RPGM - Pokémon 'H' Version [v0.625 B] [Sintax Error]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    It's pretty clearly spelled out that this is a Pokémon challenge game, If you don't have the competitive knowledge you can grind easy and you get stupidly op mons so it really shouldn't be too hard at any skill level if you want to cheese it. Great to see a good pokemon fan game with good fakemons and well done art, Great work on this one, I hope you can finish the entire game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    My main qualm with the game is the loading times I experienced in Eclipse City. I could not play this on my laptop without experiencing 30 second loading times there and ended up switching over to a desktop. If you know the PC you want to play this on is absolute crap, just know you will become frustrated as you'll experience a freeze or black screen for up to half a minute every time you exit a building back into the city.

    Onto the positives, I would say the game is enjoyable. The difficulty isn't tailored to kids like most pokemon games, it dips into darker mature themes even outside the XXX content, and it actually does make you play pokemon more strategically. It is not a brainless pud pulling game. On that same note, there isn't too much pud pulling content to be had either, but personally the amount of porn content something has never bothered me if the game itself is good.

    The only complaint about the gameplay itself is the mining minigame. It gets boring very fast when you essentially must do a dozen of them back-to-back just so you don't have to trek back there. I wanted to tear my eyes out when I walked into my third cave with them.

  3. 4.00 star(s)


    While not the best H game, its a solid contender in terms of fan made Pokémon games. The art is always on style, and almost perfectly indistinguishable for cannon assets. The custom pokemon are interesting and its clear the authro is a comp player because there are actual stratigies involved in their playstyle rather then hit hard. This does create one of the games downsides though, the challange level is way higher then a normal pokemon game, and icnludes some rather annoying stuff that breaks the game flow. You actually have to plan around meta builds or they can sweep your entire team, the immortal shuckle was really bad. This wouldnt be too bad if the pokemon you are obviously supposed to play with can counter these, but they cant, so you have to find and train a wild one specifically for single battle, then box it.
    Otherwise the writing isnt too bad, and the world is very nice. The H content is a bit lacking however, would be nice if there was more npc's having sex thrown around the world rather then it being utterly vanilla except for maybe 2 moments. Hell, it seems the player is the only one banging pokemon at all.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The first fight after asha was kinda annoying since I didn't wanna use any potions but I got through it I'm not too far into the game but I'm definitely enjoying it. I do like how hard it is so I actually have to think about what I'm using and buying.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Shockingly good game, never played pokemon much growing up as I never had anything other than a wii but the gameplay aspect is actually considered in this which only makes it better. Rare to see a balance and I love games that do have that element of good game/story to make you immersed so you can actually care about the sex scenes too.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    I'll be honest, I first downloaded this cause I was looking for a decent pokemon H game (most are just quick click trash, or unfinished and in dev hell) This feels more like a "Pro-Gamer" pokemon challenge game. The kind you nuzlocke cause you wanna feel badass, with some mature stuff thrown in. I get the feeling that you want it to be that kind of game (maybe just a feeling?? hmmm) but I feel like this isn't cut out to be a porn game.

    Unless I'm missing something, the only pokemon I can interact with is in the grotto (i looked through the menus and stuff, so it's likely not obvious enough if its there), I either missed the running info and was stuck waiting for the shoes to be given, or it never was given to the player outright. I don't know what you could do to adjust the game, should you want to, but as of right now its not a good porn game, is a decent challenge game.

    As a Pokemon game- 4/5 challenging and fun
    As a porn game- 2/5 Frustrating in the wrong ways and sparse for content

    If it was just the game, no porn I would grab it up as a nuzlocke hack, maybe moemon-ify it, but as is I'm going to drop it
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Overly difficult for lackluster payoffs. Nobody is playing porn parodies for the added challenge. The difficulty curve is way to high and forces you to use every crutch available to keep up and still need to grind. The op pokemon you get along the way become irrelevant because the creator specifically gears the enemy teams to counter those pokemon.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    nice, lacks content (around 6 hours to finish while taking my time and exploring almost everything so far, 3 gyms, good amount of side quests and missions) better than a good amount of official games. Storylines with plot relevant choices and good battle/leveling system
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The only thing i dont like about the game is that, ITS SO FKIN GOOD THAT OTHER GAMES LOOK SHITTY NOW, jokes aside, this is a gratefull game the art is incredible and the story also is good, i dont like to read stories of porn games because the 90% of time the story is bad, but in this game i can feed how the connection whith your pokemon and the enviroment is becoming better and better, totally recomended.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has so much potential it has some really great art and writing the gameplay is hard but their are npcs that you can farm for exp. The game features Male human x female human / female Pokemon content. I am very excited to see where this goes.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    love what ur doing here, keep it up. love the unique characters, especially the venom werewolf girl. they are super OP and absolute musts because the game difficulty is much higher than in the regular games. Love all ur doing and can't wait for the next update
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I've never played any of the Pokemon games, but I presume this is pretty close to what a Pokemon game is like with NSFW scenes.
    I've noticed only two flaws that are easily remedied.
    First, I think early-game needs a wider variety of enemy types, but I've mostly been able to get through battles with other trainers through just training and brute force.
    Second, the amount of grinding can definitely get tedious, but I recognize that I might be to blame for this, as I usually want to level up every Pokemon I catch "just in case".
    Overall, the NSFW art is pretty decent and I find that the combat is pretty fun.
    I can't complain too much about it's minor flaws since I've played it for over 20 hours after having it for only several days. Pretty good stuff here. (y)
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Just finished playing this game.
    It is good but lacks on content.

