just my two cents but I really dont like the way the exp leveling system is now. With all the stop exp limits, its just kind of janky.......
Its like a serious disconnect from the story, or at least the grind. You should be rewarded for the time put into the grind. I may have to stop playing this if this is a final replacement for Dev control of the MC. Why make a villain or hero if he is just limited to the role of average joe? Get my drift?
Also whats up with the Devs control on the stats? Who ever heard of you cant grow your muscles unless your smart? With all those stats tied together, we may as well just be making a flat character. Every stat is so tied to each other that nothing can grow unless you add to EACH AND EVERY other stat. WTF? I actually Loved the way it was before. I am having a hard time thinking that I can even reach the top tier skills with this kind of stat limitation. If need like 25 strength, that means all my other stats must be 21. That cant be done with only story/sex scene exp. Just cant be done.
Would be awesome if those issues get fixed. I do enjoy playing the game before these were implemented. I dont think these issues need to be fixed and should be reverted back to what they were. There is no problem with letting the MC become a power house designed the way the player wants. Just make the story something to remember and leave these basic mechanic issues alone after putting them back the way they were.