Ren'Py - Completed - Pine Falls [Part 2 v0.5] [Daniels K]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    What totally crap endings! Not a single good one. This game went from a solid 4½ to 1 in a single update. This seems to be a running trend with this dev. I'm so glad I haven't given a single monetary unit.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely one of the best VN games.

    -Renders 5/5
    -Animation 5/5 great quality animation.
    -Story 4/5 Mysterious and interesting.
    -Characters 5/5 Each character's so attractive.

    Voice acting is not bad as well.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Great central idea, but suffers from poor dialog.

    -A unique setting and plot
    -Renders are very good
    -Pacing is acceptable (somewhat fast but not excessive)

    -Dialog, especially that assigned to the MC, lacks punch and suffers from poor timing
    -Animations are simple and could benefit from more complexity (esp. part 1)

    The horror/scifi element to this story gives it a unique feel and is a welcome divergence from most VN stories. However, the dialog given to the MC, especially during any sex scenes, is just plain bad. There's no eroticism in anything he says. The first and second three-way scenes should have been high points in the story, but they are rushed and his banal babbling breaks the mood. Overall, the MC comes across as mostly spineless with a lack of nuance and imagination. Regardless, I think the game is worth playing.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    interesting plot..
    nice animation..
    pretty music..
    the sound effect was shocking (especially in the fucking section) I got a panic attack ..
    good character models ...

    approaching part 2
    I was a little disappointed, we were taken the story where too rushed out of the city filled with beautiful girls ..
    even though it should be more fun if you know and enjoy each character one by one ...
    in part 2 the fog ruined the atmosphere I enjoyed playing the game ...
    but,overall i like it ..

    thanks dev!!
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Animations 5/5
    Story 2/5 and 4/5
    Characters 5/5
    Renders 5/5

    Chapter 1 is great and not. The story is well written, but suffers from a lack of depth due to it's fast pace. You get trapped in the town with a ton of women, but are not really in the town long enough to get immersed in the story. By the time the story starts to take off, the MC is able to leave the town, so there is no time to really get comfortable with the setup of the story before it suddenly changes in Chapter 2. There is also little development given to the mysterious fog or the possible entity in the story. The end of Chapter 1 and beginning of Chapter 2 destroys my interest in the story, and takes it in a different direction, changing it from a mystery/sci fi/horror to just another VN.

    The animations are well done and the sexual situations make sense with the story, but there should've been more to fit things that could've happened. Being the only useful man in a town full of women who hadn't had a man for months or even years and not being able to leave the town, there should've been a higher sense of desperation from the women in their hopeless situation.

    Could've been better, worth a playthough.

    Things that could've improved the game: Go to sleep - does not progress the story, Have coffee and breakfast at the cafe as a repeatable event, repeat sex events that do not progress the story.

    Edit Chapter 2 rating and review:

    Animations 3/5 >> see below
    Characters >> same as ch 1
    Renders >> same as ch 1
    Story 2/5

    I liked most of the dialog and the animations were ok (see below). What led me to CTR through the entire second chapter after 20 mins of play, was that it just felt rushed, hence me just speeding through to see the endings.

    One more thing that I noticed. The animations changed in Chapter 2 for the worse imo. Their technically sound, but now suffer from a growing trend of moving the camera around.

    Deleted Chapter 2, but kept Chapter 1.

    Edit >> It doesn't matter if this story is related to other stories in this games' universe, Chapter 2 rushed to the end and thus ruined the story in this game for me.
    Likes: kshyk
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Had good quality renders and so it caught my eye.

    But, very disappointing. The women do not act or talk like women, they're all just excuses for inserting completely meaningless outta-the-blue sex or kink scenes.

    By the time a story twist randomly put me into some dungeon where a bunch of townswomen started to randomly get naked and want to get spanked by the MC (for no reason whatsoever), I ragequit and deleted it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, with very high graphics quality. I'm pretty new to f95zone, so I've been playing the games rated 5 stars first and only recently got down to this one. But I was pleasantly surprised to see how good this one was and think this deserves 5 stars as well.

    The choices you make in this one seems to not matter too much as the storyline appears to be pretty linear, but the high quality gfx more than makes up for that imo. Its also pretty easy to guess which responses lead to "action" scenes.

