
Dec 5, 2021
Does anyone know, whether there is a possibility of inserting blood on male genitalia as well ? thanks to those who can answer


New Member
Jul 19, 2023
I've downloaded the base game and some mods separately... How do I install the mod packs for more clothes etc. There was a description in a previous post but didn't work. I suppose I need to put the files somewhere but tried many places wig no success.
Last edited:


Oct 17, 2017

View attachment 665821
If you have trouble starting the game, start the game once through the launcher (InitSetting.exe), this will check for errors and fix them as well before starting the game.

Some words (ScrewThisNoise):

OK, this pack is, as it were with R2, a rather big bump on both the plugin and clothing mods side of things, quite the update. This is great and all, but makes offering a updater available somewhat tricky, taken that the updater weighs 6GB this time around, so it will be delayed a bit pending testing and troubleshooting if there are problems (aka, not today, I need a breather first), and it will not be offered via the usual BRHost method, instead being offered via GDrive and Torrent.

Also, gone back to splitting off optional stuff like cubemaps and such to a optional archive again due to feedback from R2.

This is the result of quite a few full days and very late evenings of work, so hope you all enjoy it =D

For Chinese users: 请随意上传到中国可用的网盘

This is the readme for the pack, detailing the contents:
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There are two download options, Full for newcomers, Update for people that already have my previous packs (So they don't have to download all of it over again). If you experience ANY problem after using the update pack, please use the full pack before reporting any problems.

The game consists of the main part and optional mods. For the normal game, the main part is enough. (Download, unzip, play.)
Optional mods are intended for more experienced users. Before using the optional mods, you must read the instructions for their use. The use of some optional mods can cause a conflict with the main version.

The torrent contains the full version in one file.
Google contains the full version divided into several parts.
For correct installation, you need to download the full version, unzip and play. For unpacking, it is advisable to use the latest versions of the 7zip archiver (or winrar).

If you chose the download option, where the main game consists of several parts. First you need to download all the parts. Then select all downloaded parts and unzip them (7zip) into a separate folder.
( )
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Google Drive

Update from earlier versions Intended only for those who already have repack R2. #910 Not required when installing the full version of repack R3.
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Google Drive

The links are broken.

Bimbo Barbie

Mar 1, 2023
R.I.P. Illsion. Company will be gone after august. Want to DL this for archive purposes.

Anyone know what the "completed game" is? And why it's half the size of the "Win" download?

Bimbo Barbie

Mar 1, 2023
Illusion always produces controversial titles and this one is not an exception I suppose...Sexually violent fantasies are not my cup of tea but I'll give this game a shot just to see how the animations and all the other stuff is handled. Big thanks to all the uploaders,compilers, modders...etc for this release.
Lol. Moral highground *with a twist*. The fact is, you try to make it seem very genuine, which is very suspicious indeed.

rape meme.png

I like rapy games. See. Wasn't that hard. Now I'm claiming the moral highground. Honesty.
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Mod Learner

Dec 1, 2019
R.I.P. Illsion. Company will be gone after august. Want to DL this for archive purposes.

Anyone know what the "completed game" is? And why it's half the size of the "Win" download?
And for the question what is different between those version in the OP:
1-Win (8.17G): Flashbang repack (English, uncensored, include mod)
2-Completed Game (4.22G): Unknow, lazy to check because excess Mega free account limit. And it's only 4.22GB so I think it isn't worth to check.
3-Playhome All-In-One Re-Pack torrent (7.12G): Original full game (no mod, Japanese, censored)
(The torrent in OP is outdate too, here is new version of this repack: )
4-Playhome Full torrent (5.40G): Original iso+Translation (no mod, you need manual install update and translation)

So there is no reason to get those torrent, except if you want the original game, then try the All-In-One Re-Pack, you just need extract and play. Pros is original game can run fastest, you can also add uncensor and translation later, cons is it doesn't have mod.
Flashbang repack have translation and uncensor, it also have fewer mod so it can run faster, however, there is rumor said his repack doesn't safe to use because it have trojan or something. Use it as your risk.
So far, Screwthisnoise repack is the best repack you can get, but because it have many mod so it''ll take longer to load, not good if you have a weak PC. He also compressed the files that help save disc space, but also take longer to load at start.
If you want screwthisnoise repack, get it from this:
Since I never download this "completed game", however the original full game must be at least 5GB as compressed and 18GB after extracted, so I guess the "completed game" is the pack that already deleted 32bit version (the full game included 32bit and 64bit) and possibly have asset files compressed to save disc space.
The mod tool have function to compressed asset files so it size become smaller (maybe half of the original), however every time you open the game it must decompress the files so it'll take longer to load.
Screwthisnoise use this function too so you can notice his repack take longer to load than the original version.

