
Game Developer
Dec 6, 2019
Clicked on start... now stuck on Now Loading... screen. Won't go past that.

Start screen also shows v1.9 instead of 2.1?
stuck in infinite loading screen void too
I believe these have been fixed on this latest update. Please, do tell me if things are alright now.

Update broke something, can no longer access Allurgard at all. Not from save or new game.
Tell me if this is still the case with the latest update, please. Also, if it is, can you not access Allurgard from the option in the Beyond when starting a new game? If you load a save from Allurgard it just doesn't load? What are the circumstances here?

Couple of issues I encountered that I couldn't manage to fix:
1. Fullscreen option would randomly go into windowed fullscreen when you set your resolution too high
2. Saving and exiting the game seems to delete all your saves
3. Game would randomly freeze in the middle of playing *which I found the most annoying, and I just can't seem to fix this issue making my game completely unplayable*
4. I can't name the Angel as every time I try to there just isn't a box for me to type a name in.
5. Very rarely, in combat enemies would go into negative hp and not die. *which can really mess your game*
4th and 5th problems haven't been fixed yet, but will be in the next update. Thank you for reporting them! Also, tell me if the save problem is still happening in this update.

I've encountered at least three bugs so far in the new update.

1. No textbox appears when naming the angel.
2. XP resets every time I travel between areas, e.g. between Whitewood forest and the village.
3. The "confirm" option when levelling up is greyed out even if I've distributed all available points.

Either the UI overhaul fucked up a lot of stuff, or my download got janked up somewhere along the way. I'm hoping it's the latter so I've deleted and redownloaded the game. Will update on that.
The overhaul fucked a lot of stuff, my apologies, but it was necessary. Next update should see things go completely back to normal in terms of fixing the glitches caused by the overhaul.


Game Developer
Dec 6, 2019
PtA 2.3 - Draka, the Berserker!

  • Added Draka as an NPC and companion. You can find her in her home, where after the event where you reunite her with her Hardisa, you may recruit her as a companion.
  • Added two new events: the one where Draka joins you, and the one where she guides you through the swamps towards Grimwood's lair.

  • Game Over now does not hide the load button.
  • Bars have been fixed and recede to the left instead of to the center.
  • Fixed the Unconscious status remaining in a fallen companion even after battle when they should return to 1 Hp and become conscious again.
  • Actually implemented back the refresh rate back. (last update didn't have this fix due to my hard drive dying and messing things up on my end)
  • Minor text fixes.
  • Fixed the Stone Draka event having the personality tags of Hardisa and not of Draka.
  • Changed Living Vine placeholder on Draka quest to an Orc. (also a placeholder, but more accurate)
  • Fixed new areas not having any fog of war.
  • Fixed some questions continuing the event in the Family Reunion event, renamed the event (previously it was Draka & Seer Reunion), and fixed two choices that were swapped in description and consequence.
  • Fixed a bug that was duplicating Status effects on code, causing combat to crash sometimes.
Updates Since Last Public Build

PtA 2.2 - Whitewood News!


  • Implemented another Bersa scene.
  • Implemented a Felix Scene.
  • Minor Fixes.
  • Reimplemented Refresh Rates in the resolution Screen instead of automatically selecting them, as this was causing some people black screen problems. Mayhaps, the resolution problems are finally fixed?
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Oct 8, 2021
Tell me if this is still the case with the latest update, please. Also, if it is, can you not access Allurgard from the option in the Beyond when starting a new game? If you load a save from Allurgard it just doesn't load? What are the circumstances here?
Been a while since I tried, but I'll see what happens after I finish downloading the new update and see if I can find any of my old save files. Once I'm through all that, I'll post a followup even if it's to just note "all good now."


Jun 16, 2020
Other then the game locking up during character creation 5-6 times, then locking up when trying to play every minute or two, and the encounters being "you're dead" if you can't rest/recover after each one the game is just fine.


Oct 8, 2021
Sakkara's experience is similar to mine. Ducked into A-gard to test on a new character, returned to get dropped into Firstmas, then locked up and had to CTRL-ALT-DEL out, though admittedly I'm running a gutless heap of crap.


New Member
Jun 19, 2020
Saving with any of the items you get from the eldritch cave equipped corrupts the save, making it so that on loading that save; it's either stuck on the loading screen forever or goes to a different scene that can't be progressed from.


