So your want all the females in the game go be virgins?can you consider some kind of option to make the girls not taking anymore BF or males, kind of a vanilla option for the users that dont like to have more males in the game¿? i dont like seeing voyeur content of potentials love interest of the mc having affairs or love with others male npcs wether this is a fetish or not . After Reading your post it kinds of give me the idea that we will kind of see the girls with someone and that certainly is not something i like in games.
edit: will make it more clear so you can understand,
what some people like in a game is to start fresh with the girls, if those girls have or did have sex or some kind of relationship in the game it ruins our platonic love for those girls, is kind of being filthy seconds
There are no tags för ntr or cheating in this game so I don't understand this post