Really enjoy the game but when too many girls require me to do something on a certain day I don't really don't enjoy hitting Wait and Sleep repeatedly- so I patched it.
Here's a zip file containing a drop-in version of 0.90.0R's HTML with a few small changes- when in your bedroom you can Sleep regardless of what time it is so don't need to hit Wait, and if you're really impatient you can change the day of week using the 'M T W T F S S' links, or set the time of day.
It's just a quick five minute hack mainly for myself (and my first time editing a Twine/HTML game) and not fully tested as I'm about to start my first game with it so I can't guarantee it won't break your game, spoil your fun, delete everything from your computer, or cause the apocalypse.
Edit: Played through entire game with this, using it where needed, and everything seemed fine.