
Aug 16, 2023
Yeah, I definitely love playhome more but it's ju feels like playhome isn't having mods as rich as hs or hs2. or maybe I just didn't find the jp/global community yet where all playhome fans gathered and shared their work for free


Dec 5, 2021
I rarely use studio because it's very complicated and hard to learn.
For your question, just simple do this:
1-Download dildo mod (because the basic dildo in the game can't change color).
2-Open the studio.
3-Click "add" button at upper left window, select male character and add him in the scene.
4-Look for the modded dildo in the item sections (items with white name can't change color, only item with red name can change color). Remember that the modded things not always put in correct category (don't surprise if you found the dildo in food category).
5-Click "animation" button and select the male character to remove his clothes.
6-Select the dildo, if that item can change color then you'll see the color window appear (if not then nothing show up).
7-Move the dildo into correct location.
8-Attached the dildo into the male body (to make it sync with the animation you should attached it into the waist). Because if it doesn't attached then it doesn't move at all when the body moving.
However, I don't remember how to attached an item into the body because I'm not touch the studio for years. I think it need the node constraints addon, I also can't give you the addon, you must find it yourself. Screwthisnoise repack have most of useful addon so maybe it also have the node constraints addon already (I didn't use his repack so I don't know, you should ask him).
Playhome is abandoned by fandom so I don't know what is updated or even if old mods/addons still alive.
For actually tutorials, you can learn some basic from youtube (just search honey select studio tutorial), basically both studio is similar so you can learn from it. However, honey select studio is advanced (developed by it own producer or mods from fandom). If you see some function availed in the tutorial but not availed in your game, then probably it's an addon.
Some mods probably not even exist in Playhome but you can use Honey Select mod instead with the help of HoneyPot addon. Just make sure it's Honey Select 1 mod, not Honey Select 2 mod because they build with different engine.
Many many thx


Dec 5, 2021
I rarely use studio because it's very complicated and hard to learn.
For your question, just simple do this:
1-Download dildo mod (because the basic dildo in the game can't change color).
2-Open the studio.
3-Click "add" button at upper left window, select male character and add him in the scene.
4-Look for the modded dildo in the item sections (items with white name can't change color, only item with red name can change color). Remember that the modded things not always put in correct category (don't surprise if you found the dildo in food category).
5-Click "animation" button and select the male character to remove his clothes.
6-Select the dildo, if that item can change color then you'll see the color window appear (if not then nothing show up).
7-Move the dildo into correct location.
8-Attached the dildo into the male body (to make it sync with the animation you should attached it into the waist). Because if it doesn't attached then it doesn't move at all when the body moving.
However, I don't remember how to attached an item into the body because I'm not touch the studio for years. I think it need the node constraints addon, I also can't give you the addon, you must find it yourself. Screwthisnoise repack have most of useful addon so maybe it also have the node constraints addon already (I didn't use his repack so I don't know, you should ask him).
Playhome is abandoned by fandom so I don't know what is updated or even if old mods/addons still alive.
For actually tutorials, you can learn some basic from youtube (just search honey select studio tutorial), basically both studio is similar so you can learn from it. However, honey select studio is advanced (developed by it own producer or mods from fandom). If you see some function availed in the tutorial but not availed in your game, then probably it's an addon.
Some mods probably not even exist in Playhome but you can use Honey Select mod instead with the help of HoneyPot addon. Just make sure it's Honey Select 1 mod, not Honey Select 2 mod because they build with different engine.
okay...., don't send me to hell, I've been looking around everywhere, but I can't find the dildo mods

Mod Learner

Dec 1, 2019
Yeah, I definitely love playhome more but it's ju feels like playhome isn't having mods as rich as hs or hs2. or maybe I just didn't find the jp/global community yet where all playhome fans gathered and shared their work for free
Yeah, as I said before, Playhome got abandoned by fandom (community), that's why there aren't new mods for it. I'm not sure why but from my guess the reason is:
1-When Honey Select 1 released, it's very popular. There are a lot of modders working on it and they already release a lot of mods. So, then Playhome released, even though the graphic is better but it doesn't have mods so it doesn't popular. The modders also don't want to redo everything from Honey Select, so only a few modders work on Playhome.
2-Even though Playhome not have many new mods, you still can use Honey Select mod in Playhome with Honeypot addon, that's why new mods for Playhome isn't very necessary (though Honey Select mods not always work perfect on Playhome).
3-Then AI Shoujo released, since it's build with different engine, so you can't use Honey Select/Playhome's mod in AI Shoujo, the modder community focus working on Honey Select (which is most popular at that time) and AI Shoujo (which is new game). So Playhome's player must rely on Honeypot.
To find illusion global community, you should google "illusion 4chan". 4chan is where anyone can post as Anonymous so you don't need to regist account, then asking them for illusion fandom's discord invite. Discord is where you can found all newest global modding for Illusion game (Honey Select 1/2, Playhome, AI, Room Girl, e.t.c), you can also ask them for help (make sure read the rules if you never use discord before, if you just posting randomly at wrong places you might get banned).
Or you can ask Screwthisnoise for the invite, though he seem not very active on this forum.
The most active modding community actually from China's forums, unfortunately you must pay for the good mods.
okay...., don't send me to hell, I've been looking around everywhere, but I can't find the dildo mods
That's unfortunately, probably you should join discord to ask too.
Last edited:


