It was deleted... dang...
I posted it because it felt like a cruel joke. Seeing how that was one of the worst natures for it. I played it a while ago as a complete newbie to Pokemon. Having just learned about EV's and IV's. I got pretty far into the game. Then heard about the hard reset and decided to wait, until the new version was posted. Here I am
The Adalass I used there had slightly worse IV's, but it had a modest nature and was shiny too. I hope to recreate the success. Timid is also alright. Having a main poke-waifu(?) that's all like "I'm here to blow, and I'm all out of balls" doesn't feel good man. I'm under no delusions of getting a 31 IV average shiny perfect natured Adalass. I just don't want to have to question its existence and my decisions, as I look at its stats.