what is wrong with the ending? it was quite fine.
You win and get the choice between destroying the evil organization or taking it over as the new head honcho.
I liked it.
Now if you want a bad ending check the previous game, orange trainer.
I like a bt of flavor in my endings dude, let me give you a example:
The ending of this game makes me remember Bound By Flame: a mediocre ARPG i played a long time ago.
So, in the game, your main character gets possessed by a demon and you get choices during the game of letting this demon corrupt and possess you further to gain power or not do that and remain a mostly pure human.
Of course these things influence the ending and.... the endings are garbage, the good ending has a cutscene of a few seconds where you get out of the villains lair and meet with your companions then the game ends and in the evil ending your character supposedly turns completely into a demon after defeating the final boss, i say 'supposedly' because you don't get to see it, the game fades to black and says you randomly destroyed the world...
Which is complete bullshit, you spent the entire game in this world and you know shit is complicated, that demon should not be able to so easily destroy it,
hell, they could make a entire new game about
conquering that world!
What i am saying is, do it like Knights of the Old republic and show me what my character did in the ending, i want to know
how and