A game where you play as one of the main love interests in a romance/harem/incest VN rather than the usual MC (y'know, a dude - usually on the scrawny side - who magically manages to bang everyone he meets, including his "flatmate" and "landlady" if you haven't got the off-patreon patch) who somehow realises they're in that sort of story and tries as hard as they can to dodge the creepy fucker. You keep funnelling side-characters his way in the hopes he'll hook up with one of them instead. You play through the typical conversations with the character, trying to to find the options that won't lead to sex, and score enough points to turn him off (for now). Things get more desperate as they go on - trying to dodge drugged drinks, a lesbian scene with your "flatmate" to try and convince him you're lesbian, staying together with a shitty boyfriend so you don't turn up at his door crying late at night and he gets the pity sex, etc. - until he eventually loses his patience and the last "level" of the game is a survival-horror type escape from him.
... shit, this was just going to be a veiled rant about the lack of female MC games that I like, but I actually want to play this now.
this is brilliant idea.
I think i can improve a tiny bit.
game could be a "long term" thing where interactions are weekly instead of all the time. that gives more time for long term consequences to happen. since these game always have "power of dick" it means that you fucking once maybe not game over. that also give way for player to see more porn without game over since GOR is shit design.
in this version your character has "resistance" that goes down. if he gets you kissing it goes down [tiny] bit, blowjob more, sex even more. if your character gets pregnant, that would be game over [nowhere to go]. if your resistance is 0, also game over [slave to dick].
then you can add long term consequences to some choices. maybe you holding possibly drugged drink so you can try to pour it out or you can swap it with your female friend drink.
if you pour out and he catches you, he gives you another and makes you drink [won't leave until you drink it]
if you swap drinks it always works, but female friend gets pregnant [maybe] and if she gets pregnant she might figures out you did it
now whenever that female friend around there is higher chance of your options backfiring. imagine you in same situation again with female friend + another female character
this time if you pour out drink, same chance guy notices + another chance angry girl notices and points it out to him [higher overall failure rate]
also this time if you swap drinks there is chance angry girl swaps them back or even adds worse drugs so you guaranteed to get pregnant [guaranteed option not guaranteed now, and chance of instant game over]
there might be ways to "repair" people you burned or convince them it wasn't you, if your stats good enough. so your job managing guy trying to add you to harem AND managing people angry at you for throwing them under bus
that one example with "pregnancy", but not only option. here is another.
another "consequence" is "angry NTRed men". you throw female friend under bus like in other example but maybe instead of pregnancy + angry girl, maybe "consequence" is angry boyfriend of girl. he might know you "gave" his girlfriend to creep and decides to sabotage you. or maybe he tries to rape you in revenge. all kinds of ideas. older brother might be angry to [protective or NTR if incest]
you might also have girls he added to his harem trying to make you join like mind controlled thralls. "join us", "embrace the power of dick" or things like that.