Just giving you guys a heads up. I am struggling with rendering images for a scene. They keep turning out grainy. I don't know how to fix it. (See Untitled.png) I have tried rendering some of the images with only the characters and some furniture, using the rest of the room as a backdrop. But I am unable to do lightning properly when doing it like this. (See Untitled2.png.)
The scene is a two part conversation in church office, it contains no erotic content. So for now I am leaving it as is, despite knowing it's not good enough. This is to avoid delay of release of next chapter as I have no idea how long it will take me to figure out how to do the scene right. Everything else is rendering as it should. I will probably go back to fix it at some point, but for now I hope you can ignore the sub-par quality of the scene.
Thank you.