Photographer's Delight - WIP Game Discussion

♥♦ Xander Salvatore ♣♠

Salvatore Studios
Feb 11, 2018
For that, rather than writing an entire prequal, I'd simply prologue the game. Have it start, instead of in the hands of the protagonist, with a short kinetic story about the girls first day at University. Have them get their dorm assignments and all 3 be assigned to the same room (because they did it alpahebetically by last name ofc).

So the girls all meet in their dorm room, and they introduce themselves, all think, huh, that's weird, my last name's ____ too. Then they all have the conversation about their interest in photography, and how it comes from their dad that they barely know. And badda bing badda boom you have a scenario where these 3 all realize their father is the same fucking person.
Could also make the few minutes of the last prequel a short black screen narrative wrapping the backstories up, leading to a short kinetic novel prologue of them going to a cafe shop after arriving in the city then taking a tour of the university before seeing if they could stay at their dads for a week before school starts and they move to the dorms?
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Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Could also make the few minutes of the last prequel a short black screen narrative wrapping the backstories up, leading to a short kinetic novel prologue of them going to a cafe shop after arriving in the city then taking a tour of the university before seeing if they could stay at their dads for a week before school starts and they move to the dorms?
So, I missed the decision to make prequels (for some reason I didn't get notifications from the thread one day) what exactly are you hoping to accomplish with them that you can't do in the main game?


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Backstory mostly (Who are the mothers? Why is Sadie at a brothel? How did the girls find out who their father is and where he is?).. Also thought they'd be a good writing and dev experience
Good writing and dev experience does sound like a good reason. I can't help but feel like the use though is going overboard...

I watched a video today about prequels that added plot holes that made an interesting joke about prequels in general that went "... Not got an idea for a plot? Don't worry, having the original movie as an end point excuses the lack of narrative purpose... "

So the question I have for you, now that I've been given the words to express my own fear with the word prequel (and can you really blame me, I'm a star wars fan) is, do you have a plot with narrative purpose, or is it just backstory extracted from the main product that could instead be peppered into the plot throughout?

I had a conversation with a someone on the dev hub yesterday that made a great point about backstory. What's great is when you learn about it throughout the story. You don't necessarily want the audience to know everything going in. They should learn it as they go along. It makes them enjoy the story more as it makes them interact, putting the pieces together.

For instance, Evelyn, the MC in my HS project, is not a traditional "slut" but instead someone who is polyamorous. The reason for that I know and will reveal as the story goes on, but isn't addressed at all in the beginning. The opening scene teases at this reveal however. Evelyn, leaving her hometown to go to the Seniors only college prep arts program offered by Seraphim Academy, says goodbye to her best friend, a guy who has lived in the friend zone ever since puberty, by giving him what he always wanted. An apology from her both because she knew all along how he felt about her, and because she was leaving him behind, possibly forever. She gives him her virginity, and when he questions whether or not she should wait for someone she loves, she replies, "You know I don't believe in love, at least not the way most people do."

Later on, I'll reveal her home life, how her parents split angrily when she was young, how both had had several relationships since but neither had ever remarried, and how this observation of relationships and love had shaped her own feelings on the subject. She doesn't not believe in romance, but she thinks its separate from sex and doesn't need to come with the governments involvement.

Now, if I was going by your implied method, I'd make a prequel story from the mom or dad's perspective with lots of no strings sex and references to their lack of attachment. However, if everyone always knew this there'd be no mystery to Evelyn's character development. We'd just know from the start.

♥♦ Xander Salvatore ♣♠

Salvatore Studios
Feb 11, 2018
Though would rather not ruin this with crappy inexperienced writing... But it is true the prequels have no practical use of than that (could always pull a Lord of the Rings and make them after the main story).. We might have to do a small unrelated side project to get some experience..


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Could probably put it through out tbh

(Looking forward to your project :D )
I think you guys have a lot of good ideas already. I'd actually suggest you take some time to sit down and write out a 2 to 3 page "prologue". It doesn't have to be how you actually end up going, for instance none of what I just mentioned was in the prologue I initially wrote when I first showed FunFicttion and Rich what I was bringing to the table, it came out of a need to show and not tell, but having written down out initial premise, introduced 3 or 4 of the major characters, and kinda laid out a defined path we have been able to much more organizedly begin this game. Now, having finished that bit of prologue a couple days ago, I'm gonna rewrite the initial scenes I posited to fill out what will be our first release with all the characters we've developed getting some small amount of screentime and giving us a starting point for the overarching story. Then I'll follow from there writing each release to reach a certain goal, forwarding a relationship with a character, getting in some sexy time etc.

