Tried this out for the first time. My thoughts:
I started the game and had no idea what to do/where to go so I just fished for a couple weeks.
Finally decided to explore and get a feel for the world.
Got to the farm. Cleared field, prepared soil, planted, watered.
Go back next morning to harvest... BOOM!
Story lurches forward with no warning. I meet 10 new people and Im thrown into a war zone.
Next week spent doing unavoidable story with everyone who has known me for 25 years who I am meeting for the first time. I dont know any of these people but they all know me and now its time to sex them with no buildup.
Next, I go to the swamp where there are alligators which may or may not eat me? They arent mentioned.
Now, Im having sex with a voodoo priestess/ possible GOD who is telling me about events I have never done but somehow, I am a secret murderer? Wait, what?
There needs to be some direction or guidance of some sort. It seems there are quests and story scattered that you can randomly stumble across in any order but in order to make sense there is a preferred order that is never mentioned.
I love rpgm games though. The story needs to be linked or chained together like when sis brings you to the bank.
I am looking forward to seeing the game and story come together. You have a rough diamond right now. I cant wait to see it polished.
Thanks for your comment, but I think your aimless rolling would have been prevented if you had read about the guide aids at the beginning of the game, did you take the time to read about them? It's explained at the beginning. I must say it's pretty basic and incomplete, but at least it would have saved you from rolling all over the map aimlessly at the beginning.
As I said it is no perfect, but at least it is there to help.
It also gives you the option to use the MC's PC, where you can find an entire map of the islands so that you can identify the places of interest indicated by the missions.
You say you like rpgs, so you know how difficult it is to make them work taking into account the choices that each different player will make, I could well pigeonhole all the missions into a single event, scene after scene automatically, but that would take away the freedom to explore, so I've tried to have it both ways, and of course it gets complicated.
Also on the home page of the game there are a lot of warnings about the features of the game, did read them? They say that it is not necessary to explore the entire map at the beginning, that you first familiarize yourself with the places little by little.
So my game has a long way to go, that's true, but it gets exponentially more complicated if you don't take the time to look at the few tutorials it offers.