    - Very like original pokemon games style.
    - The idea is somewhat weird, but it is for furry dudes. XD
    - It has an option to play the game in hard or easy mode.
    - Art is somewhat good.

    - The game LACKS on h content.
    - Loading time for certain maps is huge.
    - Storytelling is weak.

    Not to bad, not good enough.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    If you try out the game for a quick jerk then this ain't it. You have to work for your smut. If you've never played a pokemon game then i suggest you find something else because this won't be something for you.

    Now, if you are still interested then your expectations is probably alligned with the dev's ambition. The game is more difficult than your typical pokemon game made for children. Brute-forcing and rushing through doesn't generally pay off. HOWEVER, it really isn't that difficult to the point where you'll be stuck anywhere. Grinding is minimal, few minutes max. That is if know to how to properly battle in pokemon games. I don't understand how people are complaining about difficulty if you bothered to download the game knowing what it is.

    Speaking as of version 0.335A, the story has been ok. Nothing captivating but good enough to keep you interested to keep progression. Although it might hook in when you get more insight of the region and the villainous group in later version. Your rival is a mild uwu girl but not annoying, she's actually pretty funny. It's kind of a rivals-to-lovers sorta relationship going on here. The addition that makes the game feel lively and enjoyable are the occasional side events that happens with your lewd pokemon, rival and npcs. And the fact that those events carries alot of content but is still optional makes it so proper exploration is encouraged. (you probably want a walkthrough or event-checklist when playing). The game also has original pokemon which are not from the games/anime, very interesting!

    For the porn aspects of the game, it's just ok. You not only smash your pokemon which has sexualized/humanized proportions but you smash human girls as well. The art isn't the best but it has a charm to it. Alot of other RPGM on this site share this trait. There is constantly a sexual tension but the graphically nsfw scenes are scarce. Because the nsfw portion of the game is so scarce you'd kinda wish it was something really more of better quality, detail and transition. But it passes and it's still sexy to an extent. I also wish there were more nsfw scenes with humans, maybe occasional voyeurism or exhibitionism which only needs a single frame. Doesn't meanmuch but it adds to the world greatly. For example, some npc's that you battle could have nude or exposed sprites. Maybe allow us to also peep in the bathroom in the peepin tom event?, etc. bunch of missed opportunites.

    Game has no game breaking bugs. Clean interface which is loyal to traditional pokemon games. Just change text speed to fast and screen size to XL (looks good) and you're good to go.

    I'd rate it 5 stars but despite being called "H" version, the hentai just currently isn't quite to my standard, my apologies to the artist. And because so far the game delivers good content and is enjoyable. Is it worth trying out? If you enjoy pokemon games in particular then this is the perfect game for your niche.

    The only complaints i have really is that alot of people are going to save-scum so that their lewd pokemon has the right nature. this is an extremely tedious process but we still do it because the right nature is preferable. Can you do something about it? And i wish there was a heavier emphasis on lewding your starter. She is your starter, the OG, the subject your prof entrusted you with, so storywise i think she needs more lovin', doesn't even need to be lewd, but cute and funny cg's during her earlier evo's are fine. I think it'd make great additions to the early game to help players hold on to interest.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Is a real parody game. I thank Arceus for this creation. It is all you would want from a Pokémon fan game, which happens to have nsfw.

    Only downside comes to personal preference, so if you just want to see the nsfw instead of learning the mechanics of the main line games which inspired this parody, you might want to play something different.

    I just worry for how I will answer the question to how I have improved my knowledge of Pokémon battles so much, if I ever choose to have a trainer battle with my friends in the near future.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Goblin Bastard

    This game is a wonderful experience, such an imaginative and reimaging of the series! It has wonderful depth with it's characters and a well thought out and fleshed out world, the game is a true gem with a great and constant release schedule. As for the complaints about the difficultly, they are not to be trusted as the game just uses the core mechanics of the series to a higher level. Such as status effects, item usage, pokemon abilities and the need for switching that comes with higher level play. This by no means makes the game an insurmountable challenge but more of an adult level competitive experience. Any comparions to dark souls in any game or media should be not used as a negative but as very high praise!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game. Characters like the pokemon and female cast have real in-depth build up which makes them really likeable. Game difficulty is perfectly balanced with challenging battles which provides more engagement with the player instead of mindless 1 button mashing. Art is amazing and enjoyable too.

    Overall, really enjoyed the game. 10/10. Fuck them haters
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Same as everyone else i guess, feels like your using a crutch of get good when someone just wants to play a game. First route is painful alone, played it thinking i can sink an hour or two in. Shits a grind fest and the h scenes don't feel that smooth or like a good enough pay off so big pass for me.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly, pretty solid. Really does feel like an old school Pokemon game, gameplay and story-wise (in a hentai sort of way) and the H-scenes are alright.

    The game is difficult if you don't know what you're doing. A great way to seperate the normies from the elite gamers (*sigh*). The intro did make me lose once, but that was before i found the potions in the PC. Kinda felt like I was rewarded for exploring.

    While I was interested in the H-scenes at first, the story and gameplay might be what's keeping me hooked. And with Pokemon Uranium as an inspiration, this might become a great fan game. (If Nintendo allows it)

    Will definitely be checking on this frequently.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Rating typed in the comments, page 77.

    In short, needlessly grindy doesn't equal hard. I'm not tryin to play for 20 hours of grinding while being told I need a crutch for fights that I am ALREADY UNDERLEVELED FOR.