RPGM - Pokémon 'H' Version [v0.625 B] [Sintax Error]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    As someone who is a pokemon fan, i got curious by the comments saying the game was too hard and decided to give it a try. The game is definitively harder than normal pokemon games, but in a good way. The one i see people complaining about the most is the first fight, but if you explore the map before it there are many itens like potions and leftovers witch can make the fight easier. You can also abuse of evasion raising moves if you want, so not really a problem. I like the new pokemon, the rival's one is a little overdesigned in my opinion(looks like a sencond stage and not a first stage) but i love its backstory of being a failed attempt at creating a mermaid. The pokemon variety is great, the whole bunneary situation is pretty cool, i like that it joins our team after enough petting. I found the button configuration a little weird, but accidently discovered they are customizable if you press f1, maybe that should be written in the options or something. Only found 2 visual bugs, the nurse at the last town becomes invisible while healing and at some points you can see the mc's shadow outside of the map.
    I hope this game gets completed some day, would love to complete it. also, this game is right now a pokemon game first and a H game second, maybe there should be a better balance? But i really like the pokemon part of the game too right now, so maybe not messing with it too much is the right call. Good job mr. developer, will keep an eye in this one. :)
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Version .335A

    I'm editing my review to keep up with the latest update. There has been a lot of content added since the last time I played. The new fakemons look great and feel great to play, each functioning differently from the others. The Viruark focuses on statuses, the Gardevoir on putting the enemies to sleep, and the Tsareena focuses on buffing up your ATK while stalling the opponent with its huge defense stats. The last fakemon is harder to use as IMO the game doesn't yet have many pokemons and fights where playing the long game is a viable strategy ; actually, just hitting hard and fast is often times the easiest way to deal with this game's difficulty, except with the 3rd Gym badge, which personnaly was annoying as I hate stall fights in any RPG, but after a few tries and using Tasreena it was doable I guess.

    Speaking of difficulty, I really have to adress the thing no one seems to have noticed, and that is the difficulty is all over the place. People have complained many times about the game's difficulty, and so the devs have tried to adress that without completely removing what the game was going for. The result is that the game gives you quite a few fakemons that are way over the top in terms of raw power and movesets, and tries to compensate that by giving you very few money and items, and ramping up the bosses quite a lot compared to the trainers you find in the rest of the levels. I'm not gonna complain about the fakemons, as they feel really great to play (and look at), but it all just seems like a quickly ducktaped justification for the harsh boss fights, rather than a conscious game design decision following a well-defined difficulty curve leading up to that moment. Every trainer battle is hard, every boss fight is impossible if you don't go the extra mile and learn about strategies online.

    Again, personally I don't mind that, and I did manage to get through the difficulty (I've survived Pokemon Reborn, I can go through anything), but it only feels rewarding so long as the difficulty curve leads you to that moment. In one moment the game is very punishing if you're not prepared beforehand, and in the next moment the game suddenly decides to give you two new overpowered fakemons, a Volcanion that is very easy to find and capture, 3 Expert belts and a Leftovers. Like... Thanks ? But I wouldn't have needed all that so soon into the game if the difficulty was more evenly spread out throughout the story.

    This results in a wierd overall pacing as well, and is the main reason I lowered my score from 5 to 3. The first half of the game is a slow, painful grind just to get by that one kid by the bridge who plays a competitive stall game. Then the game gets to a comfortable pace up until Eclipse City where the game goes back to sending you brick walls in the face you can't get by without grinding. To accomodate this the devs have added an Audino trainer for fast leveling up, but the result is that my pokemons suddenly became way too overpowered for a while (as I was scared to get stomped out again) and made the boss fight in the woods a joke, until the game suddenly decided to increase the levels of all pokemons from ~20 to ~40-45 in the wild, and 50+ for the trainers, while I was still early 40s.

    And I think the problem is that, the dev wants a hard experience (fair enough), but also knows this is a porn game and most players here are not the most competitive out there, which lead them to give them easy outs for some fights but not all of them, resulting in a mediocre experience for everyone.

    Also, just the speed of the game in general is really slow, and the frequent lags from the levels loading can take 20 to 30 seconds sometimes. I don't why the devs don't simple give us the Bike, as it was only used in the original games to gatekeep the player from certain paths and allowing him to backtrack more easily. Here that's not an issue, so why not giving it to us?

    So overall, I still think this is a good game the devs are invested in, but I think they keep in mind what they want for the game and stick to that, in order to avoid false advertisments which could lure unaware players into leaving bad reviews. If you want to make a hard game, fine, go with it, but don't forget to polish the difficulty curve to allow as many people as possible to enjoy it. It doesn't have to be hard and grindy from the start, leave that to the later levels once your players know what experience you've intended for them.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    So it is not often that a game comes along that makes me want to grind to see what can be done in the game.. Even with this being an early build I played for about 2 hours. It was a lot of fun I wish that the H scenes were a bit easier to see and not covered up with the text box.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. Love the premisse and even though the difficulty curse is kinda messed up, having a slow progression due to the enemies having pokemon so much stronger than you, it ends up beeing pretty fun after the bridge part. Cool sprites on louponny and bonus H interactions with the gym leader. I hope to see more of it all, with new mons and new scenes inthe future.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    fun little start, the battle's whilst hard can be felled with a bit of smarts and quick thinking. the sex scenes are fun if small
    sad we can't lewd the starter yet tho
    (have to add more i guess? kinda sad we don't get like a teasing scene from the rival i guess, she seems the type to quickly flash a tit during the challenge bit where she says if we beat the 8th gym before her)