This is the case for nearly all patreon-backed porn games, it's way more profitable to just keep milking the game forever with minimal content added every month to keep stupid patrons, who can't think clearly due to lack of blood to the brain, satisfied. Hell, with some games they wait almost a fucking year before showing any sort of development at all!
Or maybe these are seriously amateur people with no experience managing projects of their own whatsoever and they just fuck up the schedule along the way and it eventually becomes way easier to just come up with some random bullshit once a day every month, work for a couple days and publish it to your patrons. Even if it doesn't necessarily advance the plot of the game at all, they need to push out the "crumbs" of content every once in a while to keep the easy money coming. So these games end up being a shitty mess with enormous expectations but nothing to show for it.
Or maybe a bit of both.
Well, yes. But I was specifically talking about: HOW come most of them suck so much ass? (hypothetically)
In the sense that they had ONE job. Like, let me just oversimplify this: Imagine you played some dude in this game. You'd play similar to any of the male NPC's more or less. (Except more autonomy) Asking everyone to suck your dick, and having every single female NPC suck your dick. Probably do a little side quest where you pay a girl to suck your dick. And your male PC is overall super horny and demands to be pleasured a ton.
And now: They're gonna make a "female version of that game". And... the female PC acts like a female NPC. She has no needs, urges, sex drive or self-regard. She just drones around asking to suck dick. And in said side quest:
She is the one that PAYS to suck some randoms dick. I can name dozens of games that fuck up a basic concept like that. It's basically like if you pick a female trainer in pokemon: You only get xp if you lose fights...
I can get being new to making games. Totally reasonable. But as said... when one of the KEY FEATURES they advertise is: "Lesbians" and they have ONE unfinished scene... but doesn't even bother to mention the game is exclusively about maledom and hyper dicks... 4 years. 1 unfinished lesbian scene. Like... how do you even fuck up
that bad? It's like that retard that claims to be a "lesbian artist!" (as in: draws primarily lesbians) and has like, 75 % male content. Can draw
tons of males and penises. But barely knows how to draw 1 female.
This game honestly feels like some guy writing about his Gary Stu. Claims to offer "several characters", all girls just talk about wanting to suck dick. All boys just talk about wanting their dick sucked. Offers choices. It's railroaded with one path. And you're kink shamed into only being allowed the creators fetish. And as pretty much everyone has pointed out: The "story" is bad even for porn standards. I think my main issue is that it's trying to treat itself seriously?
Yeah, I'm a bit upset too, but I think I get where they're coming from. To play devil's advocate, they may be trying to cut their losses and move on with the updated art and possibly new gameplay in the next chapter. Whether or not they're staying with flash is beyond me, but it seems like they want a fresh start. That's the only reasoning I can come up with.
Maybe? Tbh: If they admit they fucked up, and stop lying for their next game: That'd be a huge step forward.
OR: If they shape up and actually deliver on what is promised. That'd be a really nice turnabout.