3.70 star(s) 22 Votes


Active Member
Aug 25, 2017
I am wondering, does anyone have the Patron-exclusive version of the game? Since I heard from others at other sites, that one comes with a Cheat Mode system, that allows you to cheat, when you enter into Part Two of the game.


Active Member
Aug 25, 2017
Insert this code somewhere in the .html file, on 4.23 it starts at line 10941, should still work on 4.25.

Macro.add("debugger", {
    handler: function(v = State.variables, t = State.temporary){
        let args = this.args;
        let passage = args[0];
        let host = args[1];
        let host_id = v.game.entities.cur_identity;
        let txt = [];
        let stage = 'mature';//args[2] || 'mature';
        let parasite_list = ["werm", "canal", "starfish", "choker", "egg"];
        let suit_list = ["werm_suit", "canal_suit", "star_suit", "choker_suit"];
        let p_count = parasite_list.length; //args[3] || 1;
        let b_count = suit_list.length;

        txt.push(`The cheat mode was created only for debugging purposes. After using any of the options - the game may be unplayable.`);
        txt.push(`<font color="orange" style="bold">YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!</font>`);
        txt.push(`<div class="row" style="display: flex">`);
            txt.push(`<div class="column" style="flex: 50%">`);
                txt.push("Get parasites:");

                for (var i = 0; i < p_count; i++) {
                    let parasite = parasite_list[i];//args[1];
                    let parasite_name = parasite.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + parasite.slice(1);
                    let text = [];
                    // txt.push(`<<link 'Get ${parasite_name}' '${passage}'>><<storeparasite '${host} ${parasite}'>><</link>>`);
                        text = `Get a `;
                        text += `<<link '(Cyan)' '${passage}'>><<storeparasite _pc '${parasite}'>><</link>> `;
                        text += `<<link '(Red)' '${passage}'>><<storeparasite _pc 'red_${parasite}'>><</link>> `;
                        text += `<<link '(Blue)' '${passage}'>><<storeparasite _pc 'blue_${parasite}'>><</link>> `;
                        text += `<<link '(White)' '${passage}'>><<storeparasite _pc 'white_${parasite}'>><</link>> `;
                        text += `<<link '(Purple)' '${passage}'>><<storeparasite _pc 'purple_${parasite}'>><</link>> `;
                        text += `${parasite_name}`;
                    } else {
                        text = `Get a `;
                        text += `<<link '(Cyan)' '${passage}'>><<storeparasite _pc 'choker' '${parasite}'>><</link>> `;
                        text += `<<link '(Red)' '${passage}'>><<storeparasite _pc 'red_choker' '${parasite}'>><</link>> `;
                        text += `<<link '(Blue)' '${passage}'>><<storeparasite _pc 'blue_choker' '${parasite}'>><</link>> `;
                        text += `<<link '(White)' '${passage}'>><<storeparasite _pc 'white_choker' '${parasite}'>><</link>> `;
                        text += `<<link '(Purple)' '${passage}'>><<storeparasite _pc 'purple_choker' '${parasite}'>><</link>> `;
                        text += `Choker ${parasite_name}`;
                    txt.push(`<font color="#68d">`+text+`</font>`);
                let p_list_all = `Get `;
                p_list_all += `<<link '(Cyan)' '${passage}'>><<storeparasite _pc 'werm'>><<storeparasite _pc 'canal'>><<storeparasite _pc 'starfish'>><<storeparasite _pc 'choker'>><<storeparasite _pc 'choker' 'egg'>><</link>> `;
                p_list_all += `<<link '(Red)' '${passage}'>><<storeparasite _pc 'red_werm'>><<storeparasite _pc 'red_canal'>><<storeparasite _pc 'red_starfish'>><<storeparasite _pc 'red_choker'>><<storeparasite _pc 'red_choker' 'egg'>><</link>> `;
                p_list_all += `<<link '(Blue)' '${passage}'>><<storeparasite _pc 'blue_werm'>><<storeparasite _pc 'blue_canal'>><<storeparasite _pc 'blue_starfish'>><<storeparasite _pc 'blue_choker'>><<storeparasite _pc 'blue_choker' 'egg'>><</link>> `;
                p_list_all += `<<link '(White)' '${passage}'>><<storeparasite _pc 'white_werm'>><<storeparasite _pc 'white_canal'>><<storeparasite _pc 'white_starfish'>><<storeparasite _pc 'white_choker'>><<storeparasite _pc 'white_choker' 'egg'>><</link>> `;
                p_list_all += `<<link '(Purple)' '${passage}'>><<storeparasite _pc 'purple_werm'>><<storeparasite _pc 'purple_canal'>><<storeparasite _pc 'purple_starfish'>><<storeparasite _pc 'purple_choker'>><<storeparasite _pc 'purple_choker' 'egg'>><</link>> `;
                // txt.push(`<<link 'Get all x1' '${passage}'>>'${p_list_all}'<</link>>`);              
                p_list_all += `all x1`;
                txt.push(`<font color="#68d">`+p_list_all+`</font>`);

            txt.push(`<div class="column" style="flex: 25%">`);
                txt.push('Get biosuits');
                for (var i = 0; i < b_count; i++) {
                    let suit = suit_list[i];
                    let parasite = parasite_list[i];//args[1];
                    let suit_name = parasite.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + parasite.slice(1) + ' Suit';

                    txt.push(`<<link 'Get ${suit_name}' '${passage}'>><<storeparasite _pc '${suit}'>><</link>>`);  
                let b_list_all = "<<storeparasite _pc 'werm_suit'>><<storeparasite _pc 'canal_suit'>><<storeparasite _pc 'star_suit'>><<storeparasite _pc 'choker_suit'>>";
                txt.push(`<<link 'Get all x1' '${passage}'>>'${b_list_all}'<</link>>`);

            txt.push(`<div class="column" style="flex: 25%">`);
                txt.push('More stuff:');

                txt.push(`<a data-passage="${passage}" data-setter="_pc.ai.money += 10000; $game.money+= 10000">Get $10k</a>`);
                if(host.stats.base.force < 300){
                    txt.push(`<a data-passage="${passage}" data-setter="$people['${host_id}'].stats.base.force += 500">Strongest</a>`);
                txt.push(`<a data-passage="${passage}" data-setter="$people['${host_id}'].stats.base.force *= 0">Weakest</a>`);
                    txt.push(`<a data-passage="Fix Spaceship" data-setter="$biosuit_counter = biosuit_counter()">Head to the spaceship</a>`);


        console.log('host:', host);
        console.log('v', v, 't', t);

        new Wikifier(this.output, txt.join('<br>')+'<br>');  
How do I do that?


New Member
Apr 8, 2018
I uses FireFox how do I opens that in there?
Opening the Web Console

You open the Web Console from a menu or with a keyboard shortcut:

  • Choose Web Console from the Web Developer submenu in the Firefox Menu (or Tools menu if you display the menu bar or are on Mac OS X)
  • Press the Ctrl+Shift+K (Command+Option+K on OS X) keyboard shortcut.

The Toolbox appear at the bottom, left, or right of the browser window (depending on your docking settings), with the Web Console activated (it's just called Console in the DevTools toolbar).


New Member
Jan 18, 2021
question, where can one get said client? been trying to get some sort of blue parasites with the game after getting the werm biosuit, yet after sticking it it it never came out after several days, the wiki if I remember correctly said it would donly take a single day, I had some human semen but much much more parasite semen... am I doing things correctly?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2019
ive also tried editing to add debugger but i cant fingure out how to actually edit the html code i go to tools web console and debugger and see the lines of code but cant figure out how to add anything to it
3.70 star(s) 22 Votes