    This review is for part 1 btw, havent gotten to part 2 yet.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    First and Last -Girls are stunning so how can I pick one ?! damm thats hard to do you know :LOL:
    Nice plot and renders are good
    I hope the guy is not crazy enought to try go away from "paradise" ..I wouldn´t..
    Thank´s for nice game dev :giggle:
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a Daniels K VN. The dev is very good at what he/she does: a light hearted visual novel with elements of mystery and juvenile dialogues, with a lot of beautifully rendered naturally proportioned models (mostly). A harem fantasy where every female character just dies to have a piece of MC. If that's your thing, you'll like this VN. If you are looking for something deeper (again, depth is relative), you might not like it much. I personally enjoyed it.
    P.S. With every VN developer(s) is getting better and better, so congrats and looking forward for more! And another reason to support this dev is the steady amount of content, in a little more than a year Daniels K put out 3 and a half very decent VNs with reasonable amount of content (My Girlfriends Amnesia, My Girlfriends Amnesia DLC, Lancaster Boarding School and Pine Falls).
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    1. Solid models and set of characters. Not just a bunch of bimbos.
    2. Writing is pretty solid, but not perfect.
    3. I love me some Millie milk.
    4. The story is complete nonsense but it's worth overlooking for some good scenes.
    5. Art is above average quality as well.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    The game doesn't have too much going on, its just an intriguing story with mindless sex. Characters looks good but they have no depth, the mc is quite dull too so as consequence dialogs and inner monologues are quite bad and don't make sense most of the time.

    Renders, music and sound effects are fine, nothing impressive but above average, so that´s a plus.

    The game doesn't have over complicated mechanics like sandbox or any grind but the story feels disconnected, just an excuse for sex scenes. Choices don't affect the story only the ladies you want to fuck, there´s no build up or anything just straight to the point.

    Reviewing v0.8 can´t give more than 2 stars, the story was the only thing that kept me playing. This is a porn game, sex scenes and models are good but characters and relationships feels lifeless, there's no build up and dialog is boring.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 167032

    I don't like this game....

    Only cause the women are SO damn hot... and I can't decide who I'd like to make my girlfriend if there was that choice. Basically the whole town is an all you can eat spread...

    The MC is good looking and doesn't appear to be an ass hole, just a normal guy with sexual fantasies and feelings.

    Renders are great, women ARE HOT, game play is easy and choices to be had that makes it interesting. Why would you want to leave this place?

    Great dynamic between the different women's groups and single ladies. Yes I drank the cafe girls milk, was pretty tasty....

    Great work dev... oh did i mention i don't like this game? I love it
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Let me tell you, I already played the biggest titles from the website, I mean many of them, but I never ever had an epic moment so far, like...

    Right in the beginning of the game Ami walked into the living room, almost fully naked, wrapped in a towel only, headphones on her ears and singing that song from Vendredi (Show me the way)... funny, cute, adorable and hot. :)

    Not just the moment above, but all the situations, the characters and dialouges, not to mention the renders and scenes were fully worked out. I really liked all the personalities and still they were so different.

    The story itself is great, good mixture of a few of succesful american TV series with mistery and plenty enough of erotic and porn.

    Keep up the good work.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    The game has an excellent Plot but suffers horribly due to poor setup.. To briefly give you a gist of the game, the MC while driving crashes his car and ends up in a small town where some Paranormal / Supernatural shit is going on.. Apparantely the MC is trapped in the town that has lost all outside connections and all male population . also there is some kind of fog terrorizing the town at night.
    Well for beginners I found the plot quite intriguing.. The game started strongly with some very good scenes but ultimately dies down into just meaningless sex scenes with no life. None of the characters are worth remembering.. I think I've played till day 5 of MC being trapped and he's already fucked half the town.. There is literally no Tease , foreplay , just sex sex sex.. the relationships with the girls are so shallow that At this point im more interested in finding whats wrong with this town that being with the girls.
    This game has so many possibilities that have been overlooked.. if you like teasing , Peeping, foreplay , Kinky , fetish etc you're gonna be disappointed cuz its just straight plain sex..
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Renders are amazing. Story is alright, you tend to get more into as time goes on. The characters you are surrounded by are all interesting and are not cookie cutters of each other. You find yourself as a writer stuck in a town with a bunch of beautiful women, while also being forced to investigate the strange happenings in order to get out. You are a bone in a town full of dogs.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is totally fun. If you are an self defined "afficiando" of technical stuff then you may feel jaded and cynical about this one - but bottom line the game is awesomely fun. Nice theme and plot, well written for what it is, lots of fap material...What more could you ask?
  17. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 997153

    Review of version 0.7

    I gave this game seven releases, but I have to say I truly do not understand the appeal of this game. It has almost universally 5-star ratings and that boggles my mind.

    Briefly, the MC is an author who crashes his car driving on a road late at night and mysteriously becomes trapped in a town in which all male competition has been killed off by the Fog Monster from Lost, but conveniently left behind a few school bus loads of slam pieces. (Why I said "school bus" will be important momentarily.) The MC can't communicate with the outside world and all attempts to leave the town are met with failure. What to do in such a situation? Stick your dick in anything that moves, obvs.

