Hi trying to figure out Nikki's birthday. When I ask she says she's not comfortable telling me. My numbers are 1716201617191712131518121410. Seems like a lot of people are having problems with this. Thanks for the help
you should probably stop sending hints on 71088959971113874 and just say what you should do. Most of the "I can't tell what to do"s are the same number.
Jim jonas The reason why I don't just write the solution is that it doesn't give me an image of how many actually run into that issue. In this case we are getting to a point were I would add an ingame pointer to the event since more than 3 players seem to have a problem finding it on their own. This is just as much a testing tool for me as it is a "help line" for you guys.
Edit: Was that actually a request for help with that number as well?
During the conversation talking about being able to add income in the afternoon through stocks, there should have been a command word or phrase that was defined.
IIRC, I think 'stocks' or even 'st' will work as long as you're in the office
I'm supposed to talk to Huo at her hut in the morning but I'm not sure what the correct terms to initiate it are supposed to be. I gather it's supposed to be "ask Huo about" but the keyword I need to use after that I have no clue. Check Display doesn't offer any help towards that end--just says to meet her at her hut in the morning.
docsteel Unless it says "ask...." in the task list you don't have use the ask commend. Everything else just refers to going to that location. If she isn't listed in the location listing for her hut in the morning you might have to wait until she returns at later time (story related)