New Member
May 14, 2017
Saving with any of the items you get from the eldritch cave equipped corrupts the save, making it so that on loading that save; it's either stuck on the loading screen forever or goes to a different scene that can't be progressed from.
What he said, plus I'm still experiencing freezes that are unfixable, dunno about others.

Elona Spiral

Aug 31, 2020
This game looks interesting so I downloaded it to try it

Looking at the options, I have some feedback
The checkboxes could use a red tick or X instead of darker shade of brown
Beige and Brown are very similar in color and it can be quite difficult to differentiate between the two, especially if you use Night mode to reduce the blue light the screen emits.

Right after starting a new game, I see that the game has quite some text with the scrollbar

Bug: Clicking on the scrollbar and dragging it up/down sideways. The Game hanging means that I can't click on any buttons.
Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't.
Pressing the hotkeys for tabs like the character screen or Save/Load will cause the bookmarks for it to left/right, as though you clicked on the bookmark itself. I suspect it's a UI issue
I was playing at 1600x900@100Hz Windowed in case you need to know.

I'm sure you might already know about this but just in case
There's overlapping text

Same with this but also there's a - in front of the number.
Remove the - so it will be 1/2, makes it more obvious that it's the number of pages of options.
Better yet, make the option selection a grid instead of rows of options (Would work well when the option names are short)

For options that have a description to them, you can use tooltips instead
The game is on computers so tooltips aren't a big issue unlike on mobile

Might be better if there's a little box of the color there or have the words be colored coded
If you choose to have the words to be color coded, give the lighter colors like White or Yellow, black borders so they still can be readable in a light colored background.

Keywords like Godling and Demigod are color coded, that is good. Especially if you want players to pay attention to them

This part can be confusing to some people, I know I was.
The map could be the map on the right or the View Map button on the left
Took a few tries until I realize that it's referring to the latter.

That's my feedback so far right after starting the game
I hope it helps


New Member
Mar 25, 2018
A little bit of further feedback on the scrollbar hang: I seem to be able to semi-reliably freeze the game by dragging the scrollbar beyond its upper bound, then dragging to the left. Sometimes this takes multiple attempts, other times it does not. Maybe it only happens when the cursor goes beyond a certain boundary, or hovers over some other specific element? This only seemed to happen while click-dragging, and using the scroll wheel did not cause it. I also couldn't reproduce it with, for example, the scrollable changelog on the main menu of the game. Unfortunately I do this sort of click-dragging habitually so I've gotten this crash many times.
The settings screen has the volume setting under "Screen" and the "Audio" category is empty.
Trying to name Angel does not give a text field to input a choice.
You are unable to enter text into the Name field under the Saves page. The border will change colors when hovering over the field, but you cannot click into it or type anything.
It's likely you're aware of this one, but buttons on the bottom of the screen whose text overflows the button has the overflow hidden:
In fact, this bar is a bit strange overall. Until this point, the game has had nearly all buttons directly underneath the passage and mini-map. These buttons are the only ones to go here. It is oddly inconsistent with the rest of the interface I have interacted with before this. The inconsistency in design is a bit jarring, and while I would not recommend trying to change everything to resolve such inconsistency at this time, it might be good to keep this in mind when it comes to future changes to the interface.
Multi-paged dialogue options is, possibly, a bit awkward to exit from, such as when talking to Angel. This isn't the worst thing in the world, and is more of a personal preference. It is functional enough, but I don't like having to go to the last page of options to leave that part of the conversation.

There are some minor problems with the writing grammatically, and at least once instance of excessive repetition of words. For example, I think the passage after making the save room says "You can do anything you want", "ask me about anything" "emphasis on any". "Any" three times in a row is a bit much.
Some passages seem to have awkward final sentences in particular. The sentence mentioned above is one example. Another is the angel BJ: "You are now, thoroughly relaxed." It might be better to work this into the previous sentence, such as removing "You are now" and simply adding " feeling thoroughly relaxed" or something similar to the end of the sentence before it. Otherwise, at least remove the comma, it doesn't belong.
Another example is "Besides a slight nausea, the trip appears to have left you mostly unharmed." I'm not actually sure if "a slight nausea" is grammatically incorrect, but it is somewhat awkward. What is usually said, for example is, "some slight nausea."
You've made heavy use of conjuctions which, at least to me, results in writing that reads as repetivitve or awkward. You might consider trying to remove these where you can. It may result in writing that reads a bit more smoothly. If you'd like to try this, edit a passage or two and compare them before committing to changing anything. If you feel that the conjuctions are fine after doing so, by all means, keep them.
Please don't take my criticism of grammar and style too harshly. These examples are very small issues that are easily resolved. I believe your writing will improve rapidly as you continue to work on this game.
In spite of these minor problems, I do like what I've gone through so far, which is just the introductory section.

