Well, that's actually due to a mix of factors, but yes, I'm certainly aware of the problems. I tried out Ren'py before starting this project, but it just didn't seem to be a great choice. In the early stages of developing PAT I found VNM was giving much better results, as well as being a lot quicker to work with. Back then they were also actively patching the engine, too, so it seemed like any issues were going to be dealt with. Had I known about these issues in advance I probably would have preferred to try getting into Unity right from the start, but at least working in VNM has been a learning experience for me, as it's much more like Unity than anything else I'd used before. (Adrift, mostly.)I'm not a dev so I'm not sure what coding for renpy on the backend is like but from a usability stand point the engine for PAT is just painful to interact with. Everything is so slow, lots of hangups when loading and generally less smooth then renpy. I'm glad your moving away from it to Unity for your next game.
I've taken a quick look at Unity's Naninovel plugin and it seems pretty neat; it also has a much more active developer and Unity comes with a wider community, so it will hopefully be easier to fix bugs and that kind of thing. It also has a lot of in-built functionality for presentation and stuff. It'll still take a while for me to figure out how to use it well, though, particularly when I need to keep working on other things too, but I'm getting a start.