Luckily, what I've done with this game is more like GGGB than DmD so I can get away with ignoring one or two characters for a release, because this game's end point is somewhere off in the unforseen distance and has nothing to do with the various relationships, but I still want to hit certain plot points and moments of character growth each time you play. So yeah, sit down, commit a general prologue to paper, and see how it fits. If it is strong enough, leave it. If you need to tweak it later, do so.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Though would rather not ruin this with crappy inexperienced writing... But it is true the prequels have no practical use of than that (could always pull a Lord of the Rings and make them after the main story).. We might have to do a small unrelated side project to get some experience..
Tell you what, you guys have the means to recreate the models from Sisterly Lust, right? Write a short story, create a scenario for 2 or more of the characters from that to make love, if it comes out sounding good, and has art to match, I'll show it to Rich and FunFiction, and we can, giving you guys full credit ofc, throw it in as a release for Game Legends.

We already plan on having a few guest writers do a few things, so if you guys wanna gain some experience thats a good way to do it. Thats mostly why we're doing GL anyways, is as a means of testing our teamwork and working out the kinks in Rich's platform.

♥♦ Xander Salvatore ♣♠

Salvatore Studios
Feb 11, 2018
Tell you what, you guys have the means to recreate the models from Sisterly Lust, right? Write a short story, create a scenario for 2 or more of the characters from that to make love, if it comes out sounding good, and has art to match, I'll show it to Rich and FunFiction, and we can, giving you guys full credit ofc, throw it in as a release for Game Legends.

We already plan on having a few guest writers do a few things, so if you guys wanna gain some experience thats a good way to do it. Thats mostly why we're doing GL anyways, is as a means of testing our teamwork and working out the kinks in Rich's platform.
Sounds good to me! What do you think? @Vincidon @Perverteer


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
We also have the means to recreate the Big Brother characters though we've never had the time to play let alone download it... Lol
You're better off not doing so. Sisterly Lust is a great game. Big Brother is a mess. We are only doing it since FF already had the art for both of these releases done and half the second too. I didn't do any art direction until the third story which will be done and released in 2 weeks.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
True... Would rather make Jennifer from DmD older and give her a better first time.. (MC with a monster cock is dumb af.. But was also a bad sequence)
Honestly I think that was some of Mr. Dots' best writing. Ofc the MC in the mental state he was in would be too desperate for release to think much of her. I thought it was pretty good. Still could have been written a little less sloppily, but hey.

Still, yeah... what ever happened to her using a dildo anyways? Shouldn't she have been more used to something inside? Sure not the MC, but damn.

♥♦ Xander Salvatore ♣♠

Salvatore Studios
Feb 11, 2018
It was good writing but still feel bad for her.. She asked for gentle, he said he would be.. Then he just rams it in like an asshole imo.. And the dildo, was a little pink one not the big gold one she would have had to play with to be ready for the monster

Will recreate a few of the females from Sisterly Lust and Jennifer from DmD, don't have the male assets though so will be a different MC
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Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
It was good writing but still feel bad for her.. She asked for gentle, he said he would be.. Then he just rams it in like an asshole imo.. And the dildo, was a little pink one not the big gold one she would have had to play with to be ready for the monster

Will recreate a few of the females from Sisterly Lust and Jennifer from DmD, don't have the male assets though so will be a different MC
As one of my favorite games would call it "Daddy's Arm Dick"

♥♦ Xander Salvatore ♣♠

Salvatore Studios
Feb 11, 2018
Lol.. Arms about right... Basically fisting the poor girls... Olivia's probably fine being normal body type.. But Elena and Jennifer are too small for that imo.. Even D though she's the goal.


Feb 20, 2018
How about 1 of the girls being a total badass? You know, long black hair, bit of a metal chick, belly piercing, tattoos, hanging with the wrong crowd kinda girl, dark personality due to having no parental control. Basically a loner



Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
How about 1 of the girls being a total badass? You know, long black hair, bit of a metal chick, belly piercing, tattoos, hanging with the wrong crowd kinda girl, dark personality due to having no parental control. Basically a loner

Would never say no to a good tattooed chick. Sierra is already a badass with the whole Martial Arts thing. Though Keiko would work too with her being in a swimsuit so often

♥♦ Xander Salvatore ♣♠

Salvatore Studios
Feb 11, 2018
How about 1 of the girls being a total badass? You know, long black hair, bit of a metal chick, belly piercing, tattoos, hanging with the wrong crowd kinda girl, dark personality due to having no parental control. Basically a loner

Would never say no to a good tattooed chick. Sierra is already a badass with the whole Martial Arts thing. Though Keiko would work too with her being in a swimsuit so often
yea either works atm.. will see how Hitomi and Sierra look before tattoos when ever we can get the time to experiment with daz :D