There are some pretty intense opinions out there, for sure! Positive as well as negative, everything is very welcome because, obviously, we can't make a game everyone likes. We'd like to include as much of that feedback as possible, it is just hard to grasp what the majority thinks. As far as the concerns with other male characters go let us tell you that we've learned our lesson with Tommy in the first episode and will handle things accordingly. Anyways, let me just answer this with a quote:
Don't let others try and change your story make the game how you want to make it.
This!! We will not change our story but definitely listen to feedback and try to include as much as possible!
If one episode will contain one game day and go out once a month through how much will it be? In one year? Two?
Well, we don't know. If the wouldn't have duties elsewhere in our lives, then we could answer that. We have a story to tell and would love to be able to tell it the way we think it should be told but we've just started so it would not make sense right now to think a year or two ahead (publically).
1) Well, since you very well intend to introduce an equal ratio of women/men ("to make it realistic"), are all the males going to be rivals?
2) And how will you distribute development between each path for the girls (NTR v/s No NTR: hope they are both equally favoured)?.
3) Since you are not planning to make the game a harem, we will most likely have individual routes with the girls, correct? So how are you planning to distribute the time in development in regards to the possible multitude of routes?
4) And since we could very well be locked out of any other girls routes, or possibly have dire consequences if you try to "share the love", what would be the end-game plan? What would be our objective after fighting pesky rivals and achieving love?
P.S: All the development questions in regards to time can be ignored if you so wish.
1) Not all males are going to be rivals.
2) As stated before, once you begin a relationship with a girl there will not be NTR. We don't want that.
3) This is far in the future. Multiple routes where everyone could play his favorite path / reach his favorite ending would be AWESOME!! However, we would have to have a team to be able to create enough content for all the routes on a regular basis. I remember playing BB (I was a huge fan for a while) and waiting for months after months for my favorite path to proceed. That wasn't fun.
4) This question implies that we already know how much depth the game will ultimately have, which we don't so I can't really answer this. We'd love to make it diverse with routes and mutliple endings but then we would have to work full time on the game plus a team that helps us out. You gotta understand how much work this is. It doesn't look like it but episode 2 has hundreds of hours of work behind it.
Edit: formatting