VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Parental Love [v1.1] [Luxee]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    had potential to be a great game but if you actually played it you would know the youngest daughter cant be romanced or even interacted with as everything involving her says censored and just gets skipped witch causes the story to feel rushed for other reasons as well feels all over the place and not done well good animations tho other that not really worth playing through
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely my favorite picks game. I don't know how many times I've played it, and every time I play it feels like it's the first time. It's amazing in many ways, and the way the narrative progresses is not forced or unnatural (if we can say that starting an incestuous relationship with your family is something natural lol).
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    How it should have played out, Daughter Ella and Ada doesnt exist and Emily would have a different life. MC and Jenna would had a family of their own. The way Jenna is and the way she is written, she would have convinced the MC to get married and moved to a country that allows incest relationship like Argentina, Brazil, India, the Ivory Coast, Japan, Latvia, South Korea, Thailand, and Turkey.

    If going for Harem - This would never fully happened Why? Eric would have called the police the moment he caught MC, Ada and Sofi naked in bed. Police would believe a child over the adult.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Man, this game is a diamond in the rough. The writing doesn't take itself too seriously, leading to one-note villains, unrealistic scenarios and plenty of opportunities for both kinky and questionable content mostly related to incest. And take note, I played this with the incest/uncensored patch, so I got the full experience of everything this game has to offer between the two endings I discovered.

    Regardless, if you're just looking for a decent kinetic novel to try out, and you don't mind the weird stuff this game might throw at you, I'd recommend you try it out. It's certainly not for everyone, especially with the patch, but for us with a "refined taste" it's a real treat.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    A family harem game where the father wants to fuck and create a harem with every member of the family + daughter friend, with the help of his sister. After coming to their life after many years of absence.

    Extraordinary aspects of the game:

    What is good:
    The models are good and most of the sex scenes were alright. And Sofi, don’t know why but that character did capture my heart, maybe I am weak for damsels in distress.

    What is bad:
    The weird world, the “villains”, the family itself, the mother, the MC.

    What can be made better:
    So much.

    My opinion:
    An interesting idea but something that is almost impossible to make as it’s really hard to make a realistic family harem game.

    Still, though most of the characters that aren't your family members are COMICAL one-dimensional villains. The family characters’ behavior is questionable at best and just complete nonsense at worse.

    The best-writen character is Sofi and you can even write a whole game only for her if you ask me, but my suspicion is that she got charm because she doesn't appear too much aka she is good because she appears less in the game.

    The relationship between the MC and his daughters is questionable at best, not helping that the mother accepts this because of retarded reasons with were, “I promised that he can fuck any girls in this house so why can't he fuck his own daughters too…” Wtf?

    Anyway even though the game is weird and nonsensical sometimes, it's still a game that can be enjoyed with all the family(please don’t) at some moments, so that is why I left it in the Alright category.

    If you want more reviews/recommendation check out my list [Link]
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. It's a classic for a reason. The dialogue is sexy, the grammar and spelling is polished, the renders are hot, the sex scenes are diverse, etc...

    The story is basically window-dressing and the characters might be a liiiiitle too okay with how much taboo stuff is going on, but that's something you basically have to accept for these adult games (especially harems). But it does get a little ridiculous in the final act during the harem route because it seems to go so fast from the Wife's perspective but she's okay with everything.

    My biggest complaint is that there weren't more scenes with that gorgeous trans masseuse. I was a little annoyed when the MC kept turning down her requests to join the harem or even just be a sex buddy but I get that the Dev probably had their hands full with all the other characters.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Would have been a promising game but story is beyond terrible. Very mild spoilers ahead but I don't know why you would care about spoilers for a story this bad. You'll meet a couple of other men, but they are literally just put in the game to rape (or attempt to rape) the females. Even when you would expect the men to act like normal people because their job requires them to interact with people - no, they're just turbo rapists. The elder daughter falls in love with you and asks to marry you (her father!) after a day. She is completely serious!

    This game manages to salvage one star because the elder daughter, Elly, is super cute, and the cuddling perspectives are something that I wish other games would do more.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Version Played: 1.00

    I'm not entirely sure how I stumbled across this one, but I ended up enjoying it quite a bit.
    The story is fairly run of the mill, but it's surprisingly well-written (for the genre) with some laugh out loud moments.
    Overall, it's a game that doesn't take itself too seriously, but is serious about getting you off.

    + Hot cast of characters
    + About as depraved as you can get
    + Complete!

    - If you play the patched version, you're probably on a government list ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    If you're looking for a complete "fun for the whole family" game, you will enjoy this one!

    Like this? Try!: Ecchi Sensei
    Notes to Devs: Thanks for the fun game!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Story, Great Animation, Wholesome moments, Overall A great Game. Would Highly recommend playing it.
    Though Father Daughter is not really my preferred Genre, the game is really awesome and as I played through the game I started liking the genre .
    The choices will affect your story, and each story has its unique Wholesome moments.
    Highly Recommend you to play this game.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    A nice game, with A TON of sex scenes! Story is okay, girls and graphics are decent, but animation loops and some scenes are very short.

