Ren'Py - Completed - Personal Trainer [v1.1.2] [Domiek]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    What I like:
    First of all what sets this game apart from every other game I played here (and those are a lot) is that the models look astoshingly realistic - not concerning photorealism, but most games here go for hyper-stylized dolls or just don't care for the most part. This game is refreshingly different in that regard since almost all characters have "visual flaws" making this feel like these are actual women and I think there was much thought given to each character and I really like that.
    With that being out of the way this is a reasonably well executed sandbox-game with a built-in hint system on how to progress with each character and lots of kinky stuff to explore.

    What I don't like:
    I have to be a little nitpicky at this point but the MC behaves pretty much like a rabbit - he can fuck like 10 times a day every day, but his stamina in a single encounter leaves much to be desired imho.

    TLDR: To quote myself from this game's thread: "This game (at least so far) is a sweet journey of 'pleasing women in need' without thinking about consequences..."
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game deserves 5 stars just for cousin Sophie character alone. Everything about her was just perfect. Excellent job.
    Of course it would be better if there were some scenes for other characters from the gym, too. Especially I thought there would be a threesome with Daisy and her roommate at the dorm instead of a random guy and roommate so we could have a scene with Daisy. That was really disappointing and felt like a wasted opportunity.
    Still though, easy 5 stars for the sake of Sophie. She made the game for me.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    What a mess of a game...
    It really starts bad, the story, rendering everything first 30min of gameplay is just terrible!
    After a while it gets better, but there is just a lot of grinding and repetitive gameplay!
    The good thing is that there is a lot of variety!
    Some models are almost a she-male, some are very feminine and soo cute...
    If you like kinky and somehow funny story then try this game!

    I personally hate this game thats why I gave it just 2 stars but you may like it and maybe even adore it!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    amazing writing and fun over all cant say much but try it and enjoy the ride, the comedic conversations with the cousin are the best i love how realistic and goofy they are i really loved the interactions but felt scenes were rushed not so much the images but the story and plot relating to it, nothing then bam hey cuz hows it going lol otherwise all the storys flowed well and i enjoyed every minute cant wait to check back in a few month/year to see the next chunk of content as i seem to play really fast compared to what others say time wise
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm going against a rule I set for myself about giving 5 stars but I can't help it here.

    Not only is the game pretty well made it also has an incredibly helpful hint system so you know exactly what to do when it comes to progressing each girls story.

    There is a girl for pretty much every taste including a hot muscle girl which is right up my alley. Okay, 2 hot muscle girls but ones a Patreon addition which is another reason I rate this so highly.

    Some of the scenes and characters are added for Patrons. There are a few scenes just for them and one of those ended up being on my favourite list even though she's not a main girl.

    Lastly the banter. The banter between the MC and his cousin is spot on and that spreads to the rest of the game. There is a threesome scene with the MC a friend of the receptionist and another guy and the mockery the MC does against the other guy is amazing.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Normally don't like these open world type games, I stay to VN style games, however there is zero grind here and the UI is good so it's very enjoyable. Also, the girls are all great in their own regard. 10/10 would play again. Also at this point there's a good amount of content
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game
    about Story : Excellent story line i was into the game from the beginning .
    about animations : VERY very awesome graphic and exellent details about the body, specialy the private parts.
    amout of content : very good start , its enough to love it .
    about bugs : no bugs found .
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Uhh, alright.


    - good visuals
    - well made transitions + fetishes
    - really cute cousin


    -cousin got kind of ntr'd in a way early on (if you consider her going on a date with another guy as that - and liking it - and you want to bang her)
    - lots of older women (can be either a boon or a bane depending on your preference, but personally, not my thing)
    - bugs (not game breaking, but does make the game draggy/irritating to play)
    - storyline still kind of messy, though the goal is clear,

    overall verdict: 6/10 but if you enjoy milfs then you'd probably rate is slightly higher
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I have played a lot of games(every good game) but I never rated one because that never appealed as this one did. The developer's sense of humor is off the scale. His meme knowledge is damn high. This is a game where you won't fap even after getting hard. Blood will run through your dick to your mind back and forth. You will laugh and then you will get a boner you will think about doing it then again you will laugh.
    All in all it was great experience.
    Kudos to the developer. You made a poor bastard to seriously think about joining patreon.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    If the game didn't have so many positive scores I would've quit the game after the first few minutes. Super cringy, and did not manage to be funny for me.

    What saves the game however are the renders. Different body shapes, breast shapes (yes not all breasts are perfectly round or huge).

    I would not consider it a great game however. You need to rely too much on the hints, as the game is quite linear otherwise and you would just repeat events. The story becomes unbelievable or is immediately unbelievable for every single character.
    There are some good jokes in there as well, and the game actually made me laugh out loud once, but boy do some of the stories pull you out of the game due to their complete surrealism.

    Still 4 stars, because this game has great models that almost no other game has.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this game. The redhead is super sexy. I love that there are a lot of women to choose from however. and of all different shapes sizes and colors. The story is nice and the dialog is good. Renders look very nice. This game gets 5 out of 5 faps!
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    OZ (TeddyBear)


    Personally, this was a extreme fun ride for me. I went in with low expectations, finished this version (0.26B) as a big fan.

    First i would like to tell you that this isnt one of those usual "fucky fucky Mama ist the best" games. All these girls featured ingame have their own personality and their own storys to tell. The diversity is big and surely everybody will be able to find someone to be interested in.

