I continue to enjoy the quality of Luxee's images and his color choices; while I can understand different people favoring one hair color over another, I've been fine with choices we see for Emily and Elly thus far. The closeups continue to be amazing (e.g., Elly's eyeroll literally had me LOLing) and the depth of field usage remains highly effective. Plus, the timing adds well to comedic effect when it's needed - that spittake was out of the blue and honestly funny.
Almost everything about this episode was unexpected to me, which is why I found it so entertaining:
Elly's going overboard in her open lust for the MC was generally not a surprise, but how it made Emily react - across multiple scenes - helped make this episode more interesting than if it was mostly full-on sex. Doubt and intrigue continue to rise.
The only disappointment - if you can call it that, because it was my own expectation and not necessarily advertised - was that Sofi got no time from the MC in his first day back, even though he discussed her with Emily. She expressed a real connection with him (healthy or not) before he returned home and I was hoping for a meeting of the minds+hearts in this episode between them. Not even sex, just some real discussion and sharing.
Does the harem situation mean that the MC is being more superficial and less caring of the others?
I am starting to get the feeling that their harem approach doesn't mean they will all live happily ever after, but instead some will live together due to the MC while others might decide to stay for other people+reasons. If they all stay together, that is: the harem path doesn't need to imply it's fully successful and might turn some away. Let's recall that for the currently completed paths, only in the Emily path does the MC still live with her full-time.