
New Member
Mar 30, 2018
I remember there being a game called Kanye Quest which had something to do with a "cult of ascension" that believed your body was just a vessel of some sort and death meant ascending to a higher life or something.. this game's premise sounds pretty similar lol

balitz Method

Active Member
Jan 30, 2018
So I'm trying this for the first time, and right off the bat, there's an issue that I consider to pretty major for a text-based game, and that's the text window itself. It's far too wide. 50-75 characters per line of text is pretty much where you want to keep things(at 25 font size, it's currently 140 characters). Anything wider than that makes it hard to focus on the text, leading to the reader losing their place. I stopped to comment when I found myself skipping most of the text in the intro, and that's because of the formatting, not the writing. I highlighted a more readable text line length below, though the ideal would be to have it be configurable since some people will be using smaller or larger font size.
Formatting in a text game is a very understated but very important thing. The same text can look eye-crossing or entirely accessible depending on how it's formatted.
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Active Member
Jun 1, 2019
This new update allows you to resize the window as you wish, hopefully that allows you guys room to adjust stuff on your end if the need arises. I also placed a warning when building a room without access, so that is more clear now too, by the way. The inventory had some bugfixes which should solve the scale mail thing too. However, the browser being unplayable might be due to what browser you use. The whole thing is honestly so fiddly. I will look into it more later.
This "resize window" option is relatively useless (v0.8; Win7Pro):

Problem 1) As the window width shrinks, the game just centres the window and crops everything off the sides--and doesn't provide any way to scroll to see the stuff that has been cropped.

Problem 2) There is no text reflow as the "window" gets smaller--again the sides of the game are cropped off to keep the text on the screen until that gets cropped off, too.

Problem 3) Regardless of window size, the line length and line height of the font remains static--so as the font gets larger more and more of the bottom of each line is overwritten by the line below until you can't read anythiung but the last line of a paragraph.

I have no idea about Unity programming or what that platform expects from a programmer, but it seems that it might have *only* a visual rendering capability (like a graphics layout program) and may have very little of the text writing/spacing capability (like a word processor or text editor) that a text game needs. o_O

e-d :)


Active Member
Jun 1, 2019

Can you change the title of the "Impatient" demeanor to "Abusive", please? (y)

(Although trying on the nerves, "impatient" people are not generally targeted for brutal wounding while they sleep by someone they barely know if they aren't abusive :cool:. It only took the first 3 of the current "Impatient" statements to start my fantasies of choking some asshat who desperately needs it. :devilish:)



Apr 9, 2018
For a V 0.8 I expected more than 1 of 4 planets having any content, no skill tree, and a barely working inventory system.


Game Developer
Dec 6, 2019
Formatting in a text game is a very understated but very important thing. The same text can look eye-crossing or entirely accessible depending on how it's formatted.
I did not know that there is an optimal line width! I took a quick look at that and was quite shocked, but a lot of things make sense now. I will be doing some adjusting for the next update, I am terribly sorry for overlooking that. For now, I guess you can use the font size to offset that a tad.


Can you change the title of the "Impatient" demeanor to "Abusive", please? (y)

(Although trying on the nerves, "impatient" people are not generally targeted for brutal wounding while they sleep by someone they barely know if they aren't abusive :cool:. It only took the first 3 of the current "Impatient" statements to start my fantasies of choking some asshat who desperately needs it. :devilish:)

That is a good idea, I will take that into consideration.

About your earlier comment: he resize window was more to deal with people that were already having cropping issues from the start, not to fix any problem with the text itself. Allowing people to resize would allow then to be able to see the sidebars which was the problem that some people were having.

Unity is quite a bitch when it comes to scaling and layout of stuff, mostly because stuff is just badly labeled. Anyway, I see no purpose in making the text that dynamic to begin with.

As previously stated though, I will definitely be looking to implement some more configurations to allow people to customize the main text window to their preference. I will also be making changes to the standard version of the main text window.

Cant play i keeps saying build save room
Regarding building a save room, just go to "View Map" and toggle the build option. Click on an empty room then follow the steps.

For a V 0.8 I expected more than 1 of 4 planets having any content, no skill tree, and a barely working inventory system.
Build version doesn't really concern content, it's a pretty arbitrary thing determined by each individual developer. The system I use is a habit from my old job. Sorry for the lack of content, but I do have to put in more hours to feed myself during the pandemic than this side project that doesn't give me that much return, haha.