    The younger sister protagonist has an adult face, which is a bit disturbing.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    good game,. story works even with usual sillines and graphics are good (not top notch but doesn't matter), choices matter if wants to start things with girls or doesn't and each main girl has their own ending.

    recommended just for story.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm not very much into father - daughter incest but we all have to try new thing in life right? Well, this new experience was rather nice.

    We playing as husband and father who wants to go back to his wife and two daughters and start over again with them. We have to show them our love... in more ways than one. Our eldest daughter needing daddy back in her life definitely helps. Then our lovely sister makes an appearance and spice everything up. Let's just say this: incest runs through this family way before we even touch ours daughters. Did i mention our younger daughter is underage? And her underage friend is dealing with some serious problems? We are a good father and a good man, we have to help them and keep them safe. And make love with them obviously. There are different routes and endings in the game. Harem is the obvious one, and easily the best one here. We're making everyone happy and all. Other routes are not that good. Broken hearts, sad faces and screamings are happening so that's no good.

    Game is rather old so redner's quality is not the best but its not that bad. But at some point in the game imo renders quality drops: there is something wrong with lighting, too much effects and some characters starts to look completely different than before. Girls are looking rather nice, there is some variety. Our elder daughter and younger daughter friend are looking especially good. I would say that the youngest one looks the worst. Something is off with her face and body proportions but maybe it's just me. Sex scenes are rather good and well executed. Nothing special in animations department, very basic two frame loop. No music and sounds and that's always bad, even in these types of games.

    Overall Parental Love is a very pleasant game with decent amount of content. The longest, harem route is around 8-9 hours long so there is a good chunk of being a good father/brother/husband/lover and everything in between.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Game states it has incest content, but that requires a patch that forces underage content.

    There is no reason the two cant be separated but as they determined they would not bother, gave this game a hard pass despite the ratings.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Perfect! Need more game like this.
    It's easy to play and goes directly to the important. It has a good script and beautifull models to play whit, It has all, multiple ending, family stuff, loli, milf, and everything works fine.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is not perfect but I still love it. The story is quite fast paced and short but the models are beautiful. It just would've been better if it had more of a build up. The animations aren't that great either. Regardless, the attention to kinks is admirable and I recommend trying this.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Not a very interesting story/game, unoriginal and more fast paced than most. Feels like the dev just wanted to get the whole thing over with.

    Renders 7/10
    Story 4/10 Not original by any means.
    Writing 5/10 Again nothing the held interest.
    Animations 1/10 Very poor animations, what animations there were. Popping it then bam your done with a couple of sex animations, i wouldn't call impressive.

    This story/game felt like it was done as an annoying task. There isn't any feeling like the dev cared what was in it.
    Played through it and scrapped it afterwards, it's not fun enough or memorable enough to keep or do over.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Well.... that was an arousing adventure!

    I was looking for a game similar to Sisterly Lust and I definitely found it. Took a couple days with all of your help to get all 5 endings (actually had to use a walkthrough from mejoress to get the "Make it Special" and "Forbidden One" achieves.

    Still missing a couple achievements....'Dating my.... Doughnut' (I swear I've gotten to the scene with Sofi multiple times where she puts on a wig and nothing has happened).... and obviously without that I'm missing the 'Completionist' but I'm not going to stress myself out.... I'd rather move to a new game and enjoy myself all over again... and hopefully it's done as well as this one!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is fucked up and I love it. It has many fetishes you can rarely see in other games, which is a main feature of the game.
    Also, it's one of the few games where pregnancy isn't just a tag, it really has lots of pregnancy things. I liked so much I played it multiple times.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Ever dreamt of living the royal life in a perfect household, surrounded by an appealing family ? This is for you !

    The renders look good (a lot better than most 3D VN), the story and taboo of it all are great.
    A good number of choices and nicely fleshed-out characters (liked how cute and physically similar the Mom and children looked, just looking at their faces you can tell it's family)

    Sufficient length and great read overall.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The mother(Or rather daughter) of all incest games. Stayed at a decent pace with all the events, plot is of course a little ridiculous but given the situation it makes sense and one shouldn't be expecting Shakespeare here anyway and it's entertaining for what it is. Decent variety to sex scenes and a few paths, all satisfying in their way. And in none of them do you have to share your daughters/sister/wife which I've noticed happens in many incest/harem games at some point if only bc the patrons blindly insist on it till the dev relents which thankfully didn't happen here. Nope just good old debaucherous incest fun for the whole family. Decently worth replays as well. Only downside is no/slow animations but frankly in 2021 we're a little spoiled in that regard so I do not mind.
    (Oh but there is an underage girl with the patch if that bothers people. I know it can turn someone on as easily as piss them off)