Dec 5, 2021
Does anyone know how to get the penis to change color? I know that's a weird question but it looks weird when your players parts don't match the rest of the skin color...
Hi, i know this question is dated, but i have the same problem, had you solved for the problem of changing color to genitals ? thank you very much


Apr 11, 2021
Hey, I have a bit of an issue, all cum on bodies looks like it's sort of glittering all the time, am I missing something that fixes it? Like an option in settings?

Mod Learner

Dec 1, 2019
Unfortunately, no.
Though you can join in discord to ask, if that's famous mod then someone should know (though the game pretty old and people often focus in honey select so I doubt you can actually got the answer).


Feb 9, 2020
Of course they're different.
When you download the mod and extract it, look inside to see if they have abdata folder, then just simply cut that folder and place it in main game folder. Don't touch anything inside that folder.
View attachment 2699814
View attachment 2699825
Do all the same for the mod as long as it have abdata folder.

I don't know what package of the game you downloaded but make sure check the mod pack 2 from the OP, most of them actually plugins, not mod.
1-More slot ID: Break limit of item ID (without this plugin the game can't read most of mods)
2-DHH: This plugin have many function which I'm not bother to mess with but at least it need for the highheel work.
3-Wideslider: This plugin increase the limit of the parameter you can custom your character.
4-IPA: All plugins can't work without IPA (drag game exe into this IPA to create patch and run the patch to make plugin work). This plugin conflict with BepInEx, so if you using BepInEx, don't use IPA.

Most of repack already have those plugins though, but if you use original game then you must manual install all those plugins.
Ok, so a lot of time has passed since then and I've managed to install a lot of stuff. Hair, clothing mods, the uncensor mod, honeypot and plenty of HoneySelect mods, Item Resolver, some HS animations, item search plugin etc.

But a few plugins like bone editor, material editor and PH Image Based Lighting don't show up after I install them. Do you have any idea if I can be missing something again to make them work?

Mod Learner

Dec 1, 2019
I never use those editor plugins because from what I hear it only work with BepInEx, while I only use IPA.
Hence, I don't know exactly how to make BepInEx actually work (most of time I use BepInEx is when I testing a repack and it already have BepInEx installed).
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Jun 4, 2018
I'm having a weird issue with the character creator, I'm using the BetterRepack version with a load of mods and character cards that come with them. When I open the character creator and load one of the custom cards the girl loads up fine (hair, clothes, appearance etc) but when I try to load another card I get a bald girl with a standard outfit, I tried a few of the other cards and it happened with them all including trying to reload the one I originally loaded!!

Mod Learner

Dec 1, 2019
It mean the repack missing the mods used in that card, none repack can guarantee load all cards it have, because the cards are collected from different places without even know who is the owner. Also it's almost impossible to know what mod your repack missing. I said almost because if that card is a famous character (Tifa's card, for example) you can search the mod owner via google and if you're lucky you can found the correct mod (even Tifa character have different mods).
Some mods are even paid mod (especially the one that look good), some mod owner complain about it so Screwthisnoise decide to remove all paid mod from this repack.
So, when the game load a card with missing mod, that part gone (bald is result of missing hairs mod), some mod have ID conflict and result the character look different the card (like in the card the girl wear skirt but when you load the character wear pant instead).
If you load a card that missing mod, the character might broken, so even if you try to reload the fine card it still can't fix, I think you can go back to the title screen to reset that.
For the missing mod card, you better delete it because it can't use anyway (except if you plan to find the missing mods later).


New Member
Feb 15, 2019
If you run into issues with the VR version go into \BepInEx\plugins into your root directory and rename PH_Subtitles.dll to PH_Subtitles.old to omit it and your controls and audio should work again.
You may need to reenable it for the main game but It breaks the VR version.
If you haves the broken menu issue you can just run the registryfix.bat as an admin and this will fix the registry link.
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