real degen connoisseur? And those big names that became famous enough for name recognition invariably worked for large, national or international corporations. Playboy and Penthouse were too tame for the kind of kinky shit we see in the game, and the softcore parody Misty Mundae type stuff is obviously out. Vivid is the only company I can think of that might have had the kind of porn Donovan was making, but I'm sure there were probably others I wasn't aware of. Is Donovan's operation that big? Maybe. It's hard to say.
But even then, that's name and face recognition for maybe a dozen of the biggest, most popular, most famous pornstars that became anything resembling household names. Victoria was never that level of well-known, because if she was then literally everyone would know about her, and the game just has no evidence of that at all.
Not to mention: Do you guys even remember porn in 2007? If you wanted anything better than a grainy 400x300 pixel clip that took 5 minutes to load in Internet Explorer (or Firefox if you were cool, but not Chrome; it wasn't released until near the end of 2008.) and was less than a minute long, you had to download it from LimeWire or someplace. And that could easily take several hours even if your family was rich enough for DSL or cable internet, and much longer at 56K dial-up speeds. Or, you'd have to actually haul your carcass to an adult store and buy a DVD. Or I guess there were mail-order DVD companies too, like Adam & Eve or whatever. But my point is that the only way most of Edwin's peers would have any exposure to porn videos at all is if they found Dad's stash of DVDs or got stuff from torrenting. Still photos were much easier to come by, of course, but that's not what we're talking about, is it?
Anyway. The odds that anyone is going to stumble on Victoria's stuff from sneaking into Dad's DVD collection or weeding through the tens of thousands of files available on LimeWire with descriptive names like "big_boobs_23462.mpeg?" Very, very, very, very small.