    Its true, the story is not really believable. But does this matter? As long as the game doesnt take itself serious (this one surely doesnt) this can lead to some crazy entertaining stuff.

    I been served some insane stuff here i have never seen in an Adult VN before. (Dont want to spoil anything)

    The visuals start from level "MEH"(renders of the first verions), becoming really enjoyable later. Since its obvious the DEV is working hard on this i have nothing to complain :)

    So ... who is this game for? Who should avoid it?

    If you like to play something different than the rest ... something funny ... something feelin fresh and entertaining. DAMN, get on the bus and have a crazy ride!

    If you want something hyper realistic, if Mama is the only one allowed to touch MCs pee pee ... Butterflys are your best friends and your personal little world has to be bright and shiny all the day ....better avoid this game.

    P.S. Pledge levels are really fucking fair. If you like the game, plz consider to support the DEV working on it.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    This really just didn't do it for me though I'm probably in the minority that cares more about writing than simply "GIMME SEX SCENES". The first part of the game begins with the character wanting to "fuck as many girls as possible", and I mean come on? This instantly killed the flow for me and many of the girls seem to want to fuck you 2 seconds after meeting you. The gym receptionist may also be the dumbest and most one dimensional character I've ever seen in a game. The renders are quite well made however which is nice
  14. 2.00 star(s)

    Alfred the Fallen

    The game lacks focus and has spread itself too thin. After the last update (0.26b) I'd say that the bad outweighs the good.

    The game doesn't take itself seriously, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it is so unbelievable that you can't really get invested in the story or the characters.

    The story events are strictly linear, and you aren't given any meaningful choices to make. So there's no interesting gameplay in the game. You just open up the hints section, and go whatever it tells you to go. It's just meaningless busywork.

    There is a wide variety of characters, but the lack of any significant player control over the protagonist becomes a problem when you encounter a character you can't stand. It's a bit like having one of those boxes of assorted chocolates where a couple are delicious, most are okay, and a few are downright nauseating. It would be great if you could just pick out your favourites, but having all of them forced down your throat makes for an unpleasant experience.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, everytime I think there are no good games anymore, I stumble at a piece of gold. Personal Trainer has everything - good looking and bad looking women (all sexy in their own ways), nice renders, sexual intercourses, cheeky conversation and - most important - tons of laughs, and that is most important for me. Good job, Domiek! (y):D
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    This game has one virtue: the fact that the dev doesn't use conventional models, all of them with the same bodies and faces already seen in a hundred games. And it has one bad thing: everything else.

    The initial premise is full of mental laziness: a man that is forced to initiate a new life in a place full of attractive women, including a relative. Have you ever seen this premise previously in any game? Yes, only one million of times. Or two.

    After that, the MC simply snaps his fingers and all women around fall or lust for him, even if supposely, he's homosexual. There are too much characters, most of them with stupid subplots, as the japanese girl that dreams with being a stripper (a perfectly normal dream job for young, educated ladies, according the game) but she's sad because she's too shy and prude, or the muscular girl that for some weird reason wants to be humiliated because that is going to help her somehow in his career as wrestler or something...)

    There are a couple of subplots that are not so bad... at first. It's clear that is way easier to present a good initial premise than to develop and finish it adequately. The finishing of the subplot of Amy (the best and kinkier character) is just awful. In real life, the three of the characters would end up in the pages of crimes of the newspapers "cheated and humiliated husband kills his wife and her lover and then kills himself". The subplot of the female relative is becoming more and more absurd as time passes.

    As a icing on the cake, grinding. A lot of days seeing the same images and doing the same things, skipping hours fast and waiting for events.

    The eternal true about the development of erotic games: to know how to use DAZ or Poser and Renpy doesn't mean to know how to do a game. A game also needs a good script. The reason this game has a lot of reviews of five stars is because 99% of erotic games are plain crap, level is extremely low, and the expectatives of people, even lower.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    3.5/5 MILFCITY, USA

    That's right if you into MILFs you will probably like this game. NOW, there are other younger characters out there, but they are not as in depth as they could be. MC is boring and so is his sister, some side characters are better, but not as good as two MILFs (you will clearly see which ones, once you try the game).

    Story is kinda lackluster, and doesn't look like it will develop into something interesting as of YET. Writing is average for the most part, sex scenes could use a bit more spiciness to them.

    Models are good and scenes are interesting, with good amount of them sprinkled around as you play from day to day. Hints system is very useful, UI looks average, but without any complaints.

    At the current state, I would recommend waiting for more content, or check it out if you are looking for something in particular in the tags mentioned in the title.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my experience so far playing this game - A hot scene comes and,i get a boner,try to fap,perfectly placed meme,joke or insult, i lose my shit and laugh for 2 min,can't continue fapping,after 5 min repeat. It's like sweet torture you can't help but enjoy, well played Domiek.
    In all seriousness thou the renders,story,girls and MC are all awesome, keep up the good work !
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Played 0.26. The graphics are one of the better game renders I have played. The story line is also pretty top notch. The coding still needs some work, like when the cousin comes home each day the MC asks her about her promotion even after that is not a story line item. Really hoping to have more sex scenes with the main story line characters in up coming releases.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is 5/5.
    Well he has new character not refurbished like many other do. He has put a lot of thaught in the story from what i get.
    This game adresses all kinds of genres that people usually like.
    But what i like the most on his behalf is that he has new characters. +++
    Bravo! Keep it up and in no time you will get the on THE BEST list!