Edit: One other thing I've noticed while playing is that if you have two long passages which both scroll one after another, the scrollbar's position does not (always?) reset when advancing to the second passage from the first. If I am scrolled to the bottom of the passage, then hit "Continue", the second passage will also be scrolled down.
Last edited:


Nov 7, 2019
When I start playing everything runs fine, the game freezes after half an hour or so but nothing that annoying. However the more you play on a save file, the more frequently these crashes happen until you can't advance a single scene before it freezes. In every save file I start this inevitably happens without fail.
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Game Developer
Dec 6, 2019
Elona Spiral Thank you for the feedback, will take it into account!

derpsud Thank you very much for the writing feedback! Don't worry about me, I have actually been hoping that some of that type of advice would come my way! Will take it into account!

I still cannot name the angel, I'm sorry to double report, but was this fixed in the last update?
Has been in this one.

When I start playing everything runs fine, the game freezes after half an hour or so but nothing that annoying. However the more you play on a save file, the more frequently these crashes happen until you can't advance a single scene before it freezes. In every save file I start this inevitably happens without fail.
Can you check if this latest update fixes these crashes, and if not, could you detail where they happen to me? This last update was heavy on bug fixes, so I am hoping things should be better now.


Game Developer
Dec 6, 2019
PtA 2.4 - Whitewood in the Flesh, or Bark.
  • Changed the image to Whitewood village and added an image to the swamp areas.
  • Portal in the Lair Entrance works, but the full functionality of portals in the game is not implemented yet.
  • Added two new areas: Grimwood's Lair - First Floor, and the optional Beach area. Both are still work in progress, so this is more, so you can read the description and get a feel for what they will be like when done.
  • Put colors and functionality to bars in the party menu.
  • Fixed the foldout arrows for the equipment in the party menu. (Still not how it should be, but this is something wrong with Unity.)
  • Fixed the input field not appearing when naming your guardian angel. Also added some feedback on the change and the immediate display of the new name as the event title.
  • Fixed the name of the eyes part of the appearance from "pupil" to "eyes" since you also change the iris inside that part.
  • Changed an "it" pronoun in the pronoun table that previously didn't exist.
  • Options are now properly loaded upon game start.
  • Volume slider's values are now fixed. Won't blow anyone's ears off if you try to make it louder. Sorry about that.
  • Fixed social attribute panel not showing for the player in the party menu. Also fixes being unable to confirm your level up.
  • Confirm level up button won't be pressable when starting the level up anymore.
  • Enemies going to negative HP might be fixed. I think. Probably.
  • Fixed the event Bersa II appearing constantly and stopping you from entering the shop.
  • Fixed shops not showing any feedback upon success or failure of a purchase.
  • Changed the "Change" button for the gold option in the debug menu to "Add" to properly reflect its effect.
  • Fixed unequip buttons not showing properly.
  • Fixed the description of the Drained status effect to actually match its effect in game. (The previous description was the initial concept idea for the ability.)
  • Adjusted the appearance of standard choices. They are still not exactly how I want them to look, which is more Unity UI Toolkit's fault then mine, but they are way better now.
  • Made sure hotkeys can't trigger locked choices. Not sure if they could before, but now they totally can't haha.
  • Fixed the description of the Rest option in the hollow tree in Grimwood Lair's entrance.
  • Changed purpose of the text in the main menu.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2019
super buggy, just keeps freezing. Anyone know a fix for the constant freezings? it seems to happen randomly (but not infrequently) when events happen or combat ends
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 11, 2021
Also finding the game super freezing prone. I can't really get any progress because it keeps on freezing on me.
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