This is something I have been thinking about for a while. Because I don't want it to be like other games where you grind by going to work and you get money that way. So I have been trying to think about ways for the MC to get money that are fun. I want the game to be about exploration much more than repetition. I agree with your analysis thus far though. I think it will need to be addressed. While I like the idea. I am not particularly interested in the grandfather leaving the MC money as he is already giving you the book. I feel like it would be weird to throw in a couple hundred bucks or whatever. I think charming people to get money may be the way I go with things
- Mostly I was thinking of the Shops (Asa & the massage parlor (She is a bit expensive.), the Palm Reader & the Magic shop)
And until MC is able to read & use the book Better, money is always Good.
- I do agree with you. Don't want to be spending Alot of time grinding with a job,
But it can also intro more/new NCP's for MC to 'Charm' and cast spells on (even for practice).
- wouldn't want to accidently hurt NCP's we actually Care about would we?

(So, I was thinking that 'the $$ gift' would be a One time event.)