Game Developer
Dec 6, 2019
Public Build Changelong for 0.9:

  • Finished the main work on the Grasslands.
  • Added three new skills for the Warrior class: Ground Bash, Inspire and Sweep. All of these are unlocked by levelling up. Also, the level in which you unlock certain skills has been swapped.
  • Small fixes to the content of the last patreon build.
Changelogs since last public build (0.8):
Changelog 0.87:

  • Added new area: The Grasslands. Enemies here are stronger than in previous areas. This area also isn't done yet, but the important stuff is here more or less there. Most of the hills to the right of the map have repeated descriptions except for their hilltops. That is part of what I am still working on.
  • Added the Headhunter Gnoll enemy! They have a devastating ability that takes a while to charge and a minor healing one. Don't draw out the fight with this one for too long! They also have a sex scene!
  • Added the Rutting Faun enemy! They have an ability that might stun you and another that might cause you to receive more damage, be careful! They also have a sex scene as usual.
  • I think I have finally fixed the worst of the scaling issues. Tell me if you run into any problems.
  • Fixed the Blueberry and Valerian events. Both had tiny mistakes that made it so the cock scenes would show instead of the pussy ones.
  • Other tiny fixes.
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Purging Heresy
Sep 18, 2017
SharkBitDev Hi, first time player here, when i visit my first planet, i immediately find my inventory full of healing potions, is there a way to get rid of them? if i try to pick up other items they never show in inventory, there are just potions
Nov 25, 2019
Sup, for some reason on 0.9 the resolution option is completely white? And when I click on it none of the options show up. I first thought that it might be because of the cache from 0.8, so I deleted it, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Also as far as I can see the scaling problem isn't fixed, though I can see a bit more of the stuff on the left and right sides of the screen. My monitor is 1440x900 if that helps.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2017
Fixed the Blueberry and Valerian events. Both had tiny mistakes that made it so the cock scenes would show instead of the pussy ones.
The Valerian event does not work if you have (and choose to use) a pussy.

Other bug, if you choose to be a Mage with the Trio but then decide not to take her equipment it later reacts as if you had stolen her items anyway.

With Lyelnass the 'Look away' and 'Look further' choices have their descriptions reversed.


Game Developer
Dec 6, 2019
Anon21 I will look into these bugs, thank you! If you can use the bug report feature, it would make it faster for me to look into them. But if you do not wish to, for whatever reason, then that's fine as well.

Overlurker What's the refresh rate of your monitor? I think I just now figured out what is happening.

Grand Shitposting General This update might've fixed that. But tell me, what's the refresh rate of your monitor? If this update didn't fix it, then I think it might be related to the above problem.


Game Developer
Dec 6, 2019
Public Build Changelong for Alpha 1.1:
  • Fixed a bug that the debug menu teleport to other dimensions caused.
  • Optimized how items are stored in the database. It should improve performance significantly, me thinks.
  • Added the new events, and one previous forgotten one, to the debug menu’s event list.
  • Cleaned up a few things in the Valerian event. Including a fix for the nudism stuff. (Thank you, Icaros, for the report.)
  • The possible aspect ratios have been restricted once again. In a way, this should help with some scaling issues.
  • Put in a condition to talk to Lyssa about Daisy; Daisy must have joined you at least once for this dialog to be available.
  • Altered main menu save blurb to reflect the recently added compatibility of new versions of the game with saves from previous versions.
  • Angel’s telepathic communications are now in italic, as per an old recommendation that I finally decided on following through after a bit of experimentation with other alternatives. If you spot any formatting weirdness on any of Angel’s dialogue, like the italic no stopping after her thoughts are done, please report it.
Changelogs since last public build (0.9):
Alpha 1.0:
  • Added two new areas: The Snow Climb and The Abandoned Frozen Village. Both aren't too big, but I plan to expand them a bit, later. They do not have enemies yet, but they house the witch's new events.
  • Three new events for the ice witch. Also, I didn't mention this before, but she is a companion, which you are now able to recruit! Like Daisy, she can be talked with, has her own unique equipment, an ability and a sex scene!
  • A new anal sex scene for the Living Vine enemy.
  • A new major layout element: the side image. It displays an image relating to the event you are experiencing or the location you are in. Right now it has one image for the major areas of Allurgard and The Beyond. There are a few configurations option for you to tinker with in case you don't like something about it. This was done to fix the line width problem and possibly enable for artwork to be added to the game in the far future.
  • Reworked how the inventory displays items. It now shows stacks, cuts the tooltip if it's too long, and has no limit of items to display. (Change tabs if it doesn't appear straight away. I couldn't get around to fixing that, sorry.)
  • I altered some layout things to make it scale better. There's I am aware that there are still other things to adjust, so don't worry.
  • Fixed reported bugs and lots of not reported bugs. Thank you, Icarus, for the continuity reports. I couldn't get around to all of them just yet, though.
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Active Member
Mar 7, 2020
The 'view map' button seems to have migrated into the middle of the text box, likely due to the entire left-hand side being squished down.

Mustang Flex

Oct 24, 2017
For some reason, most of the conversation options with the Angel don't let you go anywhere. You're stuck with a continue button that doesn't do anything.


Oct 19, 2017
Anon21 I will look into these bugs, thank you! If you can use the bug report feature, it would make it faster for me to look into them. But if you do not wish to, for whatever reason, then that's fine as well.

Overlurker What's the refresh rate of your monitor? I think I just now figured out what is happening.

Grand Shitposting General This update might've fixed that. But tell me, what's the refresh rate of your monitor? If this update didn't fix it, then I think it might be related to the above problem.
60 Hz and no, I play on an old laptop (Windows 7) and it cannot be changed, the only thing I update is the graphics card drivers
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