Why don't the devs just release """unofficial""" patches for the game under another name that puts all the content back as it was before, like other devs do. If they are serious about bringing the original content back if their SS pops off (like it ever will), this shouldn't have been a problem.
First; The "unofficial" patch is just building the game yourself from the Github. It's all there, uncensored. Just like it was before the purge. And there's nice users here posting versions of the game that has the new SFW content and additions, in addition to adding in the NSFW content that was there before.
Second; If Patreon catches them doing anything like that in
ANY capacity, official or otherwise, or assumes that they had a hand in releasing it as such, they'll promptly terminate the game's Patreon. Hell, they'd probably do it at any whiff of a breach in decorum, be it by them or anyone else.
At this point, I could care less if the Patreon page got nixed, but obviously to them it's still a large chunk of their revenue stream, given by the fact that they haven't committed fully to SS.
Obviously this raises the question of, "if that's the case, what about the stuff that's on the Github already? That's still all NSFW.", to that I'd probably say that there's nothing saying that content can't
exist, it's just that they can't release that content anymore in new releases going forward. All of that stuff still and would exist online somewhere, so there's not a lot of shit Patreon could do about that, so the rules were probably "Change what's in it now, and keep things kosher going forward". Though obviously this also means that anything new that they
do write to go in the NSFW version can't appear on the public Github for users to build (thereby making a brand new NSFW version with stuff that isn't already public). Which means there's a private branch the devs use with all the new NSFW stuff they should be writing.
I should also mention that they're not promoting their Patreon on their Discord anymore at least, nor on their TFGS page either. Both link to SS. Though
the odd one out ironically,
is the page here on F95Zone still linking their Patreon. Obviously someone who has the capacity to change that probably should. Though they do seem to still be updating the Patreon page with new releases, which is a bit saddening. They really want to have their cake and eat it too.