You have to make sure the Kaitlin > Erik score is low, so Erik shouldnt do anything that pleases her. For example the 1st choice of the game:
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When you choose the 1st option the game will reward you with a "Kaitlin -1 Erik" notification. Look for options that give you that and of course take every chance for Kaitlin to increase her score with the other guys. At this point I think Chris and Marcus are on seperate paths meaning you need two playthroughs to see what she does with either of them. The third path is the one where she stays faithful to Erik but apparently you already found that one.
Have fun.
You don't _have_ to get Erik's score so low, you can play how you want.
There aren't too many real events for Katie in the first 3 days, but that will change.
Events are split up into 6 levels:
- level 1 kissing
- level 2 above the waist generally
- level 3 below the waist generally
- level 4 sex/anal, no creampie
- level 5 sex/anal, possible creampie
- level 6 group sex
Your level is determined by a few factors.
- 1 point if she's with a guy who has a score > 0
- 1 point if the guy she's with is the one with the highest score
- 1 point if she likes the guy more than Erik
- 1 point if her score towards Erik is <= 0
- 1 point if her score towards Erik is < 0
Points are added up, and that determines your 'maximum event level'. That being said, you can only have an event 1 higher than your previous event with that character. So if she kissed Chris on Day 2 and then spent the next 4 days with Marcus, then decides she wants to hang out with Chris again, the most she can have is a level 2 event.
This isn't one of those 'click button have sex' games, I'm trying to make it just a tad believable, though not enough for some people, and too restrictive to others. Shrug, can't please them all.
Every major release is just a story progression update, usually adding a new Day or at least half of one. After that it's bugfixes and tweaks, and I put out a QOL release (like Day 2 got the relationship meter and notifications, Day 3 will have the character sheet/renaming system, likes/dislikes, and stat counters).
Katie gets level 2 events on Day 3 with Marcus or Chris, and Erik gets up to level 3 with Kim or Alisha if you play your cards right. Katie may also have gotten to level 3 with Marcus or Chris, though that will be revealed in the next content update when she's confiding in Kim after fighting with Erik.