I just tried the game. No erotic content whatsoever. I get it that it's the very first release, but don't do it again. Players will start complaining, bombarding the game with negative reviews and people will start skipping the game without trying.
Male mc look fine, actually great, but the female looks really weird. Is her ass this big or is this some weird skirt issue? I would suggest spending some time and turning female mc into an interesting character that can be remembered, instead if this generic female with insanely huge tits and ass.
Her first clothing could be non-revealing but easily exploitable. Maybe even something that she would probably not wear if she made the choice, but still decent enough. So make a plot that forces her into such clothes.
You missed a great opportunity with male mc meeting female mc. Great way to introduce female and reveal her body, force her into new clothes, establish that male mc is not very strong without directly telling it, get some mild erotic content into the game, etc.
What I would make out of this encounter:
Male mc hears screams and goes into the forest. He carefully walks through the bushes and sees a scene where 2 goblins are dragging a female. Her clothes are torn and they are trying to drag her into their cave while groping her. You can make a bunch of fun renders here.
Male mc is afraid to fight 2 goblins, but has to save the girl. He is a weak new adventurer, that's why he is not allowed to take serious quests. He has to observe and wait for an opportunity. Maybe hates himself for not being able to help the girl while she is getting abused.
He carefully gets behind one of the goblins and backstabs him. Then he fights the other one 1x1 and barely wins.
In town the girl realizes that her money got lost, so the guild receptionist gives her her old dress. Not revealing, but still short and easily exploitable, maybe not fitting the body perfectly so it's shorter and more revealing than it's supposed to be. Maybe no bra or some thin layer of cloth wrap instead of one. Medieval peasant girls didn't wear such fancy clothing. And they didn't wear panties under their long skirts. Besides, modern bras always look weird in medieval settings.
I'm rumbling at this moment, will check the game when a new version gets released.