    The models are nice and there is a nice variety of girls in the game. Some get names and personalities, others get the label "Girl" and act as little more than open-mouthed fuck dolls.

    The animations are generally poor with time delayed photos faded together. They are particularly irritating because they are coded in such a way that it's essentially a few images being rotated for 30-50 iterations. Mouse button mashing ensues as it quickly becomes boring and tedious and it takes a while to click through all the iterations. It's probably one of the worst ways I've ever seen animations coded into a game yet.

    I muted the early voice-acting because it was terrible. I have no idea if it's still in the game or not.

    There are interesting elements to the story. The game at its best when the focus is on the mystery of why the town seems to be trapped in a bubble and the MC's repeated attempts at escape.

    Additionally, one of the women has started a quasi-cult in an effort to maintain civility and stability in the town in the years since the initial event took place. This is a highly fascinating thread that is being woefully under utilized, especially since it has now become obsessed with "procreation" in the latest update. Fuck. Guess I'll be back for 0.8. I hate myself for my weakness in the face of my impregnation fetish.

    Here's the main problem with the story - the writing is incredibly juvenile. Most of these women seem to have the minds and dialogue of 15-year-old girls. Most of the dialogue comes off as repetitive, insipid, immature and cringey. They all argue over the MC like children (hence, the school bus reference) and seem to have almost no intelligence or agency of their own. These may be among the worst characters I've seen in any game. The MC is even worse at times as his internal dialogue seems to be a never-ending cycle of trying to decide which girl he wants to have a "relationship" with. Isn't this dude a grown man? Ugh. Like I said, juvenile.

    I find myself skimming a lot of the dialogue in order to get the sex scenes because I give zero shits about the characters. The interesting elements of the plot are being squandered in favor of these girl-women arguing over childish things such as who is the Prom Queen at their Town Ball or whether they should have a pillow fight, play Hide-and-Seek, or Truth or Dare during a "sleep over." The Hide-and-Seek scene actually made me audibly groan. This game has hit a new low with that scene.

    Since the embarrassing dialogue has robbed the game of any meaningful build-up, this essentially becomes a doll-fucking simulator.

    Not recommended.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of those games for which the inspiration comes from a very obvious source, but the game is still great.
    Dialogue is nice and well-written, character models are great and it seems there is a lot to look forward to still in the story.
    Definite 5/5 game in my opinion and can't wait for the next update to hit soon!
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    ok - after checking the walkthrough and playing several scenes of "Pine Falls" i have build up my mind:

    1st: EXTREMELY well done animations and renderings are fine
    2nd: setup and plot is weird and also sometimes inconsistent (like no phone calls because there is no signal, but recieving SMS with pictures)
    3rd: Too many paths which mostly exclude each others - so several playthroughs seems to be needed - several girls and romance/perv path

    => overall thats nothing for me - even the animations are really excellent, its not a game which makes me want to play several times just to see some short different scenes for different girls. So i stopped it playing, but as tastes are different i will put it on my list of games worth to play because of its awesome animations.

    Without being able to describe what exactly i am missing, but it feels like there is missing the "special hook" - something which get me caught, something which make me want to have more ... hope you get what i mean.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    The story is interesting and fluid, most VN's I've interacted with requires you to understand the context of it to make the correct choices to proceed in the story or be lucky with the women, but that doesn't happen in this VN.
    If I'm to nitpick the proof readers didn't do a good job as there are a few misspelled words here and there.

    Because it's a work in progress I think it would be better to discuss the tags

    3dcg - The scenes are well composed but they suffer from DAZ graining.
    animated - Excellent stuff, unfortunately they too suffer from graining.
    big ass - Yes, but other asses are normal sized and compared to other games with this tag even the big ass is tiny.
    big tits - Yes, same as(s) with the asses.
    blackmail - Not entirely sure where this tag would fit, I might have missed something.
    creampie - Oh yes!
    exhibitionism - Yes
    fantasy - Fantasy as in the whole VN is fantasy or the protagonist fantasies? If the latter, no.
    handjob - Yes
    lactation - Yes
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    male protagonist - Yes
    masturbation - Yes
    milf - All women looks like around 25 but to some youngsters that is MILF so maybe.
    oral sex - Yes
    romance - The VN contains romance but ...
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    sci-fi - No?
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    spanking - Yes
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    teasing - Yeah
    vaginal sex - Oh yes
    virgin - Yep
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    voiced - Yes, some conversation is voiced by one person.
    voyeurism - Yes

    The tags which are missing:
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    Rating based on v.0.5