Bimbo Barbie

Mar 1, 2023
Since I never download this "completed game", however the original full game must be at least 5GB as compressed and 18GB after extracted, so I guess the "completed game" is the pack that already deleted 32bit version (the full game included 32bit and 64bit) and possibly have asset files compressed to save disc space.
The mod tool have function to compressed asset files so it size become smaller (maybe half of the original), however every time you open the game it must decompress the files so it'll take longer to load.
Screwthisnoise use this function too so you can notice his repack take longer to load than the original version.
Makes sense. This repack thing (better repack). It's off-site. Know if it's malwarefree etc? Just wondering.

Thanks for the explanations.

Mod Learner

Dec 1, 2019
Don't you think the question is quite unnecessary? If I know it have malware then why I recommend it anyway? I'm even put a warning in my post about the Flashbang's repack.
Screwthisnoise is trusted. Most people use his repack nowadays, he's also member of f95 and he making illusion game repack for years already, he's quite well-known in the illusion's game fan community.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2022
is there a way to make the screen fullscreen or expand the window? its so tiny for some reason and i cant find in configs how to change that
pls help


New Member
Jan 29, 2023
For some reason I have subtitles for Yuko and Akiko but not Ritsuko. Anyone have a clue as to how I could fix this?


Dec 5, 2021
I never try to change the cock color but if I remember correctly in the main story you can't do anything about it. But in studio, the modder already remove the original cock, so you can simply attached a dildo item to the crotch of the male to make it look like a cock, and you can change the dildo color.
Ok, I know I'm a pain in the ass, but is there a tutorial that explains how to do it? , I am a novice

Mod Learner

Dec 1, 2019
Ok, I know I'm a pain in the ass, but is there a tutorial that explains how to do it? , I am a novice
I rarely use studio because it's very complicated and hard to learn.
For your question, just simple do this:
1-Download dildo mod (because the basic dildo in the game can't change color).
2-Open the studio.
3-Click "add" button at upper left window, select male character and add him in the scene.
4-Look for the modded dildo in the item sections (items with white name can't change color, only item with red name can change color). Remember that the modded things not always put in correct category (don't surprise if you found the dildo in food category).
5-Click "animation" button and select the male character to remove his clothes.
6-Select the dildo, if that item can change color then you'll see the color window appear (if not then nothing show up).
7-Move the dildo into correct location.
8-Attached the dildo into the male body (to make it sync with the animation you should attached it into the waist). Because if it doesn't attached then it doesn't move at all when the body moving.
However, I don't remember how to attached an item into the body because I'm not touch the studio for years. I think it need the node constraints addon, I also can't give you the addon, you must find it yourself. Screwthisnoise repack have most of useful addon so maybe it also have the node constraints addon already (I didn't use his repack so I don't know, you should ask him).
Playhome is abandoned by fandom so I don't know what is updated or even if old mods/addons still alive.
For actually tutorials, you can learn some basic from youtube (just search honey select studio tutorial), basically both studio is similar so you can learn from it. However, honey select studio is advanced (developed by it own producer or mods from fandom). If you see some function availed in the tutorial but not availed in your game, then probably it's an addon.
Some mods probably not even exist in Playhome but you can use Honey Select mod instead with the help of HoneyPot addon. Just make sure it's Honey Select 1 mod, not Honey Select 2 mod because they build with different engine.
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Aug 16, 2023
Why do I feel like playhome graphic is more polished than ai shojo/hs or even hs2??
What makes it different?? Since ai shojo and further is sorta the update to playhome I feel like something is missing or replaced from playhome graphic
Again, it's just from the eye of noobs to graphic
But certainly when I saw footage of playhome vs ai shojo further, I think playhome hooked me more

Mod Learner

Dec 1, 2019
Because they're build with different engine. Just like you can see the different of the game was made by unity engine or made by unreal 3 engine.
I don't know exactly what engine they use for each game but I can tell Honey Select 1 use same engine with Playhome, and AI Shoujo use same engine with Honey Select 2, and probably their latest game Room Girl use another different engine (I never play this game so I'm not sure).
So, if you think Playhome's graphic is more polished than AI Shoujo, it's just your feel (you like Playhome's graphic more than AI Shoujo), but it's obvious true if you see Playhome's graphic better then Honey Select 1 because Playhome is update to Honey Select 1.
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